Here he found a fair-sized space about a clear and plentiful spring of cold water.
The trapping and fishing were good and there was a plentifulsupply of good water.
Grammars and dictionaries were plentiful because they were needed even at that time for an understanding of a language, already "dead," but still the language of literature.
Fishes were plentiful in the streams, and the sportsman chose to get them with a two-pointed spear.
The inner part, or core, was formed of material plentifulnear the building site.
There was a plentiful supper at four bells, and, though I should now pronounce the flesh of a bonito as dry and tasteless, then it was sweeter to me than I could express.
A plentiful meal after such long abstinence put every one in good spirits, although there was much wishing for the cup that both cheers and inebriates.
Unfortunately, too, each man had brought with him a plentiful supply of rum, which they at once began to share with the port watch, all except Joe, who would have none of it.
A plentiful meal was set before us, but we did not appreciate it much, every dish being saturated with the flavour of garlic.
Until eleven we dozed on the benches, or in whatever corners we could find, when a plentiful breakfast revived us in spite of the garlic.
The townsmen, with joy perceiving this, indulged themselves in a plentifulslaughter of them, as far as fortune permitted.
He seemed to make all the money he needed, occupied the two rooms and plentifulcloset space of his floor in great contentment, and manifested most improper domesticity of taste by inviting friends to tea.
When Madam Weatherstone shook the plentiful dust of Orchardina from her expensive shoes, and returned to adorn the more classic groves of Philadelphia, Mrs. Thaddler assumed to hold undisputed sway as a social leader.
He was soon packed up in soft grass, with a plentiful supply of worms to feast upon by the way.
This emergency store Marcel knew would be consumed by February, however plentifulthe caribou proved to be, for the Crees seldom possess the thrift to save against the possible spring famine.
These lotteries are a means of ruin and demoralization in every Italian town, the lottery offices, where the winning numbers are displayed, being only less plentiful than the cafés.
Geese, duck, and other wild fowl are plentiful in the spring, and as fire-arms are not prohibited, game at this season is a welcome addition to a generally naked larder.
Books and European newspapers were plentiful in all the houses we visited in Markha, and the Skoptsi with whom I conversed were men of considerable intelligence, well up in the questions of the day.
Moose were scarce in some parts where they are generally plentiful and appeared in large numbers at points where they are not usually seen; this is accounted for by the wolves moving them about.
Beaver are plentiful in one or two districts, particularly along Clearwater valley and the rivers tributary to the Clearwater from the north.
As to the long reach of lakes above Chesterfield inlet he says:—“Fish are plentiful in all the lakes.
In his report Superintendent Sanders writes:—“The fur catch during the past season has improved; lynx were plentiful in the far north; they have been very scarce for some years and are now reappearing with the rabbits.
The balsam poplar, or as it is called here, cottonwood, is veryplentiful and very large, trees nearly four feet in diameter being often seen, though between two or three feet is the average diameter of the trees.
Moose were plentiful on the north side, and there were considerable fur tracks on the north side of the mountain.
The daughters attend to the rearing of the fowls, and the milking of the cows, and soon have a plentiful supply of eggs and butter.
By a sharp sword they mean bravery, by a sweet tongue they mean soft speeches, and by forty tables they mean giving plentiful suppers to neighbors and to strangers.
The Arabs, who accompanied the traveller, enjoyed much the plentiful meals provided at the convent; for the monks bought sheep from the shepherds around, to feed their guests.
Rockefeller, two weeks ago, taught his Bible class all about veracity, and why it was better that everybody should always keep a plentiful supply on hand.
Long may he live to reap the plentiful harvest of hearty, honest human affection!
Men of his integrity were not overplentiful in England after the Restoration, and the King liked and trusted this brusque, stalwart sailor from New England.
No more fantastic than this are the legends of which the British Isles yield a plentiful harvest.
In three days, soplentiful was the supply, Micholitz had gathered as many as he thought judicious, and heaped them on deck.
The treasure wasplentiful enough to cause 'a glut' forthwith if many speculators engaged.
Game was so plentiful in the surrounding forests that Iroquois hunters were always abroad in the regions of the St. Lawrence and Ottawa.
Contrariwise, these kingdoms are so delicious and under so temperate a climate, plentiful of all things, and the earth brings forth its fruit twice a year, that the people live long and lusty and wise in their way.
Work was, indeed, so plentiful that Watt was opposed to further orders for rotatives being taken, as the drawings for them occupied so much time, and they brought in but small profit.
The herring gull is very plentiful on this coast, wherever sand flats and shallow water offer attractive feeding grounds.
As is the case with human beings, this vigorous conflict with its surroundings does it good; for no place in the South that I have been have I found the live oaks as plentiful or as vigorous as on this strip of barren sand.
In order to procure a plentiful supply of game the Tinneh Indians of North-West America perform a magical ceremony which they call "the young man bounding or tied.
As soon as the nine furrows are drawn, the crowd of spectators rushes in and scrambles for the seed which has just been sown, believing that, mixed with the seed-rice, it will ensure a plentiful crop.
Give us rain in due season, and a plentiful harvest.
M220) Thus we see that people swing in order to procure a plentiful supply of fish and game as well as good crops.
It is true that it was a plentiful allowance, and that a feebler intelligence must have been made drunk by it.
The plentiful soft grass yielded under their feet, crackling.
They had that musical facility which is easily satisfied, that mediocre perfection which, is so plentiful in the race which is said to be the most musical in the world.
Because with the Lord there is mercy: and with Him plentiful redemption.
For with the Lord there is mercy: and with Him plentiful redemption.
So, Rufus took in a plentiful breakfast to his friend Toner, who sat up in the big bed to enjoy it.
Grapes were none too plentiful at the manor house, and Sylvia snatched the bunch angrily from the pedestal.
The diners who chose their wine in the latter fashion always gave their orders in a penetrating voice, with a plentiful garnishing of stage directions.
The room was all gilt and marble and plentiful electric light.
I have hid myself from them and watched them years ago, when they were more plentiful and hatched their young at many places around our lakes and rivers here.
Then the game was very much more plentiful than it is now in the forests.
Every practising lawyer of insight also knows that a wronged woman's reasons are plentiful as blackberries, and must always be taken with large pinches of the Syracuse product.
This seems to evince a strong prejudice toward Scotland, and several Scots, with their usual plentiful lack of wit, have so solemnly written it down.
We were told that in some of the creeks the precious metal was so plentiful that men had picked up piles in a few hours--that there was plenty for every one who could but reach the Klondyke!
All was quiet, except the murmur of water running over the stones, the buzz of mosquitos, and the twitter of the humming-birds, who were darting amongst the flowers which were plentiful along the margin of the stream.