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Example sentences for "leisured"

Lexicographically close words:
leise; leishmaniasis; leist; leister; leisure; leisureliness; leisurely; leit; leive; lejos
  1. It is so important to attract the leisured woman who won't go to public meetings for fear of being stuck with a hatpin.

  2. I hope you don't mind my mentioning it, but it is so important to impress the leisured woman--to say nothing of my husband!

  3. The Eloi, according to the hypothesis of the Time Traveller, are the descendants of the leisured classes; the Morlocks of the workers.

  4. With an hour at lunch and a few shattered hours in the evening, how was it possible to catch up with leisured women, who had been reading steadily from childhood?

  5. Both sides could leave out of their counsels the interests of the leisured class, since the leisured class in Elgin consisted almost entirely of persons who were too old to work, and therefore not influential.

  6. But what refuge is there for the poor leisured people but these diversions which you despise?

  7. Because he wasn't, the leisured and the cultured sat in serried ranks at his feet.

  8. It is that of many of the dwellers in the spacious squares and terraces where the rich and the leisured are segregated.

  9. The secretary of the Malthusian League made it clear in his evidence that he had a grievance against the educated and leisured classes in this country.

  10. They are indeed the only leisured class in the country, the only large body of persons who are not called upon to win their daily bread in direct, wage-earning ways.

  11. In opportunities for acquiring a mastery of language the poorest and busiest are at no large disadvantage as compared with the leisured rich.

  12. There thus arises a learned and leisured accumulation which capitally serves the country in case of a new educational need.

  13. From this leisured land a stiff climb brought us on to high ground and into a lighter, more exciting air.

  14. Walking enthusiasts declare that walking is the only way, and certainly the pace that binds the pedestrian permits of leisured observation, almost compels it indeed: therein much virtue lies.

  15. Clowes pursued his leisured catechism while he helped himself daintily to a fragile sandwich.

  16. She lifted the babe on her arm and stood gazing at Lawrence in a leisured and friendly manner, as if she wondered who he were.

  17. I think I shall become one of the intelligent leisured class.

  18. It must be remembered that there was one difficulty in the way--the absence of any noble or leisured class to be entrusted with the greater offices.

  19. You cannot learn in the narrow precincts of a village the knowledge necessary to the management of great affairs; and therefore in affairs of state this want of any noble or leisured class was a very serious loss to the government of Burma.

  20. There is no leisured class, and there are very few girls who have not to help, in one way or another, at the upkeep of the household.

  21. It is not, however, by books and essays alone that the minds and hearts of Catholics of the educated and leisured classes in society can be sufficiently imbued with Catholic principles and the Catholic spirit.

  22. It is not one conspicuous for leisured ease.

  23. If we regard it as an idle accomplishment for the leisured few, its methods will be amateurish and superficial.

  24. A general election was drawing to its desultory close, but the results seemed to excite curiously little interest among the well-dressed, leisured class that filled the promenades.

  25. They knew that it fell on them, and demanded in varying degrees of politeness to be told why some luxury of the pampered, leisured classes had not been chosen instead.

  26. The army, which was recruited mainly from the leisured and official classes, went practically out of existence, so that traders and agriculturists obtained relief from taxation at the expense of their material security.

  27. A leisured class had come into existence, with the result that culture was fostered and civilization advanced.

  28. Discontented and unemployed officials, and many representatives of the despoiled leisured and military classes of Lagash, no doubt sought refuge elsewhere, and fostered the spirit of revolt which ever smouldered in subject states.

  29. As in Egypt, civilization made progress when wealth was accumulated in sufficient abundance to permit of a leisured class devoting time to study and research.

  30. From a mere schoolboy pastime it has steadily developed into an engrossing hobby for the leisured and the busy of all classes and all ranks of life, from the monarch on his throne to the errand boy in the merchant's office.

  31. It only needed, then, such civic conditions as should evolve a leisured class, with a bent towards study, to make possible a growth of lay philosophy.

  32. It is still my hope that the book may help some more leisured student in the construction of a more massive record of the development of rational thought on the side of human life with which it deals.

  33. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "leisured" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.