In all its course from the mouth of the Yakima to the sea, a distance of three hundred miles, the only considerable affluent from the northward is the Cowlitz, which heads in the glaciers of Mount Rainier.
A short distance below the Lower Arrow the Columbia receives the Kootenay River, the largest affluent thus far on its course and said to be navigable for small steamers for a hundred and fifty miles.
We embarked close to the back of the hotel, at the Chenar Bagh, and went gaily enough down the strong current of what we took to be an affluent of the Jhelum.
Kishenganga, A large affluent of the Jhelum which drains the Tilail Valley, passes Gurais, and joins the Jhelum below Muzafferabad.
Her husband had left her in affluent circumstances, and to each of her five children he had bequeathed a sufficient portion to furnish, when they came of age, an outfit for the girls and a beginning for the boys.
Sophia Clements had just arrived in Philadelphia on a visit to her sister, Mrs. Darnel, the widow of a merchant who had left his family in veryaffluent circumstances.
Proceeding eastward, the next important affluent of the Ouse which is met with, is the Cam, the gravels along the valley of which present in various places characters analogous with those near Bedford.
Marden Church, on the edge of the valley of the Teise, an affluent of the Medway.
In the valley of the Misbourne, an affluent of the Colne, an implement was found in 1891 in digging the foundations of the bridge over the Metropolitan Extension Railway, just north of Great Missenden.
Hence, much difference of opinion was entertained at different times with regard to the normal course of this stream, and, consequently, to the question whether it was to be regarded as properly an affluent of the Tiber or of the Arno.
Last month, Citibank opened a retail outlet for affluent individuals in Moscow - though its standards of transparency may yet scare them off, as Gazeta.
Laundered money coupled with reinvested profits - from both legitimate and illicit businesses - drive a lot of the private sector and underlie the emergence of an affluent elite, especially in Moscow and other urban centers.
He seized the idea wholly, and he executed it with affluent power.
Florence was a man of such vigorous and affluent health that the idea of illness and death was never associated with him.
His ideal was right, his grasp of it firm, his execution of it flexible with skill and affluent with intellectual power.
The delicate taste with which he used his materials has only been surpassed, in that beautiful composition, by the affluentgenius with which he vitalised every part of his narrative.
Until the vast resources of the interior were developed the beautiful island on which it stands was a chosen retreat of the affluent planters of the south, from the heats and diseases of their burning climate.
It is not quite as easy for an affluent proprietor to remove as you may imagine, my child," returned Mrs de Lacey.
Gupis the Gilgit receives the Ashkuman affluent from the north.
The principal affluent of the Dordogne in this department is the Isle.
It appears that a caddy refused a tip of sixpence offered him by one of the less affluent members, and the story somehow leaked out.
CHOBE, a large western affluent of the middle Zambezi (q.
Built in a cleft among the hills which line the river Resava, an affluent of the Morava, this monastery is enclosed in a fortress, whose square towers, and curtain without loopholes or battlements, remain largely intact.
It is pleasantly situated on the river Eden, anaffluent of the Medway, in a valley between the Ragstone Hills and the Forest Ridges.
The best known and most affluent Militia organization with the nickname "Tigers" was the Boston Light Infantry, although a number of others also were so-called.
The letters doubtless stand for Washington Light Guard, and, since there were several Militia units of that designation, it seems possible that one of the less affluent units bought the plates and had them engraved locally.
BENUE, a river of West Africa, the largest and most important affluent of the Niger (q.
Hu-nan at Chen-chow on an affluentof the Siang, and thus connects with the Yangtsze.
Below Kindat the only considerable affluent of the Chindwin is the Myit-tha, which receives the Chin hills drainage.
Among the incarcerated were many persons in affluent circumstances, who charitably contributed to support the poorer prisoners, whom their tyrants were willing should perish by starvation.
It was one of many minor luxuries his comparativelyaffluent present circumstances permitted.
The day's journey between the afflicted family and Dog Creek, where we stopped the third night, is such an affluent remembrance of beauty that I feel glad while I write about it.
There was a severe engagement in the afternoon, brought on by the advance of the Second Corps, which pushed across an affluent of the Po, west of the Court-House.
The slope on which we travelled formed one side of a valley, green at its bottom as a New-England meadow, and watered by a picturesque affluent of the Sacramento.
Pourseilles, anaffluent of the Fontaulière or Fontollière.
There is a post-road up the Germanasca and down the Guil, an affluentof the Durance, to Mont Dauphin, passing by Perrero and Abriés.
The other quarries are in the valleys of the Colonnata and of its affluent the Fantiscritti.
Le Puy the train passes the village of Espaly, and by the face of basaltic columns rising from the Borne and its little affluent the Riou-Pézeliou, in whose bed zircons and blue sapphires have been found.
Vigan on the Arre, an affluent of the Hérault, is 860 ft.
Mont Dauphin, up the Rioubel, an affluent of the Guil, is the village of Guillestre, 3116 ft.
Salmon Falls River is the largest southern affluent of the Lewis that has been crossed since leaving Fort Hall.
Cassia Creek is an important western affluent of Raft River, of Cassia County, Idaho.
The stream was probably Touchet River, the largest affluent of the Walla Walla.
The cut-off recommended by Palmer would be by way of Elkhorn Creek and an affluent of La Bonte.
Deer Creek is the largest southern affluent of the Platte, between the Laramie and the Sweetwater.
This was Tygh Creek, a western affluent of Deschutes River, about thirty-five miles above its mouth.
Tukanon River, in Columbia County, Washington, the largest southern affluent of the Lewis west of Lewiston, was known by Lewis and Clark as the Kimooenem.
Marked on the United States land commissioner's map of Oregon (1897) as anaffluent of White River, a branch of the Tygh.
The springs were known as Pacific Springs, running into a creek of that name, affluent of the Big Sandy in Fremont County, Wyoming.
Called by Fremont Swamp Creek, now known as Marsh Creek, a small southern affluent of the Lewis.