In the Midst of his Discourse the Bell rung to Dinner, where the Gentleman I have been speaking of had the Pleasure of seeing the huge Jack, he had caught, served up for the first Dish in a most sumptuous Manner.
Elizabeth, and of his son Sampson, who with his wife Margaret, Lady Dacre in her own right, reposes under a sumptuous canopy of alabaster surrounded by kneeling effigies of their children.
It was no comfortable or luxurious trip that the overland passenger had, with all the sumptuous equipment of the new route.
The autumn was unusually fine, and the colours sumptuous beyond description.
Look at the world--life's most sumptuous stage--and look at life!
Is there anything more scandalous than this sumptuous attire with which you jaunt it about the town?
They placed him in the midst of them, and with much pomp and stateliness they conducted him into another room, where there was a sumptuous table laid with but four covers.
The self-applauding bird, the peacock see:-- Mark what a sumptuous pharisee is he!
The composition of the menus for these sumptuous feasts was always a subject of anxious care and forethought on the part of those who were entrusted with this important duty.
It was she alone who planned their entertainments, and it was to her that persons applied for a place on the list of guests bidden to these sumptuous and exclusive reunions.
The expression of melancholy on Herminie's charming face deepened as she crossed the threshold, and, passing the porter without speaking, as any member of the household might have done, entered the magnificent hall of this sumptuous abode.
On Sunday he rode to Mass with the Emperor, and dined with Charles and Margaret, "praising the delicate and sumptuous manner" in which he was entertained.
The Emperor treated him with fatherly affection, and the Queen and the Duchess of Lorraine honoured the sumptuous banquets, in which he displayed his usual prodigality, careless of the debts with which he was already loaded.
She on her part entertained the King of the Romans and all the knights who rode in the jousts at a sumptuous banquet and ball, which ended in the Prince presenting rings to all the ladies and receiving a kiss from each in turn.
Two days afterwards he went to Hampton Court, and "gave orders for new and sumptuous buildings" at this riverside palace.
A sumptuous feast was then spread, and the company invited to seat themselves at the table by pairs, male and female, commencing with the eldest.
In the Vestry of this Church, which is very rich, are most sumptuous Altar-Ornaments and Copes.
This Prince gave a sumptuous Ball at the Hotel de Soissons, in the Apartment where Dumont the Envoy of Holstein liv'd.
The little street led first past the fine old Salviati Palace, a vast, massive structure built apparently to provide a sumptuous piano nobile and a great impressive court.
Rarely have I seen so sumptuous a feast as that to which we did sit down in the castle hall, with our sharp winter-morning appetites.
Needs not to say that we sang our best in the choir at that Te Deum, or that the feast which was ready by the hour of noon was sumptuousand mirthful.
It was erected on the site of the sumptuous temple dedicated to Huitzilopochtli, the war god and the patron deity of the Aztecs, whose altars reeked with the blood of human hecatombs in every city of the empire.
Nancy extended a sort of camp-table and upon it placed the drinking vessels; and Roland perceived that these lawless persons lived in a very sumptuous manner.
It would never do to allow yonder well-tilled acres, that sumptuous dwelling, all those flocks of sheep, and herds of sleek cattle to pass into the hands of any other girl.
Yet the weary traveller’s patience must have been amply rewarded, for Sudeley Castle in those days was one of the most splendid houses in England--a gem of Gothic architecture, furnished in the most sumptuous style.
Here the Greys lived in great state, possibly abandoning their other residence in Whitehall for the larger and more sumptuous residence.
Many of the most sumptuous edifices, which had mocked the hand of time, and had been respected amidst the ravages of foreign or domestic warfare, were then swept from the face of the earth.
These monuments are placed on opposite sides of the Lady-Chapel; the former as conspicuous for its many sumptuous ornaments, as the latter for its chaste simplicity.
The Great House is a most sumptuous mansion, evidently of the age of Francis I.
The southern building, erected exclusively for the sittings of the exchequer, is far more sumptuous in its decorations, both without and within.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "sumptuous" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.