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Example sentences for "fruitful"

Lexicographically close words:
fruite; fruited; fruitefull; fruiterer; fruites; fruitfull; fruitfullest; fruitfully; fruitfulness; fruiting
  1. It is observed, that ecclesiastical colleges are always in the most pleasant and fruitful places.

  2. This, by the way, became a fruitful bone of contention during our stay in the South.

  3. Montessori's work--her principle of liberty and her scheme for sense training--will find their completest and most fruitful application.

  4. I see, stretching beyond the reach of living eye, a scene of calm and fruitful prosperity in which our children's children may enjoy their lives, without a thought of fear or apprehension of change.

  5. They come to disembarrass our paradise of us, as they would clear a fragrant and fruitful wood of apes and reptiles.

  6. And God blessed Noah and his sons, and said unto them, Be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth.

  7. And you, be ye fruitful and multiply; bring forth abundantly in the earth, and multiply therein.

  8. Will you find in European history twelve years so fruitful in pledges and perjuries?

  9. Most critical of all are the causes which conduce to agriculture, agriculture at once the most fruitful and the most dangerous expedients for life.

  10. Jerusalem is the center of the earth; the land is fruitful above all others, like another paradise of delights.

  11. Yet we are justified in thinking of this interesting expedition as, for all practical purposes, the beginning of the long and stubborn struggle of Germans to possess the fruitful British isle.

  12. From a purely literary point of view, few studies would prove more curious and fruitful than the study of slang.

  13. The exception to this general character of the scenery is found in the valley of the Meuse, where the fruitful serenity of fertile meadows and pastoral hamlets is varied by bolder, more irregular, and move striking natural features.

  14. Landscapes of greater beauty, joined to the luxuriance of fruitful vine culture, can nowhere be seen.

  15. In thy native land palaces, treasures, beautiful gardens, fruitful fields were thine; at home thou hadst a lovely wife and beloved slaves, and yet thou couldst find it in thy heart to remain away so long.

  16. The fruitful earth became a wretched cripple, whose horrible sufferings were visible in the trees and grasses.

  17. And yet, perhaps, his great career, fruitful in good actions, never furnished a purer or more unselfish example of sound judgment as well as intrepidity and devotion.

  18. But, although these operations cost much waste of blood, the roads opened no new and fruitful sources of industry in these mountain valleys, only frequented by the footsteps of the sportsman, or scanned by the eye of the votaries of pleasure.

  19. He had the richest store of practical knowledge, an imagination fruitful as a sunny clime: faith, hope and courage boundless as immortal love.

  20. One fruitful source of death among them is pulmonary trouble of various types.

  21. It is believed by those who are familiar with these apes that loneliness or solitude is a fruitful cause of death.

  22. Unclouded sunshine overmuch Falls vainly on the barren plain; But fruitful is the touch Of sunshine after rain!

  23. This service should soon be fruitful in results, as the meteorology of the interior of Brazil is almost absolutely unknown.

  24. It marks an era in the development of the continent that promises to be fruitful of rapid advance.

  25. Such soil is most fruitful and the harvest from it will prove full and plenteous.

  26. They do not prevent warfare and strife; on the contrary they are selfish, restricted and fruitful causes of enmity and hatred among mankind.

  27. If the mountains, hills and plains of the material world are left wild and uncultivated under the rule of nature, they will remain an unbroken wilderness; no fruitful tree to be found anywhere upon them.

  28. They educate man, uproot the weeds, burn the thorns and remodel the waste places into gardens and orchards where fruitful trees grow.

  29. The second classification is more fruitful for historical purposes.

  30. He scattered the fragments over the earth, and from them grew fruitful vines.

  31. A flight of northern savages might hover in the wind, and light at once with irresistible violence upon the capital of a fruitful region that was rolling under them.

  32. To survey with equal security the marts of trade, and the fields of battle; mountains infested by barbarians, and fruitful regions gladdened by plenty and lulled by peace!

  33. But it is nothing to the prolific principle upon which the sum was voted: a principle that may be well called, the fruitful mother of an hundred more.

  34. It would carry us out of our way to enter in this place into the cause of these appearances, but certain it is they afford a large and fruitful field of speculation.

  35. However, the fruitful policy of man was not yet exhausted.

  36. Let us therefore calmly, if we can for the fright into which he has put us, appreciate those dreadful and deformed gorgons and hydras, which inhabit the joyless regions of an imagination fruitful in nothing but the production of monsters.

  37. We may imagine that all good powers aid the 'new light,' and brave and wise thoughts about it float aloft in the atmosphere of thought as downy seeds are borne over the fruitful face of the earth.

  38. In the lectures we get an able analysis and comparison, full of fruitful suggestions, and in our author's happiest style.

  39. Yes, Sir," rejoined his wife; "the wilderness is now a fruitful field.

  40. Let but their affections be consecrated to the cause, and their understanding will be sufficiently fruitful in expedients to promote it.

  41. In the fruitful district around Seville the vineyards and olive gardens were in a state of neglect, and fields once fertile became wastes.

  42. Fair, sunny, fruitful Andalusia stretches around for league upon league, under a burning blue sky.

  43. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "fruitful" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    abundant; ample; bountiful; bursting; copious; creation; exuberant; fecund; fertile; flourishing; fruitful; gainful; generous; inventive; lush; luxuriant; plenteous; plentiful; pregnant; productive; profitable; profuse; prolific; rewarding; rich; seminal; successful; superabundant; swarming; teeming; thriving; useful; vivid

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    fruitful field; fruitful source