Such compositions, however replete with fiery sentiments, and allusions to freedom and independence, are certain to be tainted with affectation.
The story is one of decided literary merit, and unexceptionable moral tone; and is replete with life lessons drawn from life scenes.
It is replete with incidents, its characters are natural and distinctly shown, and the interest of the narrative is well sustained.
She was tall and commanding in figure, a little inclined toward portliness, but every motion was replete with graceful dignity and high-bred repose.
Her bearing, though full of scorn, was replete with grace and dignity, while the voluminous train of the rich dress made her slender form seem even taller and more regal than it really was.
A book so small as this, concerning a character every phase of whose career was replete with thrilling incident, would doubtless not have won the approbation of Dr.
The author has written a book not alone full of information, but replete with the true romance of the American mine.
The history of Donald McNaughton's life would be repletewith worldly wisdom.
A rare stock of tales has Matty—stories replete with enchanted castles, green dragons, witches, ghosts, and the hero is nearly always a clever Gypsy named Jack.
Phiz's" pictorial wrapper for the monthly parts is repletewith detail, around the title in the centre being displayed various figures apparently exemplifying the Seven Ages of Man, with Dame Fortune crowning the whole.
Martin Luther had come out from the table by this time and now trotted along at the Deacon's heels like a replete and contented puppy.
And Mother hurried away through the kitchen, leaving the singer lady and the Doctor sitting at the table under the fragrant vine, with the replete Martin Luther nodding his sleepy head down into his plate between them.
Replete with a five-course luncheon, their fagged and grimy occupants sped on to distant towns and dinner.
The waters which rise from springs passing through marl or limestone are replete with calcareous earth, and when thrown over morasses they deposit this earth and incrust or consolidate the morass.
We may venture to take a page from her Lettres d'un Voyageur--a page replete with that peculiar fascination which renders her pen so powerful for good or evil.
Maquet, and only fathered by Dumas; but the assertion is absurd, and is belied by the book itself, replete with that vivid animation which characterises whatever Alexander writes.
On one occasion Daniel Lambert, a gigantic wax-figure, returned from Canada to the United States replete with articles designed for import without entry.
Knowledge dwells In heads replete with thoughts of other men; Wisdom in minds attentive to their own.
Not that the Former of us all in this, Or aught he does, is govern'd by caprice; The supposition is replete with sin, And bears the brand of blasphemy burnt in.
Knowledge and wisdom, far from being one, Have ofttimes no connexion--knowledge dwells In heads replete with thoughts of other men; Wisdom in minds attentive to their own.
All these visitors, nevertheless, recognize that the English nobility and gentry and those in authority are "replete with benevolence and good order," and as courteous and affable as the people are uncivil.
Never was there, indeed, a system so replete with wickedness and cruelty.
The conquest of the mountains, of the Mississippi, of the treeless plains, of the desert, and of the rocky barriers in the farthest West is a story replete with tragic episodes, and it is destined to become the dominating tradition of America.
More than a year went by before I began drawing in the radial thread that held me suspended from the North Star under the Southern Cross,--a year replete with lone wanderings and searching reflections.
On a rude shelf, near the woodpile, I found a gummy kerosene lamp, replete with ill-smelling oil.
Still, Patronage remains a remarkable book, replete with sound sense, acute observation and rapid graphic illustrations of character.
Mercy's Travels and his account of Speckbacher in the Milan Revista Buropea, 1838, are replete with falsehood.
His position on the celebrated Weissenburg line was, owing to the non-assistance of the Prussians, replete with danger, and he consequently endeavored to supply his want of strength by striking his opponents with terror.
Both were surpassed by Lichtenberg, the little hump-backed philosopher of Göttingen, whose compositions are replete with grace.
This bulletin was alsoreplete with falsehood and insolence.
The work is therefore replete with personal recollections.
Johnson on the occasion, replete with wit and humor, but which it was feared the Doctor might think treated the subject with too much levity.
His serious pieces are replete with vigor, and exhibit none of the softness of his gallant effusions.
A flowery discourse is more replete with agreeable than with strong thoughts, with images more sparkling than sublime, and terms more curious than forcible.