All this his neighbours saw, and called him a prosperous man; and now and then they speculated together as to the amount of bank-stock to which he might justly lay claim.
A year seems a long time; but it will pass, and when Allister comes home, and we are prosperous again, it will be with you as it would have been if my father had lived.
God is ashamed when the prosperous boast of His special favour.
Fladworth is a prosperous accountant, quite in the front rank of his profession, and for the last three years an indefatigable War-worker.
But a prosperous and educated few are not the people.
He would have found that life was governed by a code of morality and honor widely different from that which is established in peaceful and prosperous societies.
With the successful close of the war, Newark entered on a new and prosperous era, and the population increased very largely.
It is regularly laid out, with broad streets crossing each other at right angles, and its general appearance is prosperous and pleasing.
Her silent and empty streets grew noisy and populous with the rush of business, and Savannah is now one of the most prosperous of our Southern cities.
Many of them are under Catholic control, and all are worthy of a highly civilized and prosperous community.
It means all the difference between good and bad times, between a prosperous country, where all are comfortable and happy, and a country of a few millionaires and many paupers.
She is to-day fully recovered from the effects, and as prosperous as her geographical position will permit.
Its population had increased to nearly 3,000 inhabitants, commerce had been established, and the town was a most peaceful and a prosperous one.
Attention was first called to Reading in the fall of 1748, by the agents of Richard and Thomas Penn, who represented it as "a new town with great natural advantages, and destined to become a prosperous place.
The Franciscans and the Dominicans were there face to face in their vast convents of prosperous aspect.
Certainly the Dominicans still form an influential and prosperous order; but how far one is from the times when their general reigned in Rome, Master of the Holy Palace, with convents and schools, and subjects throughout Europe!
We have been cordially received in this great west by your own pioneers, and have become prosperous and happy.
They formed the nucleus of the large Swedish settlement west of Rush City, now one of the most prosperous in the state.
For no country was ever united or prosperous which did not yield obedience to some one prince or commonwealth, as has been the case with France and Spain.
They'll listen to any slick tongued rascal that roasts those that are more prosperous than they are.
A moment and there appeared in the doorway a man of perhaps forty years who looked like a prosperous contractor who had risen from the ranks.
But when she catched sight of Robert by her side a look of warm relief swep' over her anxious face, as if in her mind's eye she see Dorothy by his help walkin' through the future a prosperous and contented bacheldor maid.
If the factory is prosperous the workman knows that he gets just as much accordin' for the work he puts in as if he owned the hull thing, and it is for his advantage to give good work and help it along all he can.
Coöperative production has been distinctly lessprosperous than coöperative distribution.
For the country which the first Edward rendered prosperous and free, the third Edward and his heroic son won glory in those wars which made Englishmen, for a time, masters of France.
Moreover, his government here has hitherto been singularly prosperous and his health very good, so that there is nothing outward to find fault with, and much to be thankful for.
I am so afraid, after hearing that you were well and prosperous the 8th of September, of finding in the 'Morning Chronicle' of October 12th, that C.
The voices of the praise singers were raised from earth to heaven, and thus they spoke--"O God, may the gardens of these two mighty kingdoms continue prosperous and flourishing to the end of time!
Some of them, indeed, appear to emulate the style and condition of the prosperous English merchant.
The temper of a progressive and prosperous democracy is very different.
At London, Londinium (later Augusta), was a prosperous and wealthy trading-centre.
He loved them both; he was quite happy to have them as companions, and lived very prosperous and contented until the end of his days.
The people who lived there were prosperous and happy.
How full was the big city, yonder, of happy, handsome, prosperous people!
Mrs. Diggs was in ecstasies at theprosperous change.
But she and her husband had talked together about their future, and she had the sense of a great, vital, prosperous change.
The prosperous part of our city has its streets kept cleanly throughout the year, but dread injustice is wreaked upon these that are skirted by abodes of penury and need.
We were now supplied with a rich fund of new and interesting subjects for conversation, we looked forward to a speedy and prosperous passage round Cape Horn, and we were in the very best of spirits.
A most respectable club it was, whose members were in the main comprised of financiers, prosperous merchants, and men of the upper middle classes.
There lies the secret of stable government and a prosperous nation.
But a long succession of prosperous years, immunity from disappointment, loss, and sorrow, lulls the spirit to repose.
We may imagine that while he was prosperous his friends had often spoken with him on this very point.
Himself a prosperous man, devoted to the doctrine that opulence is the proof of religious acceptance and security, he has nothing for Job but the advice to get God to prove him righteous by giving him back his goods.
Clearly Job sees the unsolved enigma of the godless man's prosperous life, states it, and stands trembling.
Good orthodox prosperous man, he thinks himself a prophet, but he is none.
While the friends of Job sat beside him that dreary week of silence, each of them was meditating in his own way the sudden calamities which had brought the prosperous emeer to poverty, the strong man to this extremity of miserable disease.
It is a thought naturally arising in the mind that very prosperous people have all on the side of their virtue, and may be less pure and faithful than they seem.
In this respect he is not perfect; here his prosperous life needs a check.
In the course of his acute and careful discrimination Job allows something to his friends' side of the argument, but all the more emphasises the series of vivid touches by which the prosperous tyrant is represented.
Perhaps Eliphaz, Bildad, and Zophar know something of obsequies paid to a prosperous tyrant, so powerful that they dared not deny him homage even when he lay on his bier.
We may almost say that to him outward success is the only mark of inward grace, and that prosperous hypocrisy would be mistaken by him for the most beautiful piety.
Addressing the well-paid servants of the East India Company in Calcutta, and its prosperous merchants and shopkeepers, the preacher said: 'Do we not blush at the offers of assistance from home .
But never before had the high officials and prosperous residents of Calcutta, who attended the church which had become 'fashionable' since the Marquess Wellesley set the example of regular attendance, heard the evangel preached.
Craig, the Earl of Macartney, Sir George Young, and Sir Francis Dundas, for seven prosperous years, until the Treaty of Amiens restored it to the Batavian Republic in February 1803.
For John full well knew where the secret lay-- Those were the Friendships of a Prosperous Day.