Is not your feeling toward animalsmawkish sentimentality?
You love your brother's wife--the mawkish doll of wax!
On the whole, even the mawkish chatelaine was less grievous as a mistress.
She even becomes mawkish over the fortune of a girl who is too poor to be called upon to pay rates and taxes.
And, in another passage, Demosthenes initiates him into the means of obtaining power over the people: Interlard your rhetoric with lumps Of mawkish sweet, and greasy flattery.
In his normal incarnation he is no more capable of initiating an extra-legal affair--at all events, above the mawkish harmlessness of a flirting match with a cigar girl in a cafe-than he is of scaling the battlements of hell.
The craving for escape may be, and usually is, answered by sentimental romance, where every emotion, from patriotism to amorousness, is mawkish and unreal.
Something of the same disagreeable quality is present in the rather mawkish discussion between her two young brothers.
The whole atmosphere of our literature, in William James' phrase, is "mawkish and dishwatery.
What other could have yielded up the mawkish bumptiousness of the Uplift?
Samoylenko has cabbage soup and Marya Konstantinovna has cabbage soup, and only I am obliged to eat this mawkish mess.
It did not even sound mawkishwhen he fell to discoursing of ideals.
Good isinglass is unchangeable in the air, has a leathery aspect, and a mawkish taste nearly insipid; when steeped in cold water it swells, softens, and separates in membranous laminae.
Hempseed oil, resembles the preceding, but has a disagreeable smell, and a mawkish taste.
Of that admired world likewise are the lovers that Matthew Prior creates, who woo neither with stormy passion nor with mawkish whining, but in a courtly manner; lovers who deem an epigram a finer tribute than a sigh.
It was harsh to the palate, the roughest wine of mysticism; but at least it was not the mawkish syrup of the early Cologne painters.
And the third is that there is a great deal of money to be made out of merely silly mawkish books which a genuine censorship would ban with serious, original work.
Naturally she paused to read some of the lines written on those fluttering sheets of paper, and she winced again to think that she could ever have written such mawkish rubbish.
Sometimes she even attempted short stories; but these were so morbid in sentiment, that Anne would have turned sick at such mawkish rubbish, while Hilda would have gone into fits of laughter and made fun of them for months afterwards.
Lady Dora, starting up, and shaking off the incubus overwhelming her; "I beg to disclaim all acquaintance with so missy-ish a creation as mawkish sentiment.
The breath is mawkish or fetid, and expectoration more or less sticky and charged with bacilli; but all these symptoms are at times equivocal, and inoculation alone can attest the true nature of the disease.
Colonel Elliot suspects the interpolator (and well he may, for the verses are mawkishand modern, not earlier than the eighteenth century imitations or remaniements which occur in many ballads traditional in essence).
Playfulness, cheerfulness, versatility, and courtesy should characterize colloquial intercourse with ladies; but the deference due them should never degenerate into mere servile acquiescence, or mawkish sentimentality.
Without mawkish sentimentality, she divines the eternal child that is the basis of every artist, and so she forgives her husband.
She is only a beggar girl, this Hannele, and Hauptmann gives her to us in all her rags and misery, and free from mawkish sentimentality.
Nothing could be more ludicrous than his face; however much he twitched up his eyebrows, his heavy lids would hardly rise, but seemed lying upon his scarcely visible, dim, and mawkish eyes.