I know of no walk in the vicinity of Lowell so inviting as that along the margin of the river for nearly a mile from the village of Belvidere.
While thus engaged the village doctor came riding along the highway on his fine, spirited horse, and stopped to talk with my father.
It was a beautiful morning; and never had the sun shone down on a gayer assemblage than that which gathered together at the village church.
The native village rests upon this western face, and, owing to the rough character of the country upon which the stadt lies, this native town has received the name of "The Place among the Rocks.
It grew, as it were, in a single night, from a village of mud-walled houses into one in which every other man owned something of a dug-out.
She then returned, knowing, apparently, that we were boys and a necessary evil of village life.
Sometimes there will be a large village in the pond, and, again, an autumn will pass without a single new house being built.
When the days are longest the village does its whittling on the new bridge in the midst of this twittering bird life, watching the swallows in the sunset skim and flash among the rotting timbers over the golden-flowing tide.
Just as useful as the crop of owls, and beyond all calculation in its sweetening effects upon our village life, is the annual yield of swallows by the piles in the river.
He became the village doctor's assistant and dispenser at seventeen and induced his master to start a drug-store.
Buckland is a larger villagethan Rodden, containing nearly 500 inhabitants.
The coffin was borne through the village to the churchyard by six or eight bearers of the same age and sex as the deceased.
It was indeed a very primitive race; and it is curious to recall the many indications afforded in that obscure village of unmitigated ignorance.
His favourite scheme was to establish a flourishing town upon his property, and he spared no pains or expense in promoting the importance of his village of Laurencekirk.
The boys were quite in earnest, and I told them I would walk up to the village and post some letters to my friends before I braved all these dangers.
Reaching the shore, they landed, and walked up the villagestreet in the twilight, she clinging to our hero's arm as though she would faint away.
The whole village was full of closed blinds: and of all things over him Chopin's Funeral March was played!
Now of all this I had an instance in thevillage the day before yesterday.
And like all thosevillage workmen, they got half their living out of their garden and a field or two.
Under the quiet stars, the village street was perfectly empty.
The village mail-carrier brings it to you directly it arrives, just as though you lived in a city.
Instead of four hundred cook-stoves being heated to the baking-point, with a vast waste of fuel and effort, one big fire in the village boulangerie bakes the bread for all the community.
That's a Dupre," he said in his normal voice, with conviction, all his village lore coming back to him.
Mrs. Hall always began at once to take photographs, methodically noting down the name of the village which had stood there.
She is the village fruit-seller, and when you go to buy your fruit in her little shop, which is nothing more or less than her front parlor transformed, you are sure to find something else appetizing and tempting.
You do not see the cows going out to pasture, or coming back at night through the village streets, because those farmers who have a dairy live on the outskirts of the town, with their big square courtyards adjacent to the fields.
In the center is a big pool of water, constantly renewed, which gushes in clean and eddies out soapy, carrying with it the impurities of the village linen.
The moon shone full on the place where the firstvillage had stood, the one where his married sister had lived, where he and his wife and the children used to come for Sunday dinners once in a while.
Paullinus had been for months slowly faring from village to village, without any fixed plan of journeying, but asking his way from place to place, as the Spirit led him.
From the village green a little track led into the forest, and, a furlong or two inside, ended in an open space thickly overgrown with elders, where stood the gaunt skeleton of a ruined tower staring with bare windows at the wayfarer.
OUT OF THE SEA It was about ten of the clock on a November morning in the little village of Blea-on-the-Sands.
It was with a great throb of the heart that David came out upon the end of the down, and saw the village beneath him.
To seaward there were wide sands, when the tide was out; when it was in, it came up nearly to the end of the village street.
At last he came to the village which he sought, which lay with its grey church and low stone houses by a bridge, in a deep valley.
THE SNAKE, THE LEPER, AND THE GREY FROST In the heart of the Forest of Seale lay the little village of Birnewood Fratrum, like a lark's nest in a meadow of tall grass.
Half way between Callander and Stirling is the village of Doune, and a little further on we crossed a bridge over a pleasant river, the Teith.
The village and brook very pretty, shut out from mountains and lake; it reminded me of Somersetshire.
We returned, by the same road, to the village of Weem, where we had left our car.
The village of Chamouny is on the opposite (the north-western) side of the vale; in this part considerably widened.
Passing through the small village of Engelbole, at the foot of that green eminence, we ascended to the churchyard, where was a numerous assemblage (you must not forget it was Sunday) keeping festival.
Following the curves of the shore came to a grey-white village, and landed upon the rocky bank (there is no road or pathway along this margin of the lake; and every villagehas its own boats).
Landed at Sanwick, the man took the boat home, and we pursued our journey towards the village along a beautiful summer path, at first through a copse by the lake-side, then through green fields.
We were glad when we reached Taynuilt, a village of huts, with a chapel and one stone house, which was the inn.
Before the storm began, all the lights had been extinguished except one opposite to us, and another at an inn behind, where were turbulent noises of merriment, with singing and haranguing, in the style of our village politicians.
One in Edgartown, Martha's Vineyard, gave a name (Nunnepoag) to an Indian village near it.
All the children of the little village loved Katrinka, for she always had a cooky or a dainty in her apron pocket to give them, or she would pat them on their curly heads and smile cheerily at them through her glasses.
So the people in the little village called Matilda "Matilda Grouch" and they called Katrinka "Katrinka Sunshine".
There is good reason, in the case of a public man, for avoidance of notice in the matter, and that is one of the advantages of having the hospital located in the tiny village of Milford.
Winds are indeed common, but the village is safely out of the track of the Kansas cyclones, and the storm cellar is unknown.
Their engaging surliness of demeanor with regard to the miracles being performed in their village was a fascinating study to a city man, who saw here at its best the typical small-town attitude towards the big local thing.
The depot at Milford is about a mile from the village itself.
Nobody knows, even to this day, exactly who she was, except that she was a poor orphan girl who had been brought up by a village clergyman; but it is generally believed that her father was a Livonian peasant.
In the little Italian village of Possagno there lived a jolly stone-cutter named Pisano.
I have seen a Danish harvest-home on a Sunday afternoon in the pretty village of Altona; watching its merry mummers as they passed by the old church-yard wall, where Klopstock lies buried.
It was fresh and sharp from the chisel of the sculptor, and looked so stately and graceful in the midst of the level landscape and simple village scenery that we halted spontaneously to examine it.
The day was waning as we made a half circuit round the edge of the lake, and the deepening night only stayed our steps and drove us to rest, after a march of twenty-four miles, in the village of Seebruck.
We halted to rest in thevillage of Bischowitz, where the few straggling houses, and the dreary, almost tenantless hostelry, told their own sorrows.
Soon, a neat village was before us, and we came to the resolution that we would dismount there at all hazards.
The mine we are about to inspect, which bears the general title of Himmelsfurst—Prince of Heaven—is situated near to the village of Brand.
We pursued our way by Hohenmauth, and having missed somehow the larger village of Chradim, lodged for the night in a lonely hamlet.
Continuing upon our way we found our lame companion smoking a pipe comfortably outside the village inn at Warnow.
Here it is that the Danish state lotteries are drawn, and we might moralise upon that subject, but that we prefer to press onwards to the real village of Altona.
The mason from the departments lives cheaply, and saves, to go home with money to his family, and acquire in his own village the property of land.
We marched some twenty-five miles that day, and as the even darkened, entered the village of Goldentraum—Golden dream—happy name!
In the centre of the village green is a grove of noble elms under whose grateful shade, on the day of my visit to Newfane, I saw a quartette of gray-headed attorneys, playing quoits with horse-shoes.
The present town of Newfane clusters about a village square, that would have delighted the heart of Oliver Goldsmith.
His fort and villagewere found prepared for a stubborn defence.
He was further informed that the cavalry and horse-artillery which he had left at Aushar would leave that village at nine A.
Massy pierced the ridge at the villageof Aushar, and disposed his troops on the roads crossing the Chardeh valley.
Another road was constructed from Behmaroo village to the Siah Sung heights and yet another from the south-eastern gateway direct to the Balla Hissar, on both of which there were bridges across the Cabul river.
The carbines of the cavalrymen were promptly utilised from the cover the village afforded; but they could not have availed to stay the Afghan rush.
Ayoub Khan had made his camp near the village of Mazra, behind the curtain formed by the spur described, and about a mile higher up in the valley than the point at which the spur is crossed by the road over the Babawali Kotul.
He penetrated to within a short distance of the village of Pir Paimal, where it was ascertained that the enemy were strongly entrenched, and where several guns were unmasked.
There was an Afghan force still in arms at Istalif, a beautiful village of the inveterately hostile Kohistanees; a division marched to attack it, carried the place by assault, burnt part of it, and severely smote the garrison.
Cavalry patrols failed to find the enemy until the 21st, when a detachment was encountered in the village of Sangbur on the northern road about midway between the Helmund and Khushk-i-Nakhud.
The gun opened fire on the village with grape, and after a short resistance the greater part of its garrison quitted it.
Cobbe's leading regiment near the village of Turrai found its advance blocked by precipices, and a withdrawal was ordered, the advantage having been attained of forcing the enemy to disclose the position which he was holding.
This brought my face to Silvermills; the path came past the village with a crook, but all plainly visible; and, Highland or Lowland, there was nobody stirring.
I stop beyond the village of Dean, on the north side of the water, with Mrs. Drummond-Ogilvy of Allardyce, who is my near friend and will be glad to thank you.
The first encounter between Zumalacarregui and the Christinos took place on the 29th of December, near the village of Asarta.
The man whom in the street you judged, by his surly look, to be a village schoolmaster, is here a prophet.
Two hours later he entered at full trot the village of Huarte Araquil, five leagues from Pampeluna.
They were fortunate enough to meet with him that same day at the village of Piedramillera.
In order to obtain information as to the whereabout of the mortars with which the enemy had been shelling Elizondo, he decimated the male inhabitants of Lecaros, and then burnt the villageitself to the ground.
This was followed by numerous similar acts of cruelty, which at last were cause that Villareal, by order of Zumalacarregui, shot more than a hundred prisoners who had been taken a short time previously at a village near Vittoria.
Amongst others, a Captain Bayona, who had received two desperate wounds, and was at the point of death, was dragged from his bed and shot on the public square of the village of Lacunza.
They were mounted by the men whose duty it was to go from one village to another during the night, collecting rations.
It was evidently the act of an individual; but nevertheless the unlucky village of Luyando, being the nearest to the scene of the event, was immediately set on fire.
The village will be garlanded and flagged, the bells ring-ing, and all your tenants and retainers out to meet you.
A mill-owning Rawdon might do a deal of good in the sleepy old village of Monk-Rawdon.
They went to the village and inspected cottages, and gave lessons in housekeeping or dressmaking or some other drudgery till noon.
There's some talk about them, I can tell you, and the village milliner is pestered to copy them.
Such a one is Willoughby, which unites in its church the adjacent village of Sloothby.
In thevillage the Wesleyan Methodists also have a place of worship.
The expedition went up the river to a village called Patowomek, and thence rowed up a little River Quiyough (Acquia Creek?
Willoughby is a considerable village in this shire, situated about three miles and a half southeastward from Alford.
There was a crowd on shore to meet them, and on the two miles' walk to the village parties met, hugged, and wept over them.
I am just returned from a village a mile and a half off, called Tasmate, where one of their religious ceremonies took place this morning.
However, two others came to 'this place,' which was a hut in the village of Wango, which the Bishop had hired for ten days for the rent of a hatchet.
I made him take up his two bread-fruit and carry them away; and I suppose it will be the story all over the village that I have driven him away.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "village" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.