In theory, loaded trucks were picked up at the Farm and hauled to the Ravine or elsewhere, there unloaded, and taken back to be ready for use next day.
At Salonica the Battalion stores had been loaded on flat lighters, which had proceeded to Scala Vromeris in tow of tugs.
That intense feeling of respect for a loaded rifle very soon wore off.
Mules were loaded to their fullest capacity, and many loads slipped off, causing disorganisation on the march.
The mules were “dressed up” and the saddles loadedwith panniers, etc.
If loaded a certain way there is no advantage in one over another.
Many of the foreign target and duelling pistols of recent manufacture are made breech-loading, and loaded in the manner described.
No arms shall be loaded except at the firing-point, the muzzle of piece being kept in the direction of the target till the arm is either discharged or unloaded.
It was fired 12 rounds, loaded without cleaning, and again immersed for ten minutes in the sal-ammoniac solution.
It had been loaded several years, and the lubricant was hard, and in many cases partially detached from the bullet.
These he'd fetch all the way back to Montreal again, the flat bottom boats being loaded down with the bales.
Th' shells are loadedlike a docthor's bag an' have all kinds iv things in thim that won't do a bit iv good to man or beast.
So he went with Vikramaditja, and the merchants loaded him with rich merchandize out of gratitude, for his reward.
And he loaded Ananda the wood-carver with rich rewards, but sent and called unto him Kun-dgah the painter.
Therefore, with my rifle loaded with a bullet (for I had no small shot), I sat down to wait.
In the dim light I could distinguish that her hose were of the finest white silk, that her tiny shoes were Paris made and of patent leather, and that the hand which held the haick around her was loaded with valuable rings.
It was loaded with costly rings, which scintillated in the golden ray of sunset that strayed into the room, and fell across them.
At a word from her father Beryl got down her own pistol, loaded it, and tranquilly pocketed it.
We went inside and quickly loaded a revolver apiece.
From its case beneath his leg he took the sawed-off shotgun loaded with buckshot.
You can't do anything with a man riding peaceable through the hills looking for strays, no matter how loaded to the guards with suspicions you may be.
At the same instant Dingwell's loose arm grew rigid and the loaded end of the quirt dropped on the head of Fox.
Chet Fox hurdled in his flight a burro loadedwith wood.
I notice he loaded us with a heap of instructions not to let you know anything.
It can haul a train of twenty loaded cars up a twelve per cent grade.
When the car is loaded the machine can either move on to the next car, or pull it under itself into place.
His tailor deserved no decoration for this seemed a secondary sort of costume and headgear in a group loaded down with gold braid and valor medals.
Little traveling shops in wagons came through the smaller villages in the northern part of the training area loaded with all sorts of gimcracks intended for the peasant trade.
We had four donkeys with us, loaded with fuel and other matters; also two great boarhounds, which one of the police led.
During the whole of the examination, I got Wentworth to stand guard with his loaded shotgun; and I was very particular that we were never caught there after dusk.
We got nearly everything loaded onto Carlos' little wagon, and Carlos was going to hitch up the donkey, when those voodoo skunks showed up," said Norris.
Julian got out his handsome shot-gun, and a dozen shells Rufe hadloaded with buck-shot.
All, like the Greeks of old, came bearing gifts, and of a more perishable nature than those that loaded pantry and store-room shelves.
We loaded him till he fell out of his chair and laid there snoring.
One man may easily dump the loaded car and bring the body back into position.
Some who have seen this shrine so loaded with ornament, so like some difficult and complicated canticle, have gone away disappointed.
The picture itself, loaded now with jewellery, is apparently a work of the thirteenth century; but it is said to have been miraculously brought hither from Negroponte.
For many persons, who in the day of his authority had loaded him with presents, required them again in his distress, pretending they were but loans and no more.
She burst into tears when she beheld Ali's secretaries, treasurers, and steward loaded with irons.
Enormous spits, loaded with meat, smoked before huge braziers, and wine ran in floods at tables prepared in the palace courts.
But soon, having contrived on some pretext to disarm them, he had them conveyed, loaded with chains, to a Greek convent on an island in the lake, which was converted into a prison.
In presence of his officers and the garrison, he loaded him with the most tender names, calling him his son, his beloved Alexis, his own legitimate child, even as Salik Pacha.
But her tears and pleadings produced no effect on Ali, who ordered her to be taken, loaded with fetters and covered with a piece of sackcloth, to the prison of the seraglio.
Often, when off duty, have I wandered into the woods to enjoy the cool refreshing shade of the cork trees, and breathe the richly perfumed air, loaded with the fragrance of innumerable aromatic plants.
We had two grasshopper guns planted upon the side of the river, by means of which we one night sunk a boat loaded with clothing for the army, setting it on fire with red hot shot.
Everywhere in sight the cornfields lay yellow in the afternoon sun and ox carts heavily loaded with full golden ears were going home to the barns to be ready for husking.
Once we had a cannon mounted an' loaded for 'em that was so large we had to draw the ball into it with a yoke of oxen!
The cars were loaded with commissary stores, a portion of which had been unloaded, on which the rebel advance were regaling themselves when we pounced so unexpectedly down on them.
Loaded with a quarter ton of dynamite, these deadly warships, without anyone to navigate them could be made to hover over a city and threaten its population with total annihilation.
The boat is already loaded as deep as she will swim, and the weight of even one more person would suffice to swamp her!
While in this position, a bomb, loaded with shrapnel and grapeshot, came ripping and tearing through our ranks, wounding General Lucius E.
He loaded and fired the second time, when they were ordered to retreat.
Before setting fire to the town, every soldier in Maney's and Polk's brigades loaded himself down with rations.
The Lord said that he would curse the ground for the disobedience of man, and henceforth it should bring forth thorns and briars; but the very briars that had been cursed were loaded with the abundance of God's goodness.
Both men loadedtheir guns and stepped out to their plates.
Officers with drawn swords meet officers with drawn swords, and man to man meets man to man with bayonets and loaded guns.
Two of them, a little in advance of the others, were standing with their guns in their hands, as cold and as hard frozen as a monument of marble--standing sentinel with loaded guns in their frozen hands!