In his mental caliber and his pungent philistinism of expression he reminded me of Hubbard, but in his physical attitude there was nothing of that greasy orator.
For quite two hundred yards they fought their way through pungent vapours, hoping to find an exit and thus mingle with the storming-party as the men withdrew to their ships.
The massive masonry of the Mole trembled like an aspen leaf; the air was laden with pungentvapours that caused Alec to gasp for breath.
He caught its pungentaroma in the damp air of the court.
The hall was pungentwith cigarette smoke, but Paredes had gone.
The wind, which had been fresh and raw across the bare hills, gained no entrance to the cove; and the beach was warm and balmy, the air sweetly pungent with the thicket odors.
A large and very natural family, of pungentor acrid, but not poisonous plants.
Often with the acrid or pungentqualities of Cruciferae (as in capers, the flower-buds of Capparis spinosa).
Name from Nasus tortus, a convulsed nose, alluding to the effect of its pungent qualities.
A slender procumbent herb, with square stems, lanceolatepungent leaves in whorls of 4--6, and small subsessile blue or pinkish flowers surrounded by a gamophyllous involucre.
Root thick, black, very pungent to the taste, used in popular medicine under the name of Black Sampson.
Herbs, with a pungent watery juice and cruciform tetradynamous flowers; fruit a silique or silicle.
Low or prostrate many-stemmed annuals, fasciculately branched, with crowded short flat rigid or pungent leaves, the short sheaths strongly striate.
It burns with a yellow flame, emitting a pungent aromatic smoke, and leaving a light carbonaceous residue, which is employed as the basis of the finest black varnishes.
Pure acetic acid has a very sour taste and pungent smell, burns the skin, and is poisonous.
Long after a crab-jackal had passed, we noted the stinging, bitter taint in the air, and now and then the pungent wake of some big jungle-bug struck us like a tangible barrier.
Then in the obscurity thou shalt hear a rush of wings, thine eyes shall be bitten with pungent smoke.
He instantly went to read to Lord Aberdeen some of the more pungent passages; one or two consultations were held with Newcastle and Goulburn; and all agreed that Graham's words were decisive.
The first intimation of this fact was revealed by the pungent fumes which environed them.
A pungent smell of iodoform came to them up the hatchway.
Here he would indulge in roaring conviviality and fun, and delight his friends with sparkling satire and pungent humour, of which he was a great master, helped by his amusing compound of English, Italian, and German.
But these were only the hours when he was dominated by the fantastic spirit inherent in the pungent paste which he kept in a golden, jewel-studded tube at the feet of the goddess.
The loaded tomato vines, too, with the red fruit hanging out from the wire frames and sending a pungent odour into the surrounding air, appealed to Stella endlessly.
Now that their petals had fallen came the new fragrance, subtler but no less exquisite, of many flowers after May rain, of a spring brook running under pines, and near the house the pungent aroma of lilacs.
As I stepped out of the Grand Central station into Forty-second Street my ears were assaulted by the unaccustomed din, my nose by the pungent odour of city streets, my eyes smarted in a dust whirl.
Oh, how the hoofs hissed; and, oh, the pleasant pungentodour which diffused itself through the dingle, an odour good for an ailing spirit!
Good gracious, the smell was so pungent that it would betray her!
This oil is extremely pungent to the taste, and has the odour of a mixture of turpentine and camphor.
She flitted about, filling the little garden with the rustling sweep of her skirts, and scattering round the pungent odour of wild flowers which clung to her.
Desiree, leading her brother into the pungent vapour, 'I put it all there myself, nobody helped me.
Massive silver, candelabra, mahogany, lace and embroidered damasks, and profusion of Southern flowers, make these dining rooms a pungent memory with those who have had the good fortune to be asked behind the closed shutters.
There is something here of the atmosphere of New Orleans, something of the pungent odor and nerve-soothing softness, but the Charlestonian is reposeful and the Creole is nervous and staccato.
Smart, in return for our Janus-faced critic's treatment, balanced the amount of debtor and creditor with a pungent Dunciad The Hilliad.
A second letter, more abundant with the same pungent qualities, fell on the head of Bentley.
What can be more maliciously pungent than this on Spence?
Sedum acre) with small fleshy leaves having a pungent taste and bearing yellow flowers.
Such simple fooling goes better with the irresponsibility of our fate than the morepungent wit of the moral comedians.
A sweet sickish odor, pungent but not heavy, greeted his nostrils.
He knew that the strong face, brown as Wyoming, expressed a pungent personality back of which was dynamic force.
And, stooping down to examine the marks more closely, he caught a faint whiff of that sweet yet pungent odor that made him instantly straighten up again, fighting a sensation almost of nausea.
He also admitted the bewildering effect of "that extraordinary odor" upon himself, "pungent and acrid like the odor of lions.
How that vehicle did smell of garlic, stale tobacco, and accumulated filth, to which the odor of an ill-trimmed kerosene lamp added its pungent flavor.
Mrs. Charlotte Perkins Gilman's topic was Masculine, Feminine and Human, discussed with her usual keen analysis and illuminated with her pungent epigrams.