The road from Bedlam to Derrybeg goes by a region of the "Rosses," reputed the most woe-begone part of the Gweedore district.
My Galwegian thought this reasonable, because in this region the rent, it appears, is only collected once a year.
On leaving Dungloe we drove directly into a region of reclaimed land, where improvements of various kinds seemed to be going on.
Much of the central plateauregion of the United States is very similar to the Angora region of Turkey.
There was a great deal of question about this importation, and so far as is known it was of no value to American flocks.
If the buck is only allowed to serve the doe once, a grown animal will serve one hundred and fifty does in forty days without permanent injury to himself.
Allowing for the period of gestation, which is about five months, the bucks can run with the does as early or as late as one wishes.
In a few days the region was drained and the enemy exterminated, but their houses remain even unto the present time.
The Mohicans had been pretty thoroughly "pacified" by the Mohawks about the time that Hudson ascended the river, and this region is full of legends of fights and ambuscades.
It was part of the Van Rensselaer grants, this region in time coming to be known as the Lower Manor.
It is but a short distance to Hudson, whose history is so interestingly different from that of the other towns of the region that a few words concerning it may not be out of place, even if the Post Road does pass by on the other side.
Like all this region the place is full of the romance which Irving created, and of stirring incidents of Colonial and Revolutionary days.
Staatsburg or Pawlings Purchase: The earliest owner of this region that I find mentioned in local histories was Henry Pawling, who died in 1695.
Legend relates that long, long ago, even before the mighty Manitou ruled, this region was peopled by a great race as tall as the tall forest trees.
With what scorn must the staid Dutchmen have looked on the hustling Yankees who almost built the greatest city of the region over night.
Its origin in truth dates back in that remote region commonly called the fabulous age, in which vulgar fact becomes mystified and tinted up with delectable fiction.
And think she must; for she found herself in a region of human life so different from any she had hitherto entered, that in no other circumstances would she have been able to recognize even its existence.
What friends might they not make with the mammon of unrighteousness, instead of passing hence into a region where no doors, no arms will be open to them!
He was thus working in the region of supposition, and not of revealed duty; in his own imagination, and not in the will of God.
At the same time the mood was not favourable to receiving any impression from the region of the things that are not seen.
For some reason, in the regionabout the mouth of Klamath river a secondary center of high culture has developed.
We may speak with certainty, therefore, only of the region immediately about Seattle, where the present authors have had a chance to make observations.
As we pass from center to periphery of the cultural region which he discusses, we encounter types of pottery which are more and more primitive.
We soon got into a region very different from any we had as yet met with.
Two or three men can often make their way easily in a region through which a larger party would find it difficult if not impossible to proceed.
We managed to haul him out, covered from head to foot with wet moss; his blue suit turned into one of green, fitted for the woodland region in which he was so anxious to roam.
There was not much chance of our being interfered with by natives, and we also concluded that no dingos were likely to find their way into a region destitute of all other animals.
Once upon a time in the world's history, a mountainous region existed on the spot over which we were sailing, which gradually sank till the ocean flowed over all the highest portions.
We were now, it will be understood, approaching the region inhabited by the black-skinned races.
We were struck by Pullingo's manner; he kept looking about him, not as if the region were strange to him, but as if he were searching for something.
I can see no huts or cottages, or signs of people, though it seems strange that so fertile a region should be uninhabited.
After going some distance to the south, we reached a region which had apparently, at no remote period, been covered by the sea--probably upheaved by some convulsion of nature.
As to the particular region of Asia where it was probably first related, nothing can be said with security.
Both Maltese and Venetian come, it will be observed, from the same general region as all the other members of the group.
Yet since there is no evidence that it has ever been known in India, Western Asia, and perhaps the region inhabited by the Semites, may be considered, at least tentatively, its first home.
This is the only version which makes Jean a prince; and it is curious that the change should occur in a tale from a region not very remote from Calais.
Lotharingian comes from a region farther north than any other, since the Dutch romance is merely a translation from Old French.
The seed was collected in 1934 from the parent tree near Cosseev, in the Carpathian mountain region of southern Poland as then constituted, planted in the nursery of S.
Cut transversely through the alimentary canal in the region of the clitellum and carefully dissect the anterior portion of the canal away from the surrounding organs.
You may note that in some Hydrae there is a swelling or bulging of the ectoderm of the body-wall in the region just below the tentacles.
In trying to become acquainted with the birds of a locality it must be borne in mind that the bird-fauna of any region varies with the season.
Push them temporarily aside and note in the dorsal region under the heart large pinkish spongy sacs, the lungs.
The presence of true legs on all the segments of the hinder region of the body and the lack of the three-region division of the body are the principal external structural characteristics which distinguish myriapods from insects.
As birds have no teeth with which to masticate their food, a special region of the alimentary canal, the gizzard, is provided with strong muscles and a hard and rough inner surface by means of which the food is crushed.
The kidneys in the mouse are situated in the dorsal region next to the backbone.
In the region below the heart are located the reproductive organs.
Some birds live in a certain regionall the year through; these are called residents.
The term fauna is applied to the animals of any region considered collectively.
It is currently believed that the habitat of any animal is the whole of that region for which it is best adapted.
Insert a blowpipe or quill into the glottis just back of the tongue, and inflate the lung, which is a long, thin-walled bag extending from the region of the heart posteriorly for two-thirds of the length of the body.
Cold-region snakes spend the winter in a state of suspended animation; in the tropics, on the contrary, the hottest part of the year is spent by some species in a similar "sleep.
Of the three segments of the thoracic region of the body, the most anterior one is called the prothorax.
Note a yellow fringe-like structure, the digestive gland, which fills most of the regionabout the stomach.
The clay surface held water, and after each downfall the pools would be higher, and the contour of the little region altered.
Hot fomentations over the appendicularregion are valuable.
Hot fomentations applied to the back, over the region of the kidneys, will relieve the pain, and gentle massage in the same locality will be found beneficial.
At the first symptoms of pain in the region of the liver, follow the directions for treatment of that organ, especially the exercises, and drink freely of olive oil.
From the balloon car he would be able to observe the character of the region below him, and set at rest the question whether perpetual ice, open water, or land, occupied the extreme northerly spot of the world's surface.
As explorers penetrated farther into the great ice-bound region they encountered fresh peculiarities.
This prolonged daylight caused him considerable uneasiness, and he hastened away from it farther to the North, and the farther he went the more curious he found the region to be.
The gradual narrowing of the northern sphere, and the activity displayed in that region by the Americans, to whom it especially appealed, led the European geographers to remember the great amount of work yet to be done in the South.
This was the great ice-cap, the frozen covering of the interior of Greenland, the unknown region where no man had yet set foot.
The radical error of Mansel seems to be this,—that his mind works only in the logical region belonging to the understanding, and is ignorant of those higher truths which are beheld by the reason.
When God has touched the heart with his love, it is forever lifted by that divine experience beyond the region of mere law.
The Old Testament, though having in it many harsh and hard features, belonging to the Jewish mind, has strains which rise into a higher region than anything in the Vedas or the Zendavesta.
Just so it is said, “There went out to him Jerusalem and all Judea, and all the region round about Jordan;” which does not imply that no one staid at home.
However, all men must think a little of the region beyond death.
Mazzochi follows the oriental theory, but does not venture to determine from what easternregion the Etruscans emigrated.
Maffei brings them directly from Canaan, and supposes them to have been the race expelled from that region by the Moabites, or children of Lot.
It is the escape, finally, of Mr Kipling's genius into the region where it most freely breathes.
To appreciate his finer quality we must pass with him into the Rukh, or into the country beyond Policeman Day, into the mansion of lost children, or into a region where it is but a step from the Zodiac to fields under the plough.
He was not able to mark the facial expression which now accompanied a curious sound from the region of the Adam's apple.
It was lastingly greasy in the neighborhood of the table, as steadily wet in the region of the sink, and sooty in an ever-widening circle about the stove.
And he proved to himself that he really liked water very much--except, perhaps, in the region of his neck and ears!
She had received what she thought was a call from a distant region up-country, but if she settled far away, what would become of her home for women and girls?
Away in the far interior of the continent great kingdoms were known to exist, but all the vast coastal region was a mystery of rivers, swamps, and forests inhabited by savage negroes and wild beasts.
The burden of the untouched region around her vexed her mind.
In a recent war in Africa in a region with the same climate and the same malarial swamp as Calabar there were hundreds of officers and men offering their services, and a Royal Prince went out.
From time immemorial their race had occupied the equatorial region of the continent, a people without a history, with only a past of confused movement, oppression, and terror.
Here is the challenge to enter that region of unbroken gloom and despair," she mused.
But all combined in a common enmity against other tribes, and the region was enclosed with a fence of terrorism as impenetrable as a ring of steel.
Without mishap we pursued our way into a region where all the points of vantage were held by our enemies; and where armed parties, far too strong for our gainsaying, patrolled the roads or watched them from the hilltops.
Besides, the loyal men of the whole region were with the King's banner.
This inlandregion is specially the region of arms.
On one other occasion, in the region of Bastia, we met with some more women dressed after the same uncomfortable fashion, but failed to discover its meaning.
On one side of us lay the forest through which we had passed; on the other lay a chain of blue inland hills and valleys, and the chestnut region of Bocognano.
That region won to Union and Liberty by the victory you organized must not be allowed to lapse under its ancient masters, the perjured assertors of property in man.
The name of the conqueror becomes a terror, and other nations in this distant region submit voluntarily, without a blow.
Interscapular region green, with no golden orange tinge; cheeks green in the male, bluish in the female.
Slate-colored feathers of the adult plumage are present in the greater wing-coverts and pectoral region of the specimen (No.
Feathers of lores and circumocular region not scale-like; loral bristles present.
Very similar to Phapitreron leucotis but smaller; chin, sides of face, and upper throat much paler; the white line on auricular region replaced by a wider line of pale fulvous from bill to nape.