Not those of the bevy of buxom lasses, with theirluxurious display of red and white; but the ample charms of a genuine Dutch country tea-table, in the sumptuous time of autumn.
The pedagogue's mouth watered as he looked upon this sumptuous promise of luxurious winter fare.
How could he, with his luxurious tastes, bear the squalor and poverty which would be his lot were the firm to fail?
In spite of the poverty of the apartment Kate had never been more glad to enter her luxurious chamber at home.
There were many luxurious houses of Christian natives destroyed in 1860, and few of these have been built.
Our Consul-General, Mr. Good-enow, kindly introduced me to the Foreign Club and enabled me to break the monotony of the evenings with a few hours in the luxurious house where the association has its home.
A luxurious meadow was found along the river, and the woods were clustered with a species of the native grape.
He now resided in a luxurious mansion in the Avenue du Bois de Boulogne, and no enterprise was launched but he carved himself a princely share in it.
In many cases, too, the wealthy and the cultured rose to spittoons and other evidences of a sumptuous and luxurious taste.
It interrupted the Sabbath stillness, and marred the dreams the luxurious rest and indolence brought.
Perchance some future traveller will find the bath ages hence, and rejoice in its luxurious arrangements.
It was cold and windy last night, so we turned into bed early and lay in luxurious comfort while John read out choice bits, all of which we know by heart, from the works of Mark Twain.
Generous and profuse, like all her tribe--like all persons who win money easily--she was charitable to all and luxurious in herself.
His chivalry was born and bred of the mountains and the open and had nothing in common with the insincere brand which develops in the softer and more luxurious laps of civilization.
She looked very dainty, and when the door opened and they beheld her step into the cab, they felt a rising of envy which could not be entirely removed, even by the sight of the luxurious tea spread out on the dining-room table.
Then when she had fully dressed, she gathered together Lottie's fineries and betook herself to the room which thatluxurious young lady occupied in solitary splendour.
While the lieutenant of Laudonniere was thus held in discourse by the aged Indians, his commander was enjoying himself in more luxurious fashion.
How sweetly sped the weeks, in which, despite his persecutions, he felt that he enjoyed a life of luxurious pleasures, such as few enjoy in any situation.
Makapangindáhay giyud ang kabus sa mga mahalung butang, A poor man can’t help dreaming of luxurious things.
I am merely lost in admiration of a hard-working man, enduring the rigours of toil in the most luxurious club of which I have ever been an honorary member.
Stranleigh made his selection, and rough as the accommodation was, he slept as soundly as ever he had done in his London palace, or his luxurious yacht.
Just then we were called to lunch, a plentiful but not luxurious repast.
There were no springs; but this deficiency was atoned for by the thick cushionment of the rear portion of the vehicle, which allowed us to lie at full length in luxurious ease as we rolled along.
He artfully contrasted a life thus spent with the luxurious existence of the pampered 'rich.
Why, my friend, you outrage the noble precepts of our glorious Revolution by these luxurious pretensions--you insult equality and fraternity together.
The contents of the mango were soon exhausted; the stone and pulp were dropped into the tub of water, and the colonel's hand was extended to the basket for a repetition of his luxurious feast, when Newton was announced.
The ladies appeared quite as much at home in their delightful saloons as in the most luxurious apartments in the city, and few Virginian drawing-rooms could make such a display of Wilton carpets, velvet lounges, and splendid mirrors.
It would do you no more good to take a luxurious trip in a steamer, than to remain quietly in your fashionable lodgings at Baltimore.
Despite the fact that she stood in the midst of the most luxurious vegetation the dissatisfied cow knew that there was better in the field beyond.
Ray Willets' eyes darted across the long room and rested upon the shining black-clad figure of Miss Jevne moving about against the luxurious ivory-and-rose background of the French Room.
Is, or is not, the system wrong that gives one married pair so immense a superfluity of luxurious home, and shuts out a million others from any home whatever?
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "luxurious" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.