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Example sentences for "intense"

Lexicographically close words:
intendest; intendeth; intending; intendment; intends; intensely; intenseness; intenser; intensest; intensification
  1. An intense thrill of delight filled my being, and the light grew stronger.

  2. She suffered intense agony and a sleepless night, not expecting herself to survive; was pale and haggard in the morning, and scarcely able to be up.

  3. The first is that of thought transference--the reception on the sensitive brain of Captain Smalley of the intense thoughts of the perishing crew.

  4. There is no pathological phenomena more freely attested than the sudden vitiation of the secretions by intense mental disturbances.

  5. A mother subjected to intense fright, or fear, will have her milk become poisonous to her babe.

  6. Captain Le Mesurier raised his eyes to the heavens with the apoplectic look which comes of an intense desire to swear, and the repressive presence of ladies.

  7. She spoke with an intense conviction of the truth of what she said.

  8. Fielding pointed out with the elaborate calmness of intense exasperation that there could be no finality in a refusal given by Miss Le Mesurier.

  9. His listeners hung upon the words; in the intense silence Fielding could feel the sympathy between speaker and audience flowing to and fro between them like a current.

  10. The strain of that hour of waiting grows so intense that you actually long to see the flash of a scout's rifle, and so be certain they are coming, or to feel the ground shake under you, as they stamp their war-dance half a mile away.

  11. Clarice, in fact, was in that compressed fever-heat of the mushroom passions which takes on the semblance of intense and penetrating calm.

  12. Her voice sank to a new note of intense conviction.

  13. The contestants lined up for another bout, amid the most intense excitement.

  14. It was so intense that at first they were unable to see anything.

  15. The type of man that kept young by his intense interest in big things and the future trend of affairs.

  16. In answer to his sudden tense pressure, the elevator was pulled so hard that the machine all but stalled, then fortunately cleared off and zoomed upward at intense speed.

  17. Intense cold froze him to the marrow, chattered his teeth.

  18. When he learned that Diggle had been captured and would shortly reach Bombay as a prisoner, his jolly face assumed as intense a look of vindictive satisfaction as it was capable of expressing.

  19. Owing to the intense heat the men's task was a difficult and dangerous one, and Desmond had good hope that they would not succeed until the gallivat was too much damaged to be of use for pursuit.

  20. Mosquitoes nipped him until he could scarcely endure the intense irritation.

  21. It was one of the hottest nights of the year; there was but one small opening in the wall, and before long the want of air and the intense heat drove the poor people to fury.

  22. She did not hear and she did not heed what Lipa was saying, she had no idea how the time passed, but only trembled all over--not from dread, but intense curiosity.

  23. Probably, intense searchlight beams could be seen that far.

  24. But the intense color of the ray announced its source, and Ray stopped each before it could be focussed to do damage.

  25. The whispering sound now was intense and excited, as though our strange bearers awaited some momentous happening.

  26. In moments they were close enough to discern its nature, and a horror and awe filled them at sight of it more intense than they had yet felt.

  27. To my intense relief, the monstrous crab lumbered on.

  28. They failed in their object, but, exploding in the vicinity, created intense alarm in the fleet, which kept up for hours a continuous discharge of cannon and small arms at every object in the river.

  29. In vain she searched through her stock of songs and airs--nothing seemed intense enough to suit her.

  30. In the night between Tuesday and Wednesday the patient was calm, but on the morning of Wednesday she had vomitings with intense stomach pains.

  31. As soon as he appeared she threw herself into bed and pretended to be suffering intense pain.

  32. Polly, after a pause of intense thought over a breadth with three darns, two spots, and a burn.

  33. The wrongs and sufferings of Poland were discussed so eloquently that both young ladies were moved to declare the most undying hatred of Russia, Prussia, and Austria, the most intense sympathy for "poor Pologne.

  34. The last word was uttered in a tone of intense regret, and his brown cheek reddened as he added hastily, to hide some embarrassment.

  35. Their gratitude and relief were intense when Helen appeared next morning, with the faithful Hoffman still at his post, though no longer able to disguise the fact that he was suffering from his wound.

  36. They were talking of this as the old lady suspected, and of course the following conversation afforded her intense satisfaction.

  37. A sensation of intense joy rushed over her, and she was about to spring forward, when she remembered that as she could speak no German how could she explain her plight to the stranger, if he understood neither French nor English?

  38. I have tried very hard to do it, but something is wanting; and in spite of my intense desire I never get on.

  39. The cold was so intense that in a few minutes his glossy black coat was covered with a coat of icy mail.

  40. The cold was so intense that I had grave fears that we should freeze to death.

  41. He suffered frequently from violent headaches that caused intense pain.

  42. They have other poisons which, while not immediately causing death to the unfortunate victims, yet so affect and disfigure them that, until death releases them, their sufferings are intense and their appearance frightful.

  43. These thoughts, which came to me while far from home, were promptly followed by action as soon as that terrible trip was ended, in which every part of my face exposed to the intense cold had been frozen, even to my eyebrows and lips.

  44. He came to us at Norway House in the depth of the winter, and suffered much from the intense cold and blizzard storms.

  45. But when I uttered these words, they quickly uncovered their faces, and manifested the most intense interest.

  46. When he returned, so intense was the cold that both of Henry's hands, with which he had been holding on to the ice, were frozen.

  47. With uncovered heads, no matter how intense the cold, my Christian Indians listened reverently, while in their own language I read from the precious volume which they have learned to love so well.

  48. This intense desire on their part filled my heart with thankfulness, and amply compensated for all the sufferings and hardships of the long, cold, dangerous journeys.

  49. Often, in spite of the intense cold, we are in a kind of a clammy perspiration, on account of the many wraps and coverings about us.

  50. But persecutions, and even these bitter assaults upon his character, could not turn him from the most intense activity in his blessed life- work.

  51. To add to their difficulties, bad weather came on, with snow and intense cold.

  52. At last Weissenflueh told us, to our intense joy, that he had reached my son, that he had hold of him, and that we might haul up.

  53. At length Lammer arrived at the Stockje hut, but to his intense disappointment there was nobody there.

  54. Signor Sinigaglia wrote a letter to a friend, from which I am permitted to quote: "I don't try to tell you of my intense pain for Carrel's death.

  55. Perhaps (as I sometimes think even now) an intense desire to accomplish our ambition ripened into a realisation of actual occurrences which really were only efforts of imagination.

  56. Every movement gave me such agony, I was racked with pain, especially in my back and loins--pain so intense as to make me cry out.

  57. This aimless and dastardly crime completed the list of misfortunes of the Austrian house, and aroused intense indignation throughout Europe.

  58. Among the latter was Lord Cloncurry, at one time on the executive of the United Irishmen, with whom Emmet dined the night before he left Paris, and to whom he spoke of his plans with intense enthusiasm and excitement.

  59. His strength lay in his intense conviction of an intimate connexion between sin and punishment and in his power of dramatic presentation.

  60. Between intense delight or deepest sorrow the wall is so thin you can whisper through it and be heard.

  61. But, even yet, Mrs. Trent's consideration for others refused a prior or full hearing of the story to which her faithful helpers had as good a right as she, if not as intense an interest in it.

  62. She had not been afraid of anything which could harm herself, but she had believed the man's own statement that he was dying, and his suffering had been evidently intense at times.

  63. In the front gallery, just above this dark-eyed girl, sat an elderly man who gazed at her with an expression of intense affection.

  64. Gorman did not reply, but gazed at his former friend with a look of intense horror, while his chest heaved and he breathed laboriously.

  65. This condition was aggravated by an intense desire to sleep, for the poor man had been hard worked that day, and stood much in need of repose.

  66. Of course Willie here diverged into a graphic account of the fire in Beverly Square, and, seeing that Ziza listened with intense earnestness, he dilated upon every point, and went with special minuteness into the doings of Frank.

  67. The floating fire-engines had now been at work for some time, and the men in charge of their branches were suffering greatly from the intense heat.

  68. Before her arose the vision of her good-looking lover, the man with the dark, intense eyes--Ralph Ansell.

  69. Remarkable for the dramatic power with which the scenes are drawn and the intense human interest which Mr. Hocking has woven about his characters.

  70. Upon his countenance was a curious, intense look.

  71. He held her in his arms, and again repeated his question in a low, intense voice, the voice of a man filled with the passion of true affection.

  72. As processes of manufacture are improved and new chemical discoveries made, there is good reason to believe that we shall have much more intense colors and hence much better imitations of spectrum colors than are at present possible.

  73. In these standards the most intense expression of each color is chosen i.

  74. A pure or full color, also called a saturated color, is the most intense expression of that color without the admixture of white or black or gray.

  75. The small disk in rotation is then of the same color but not quite so intense as before, or in other words, is a very deep tint of the color.

  76. Suppose we have a piece of rich brown cloth, so intense in color that when red, orange and black are combined in the proportions of R.

  77. The same blue-green after image is now projected on to the light blue-green paper and hence a circle of more intense blue-green is produced.

  78. It is not in human nature to be so extravagantly abused in times of intense excitement, and wholly to hold one's peace.

  79. But his intense egotism prevented him from gathering wisdom from such harsh instruction, which only added gall to his native bitterness.

  80. She never forgot the light that spread over the fair young face--the intense happiness that shone in the blue eyes.

  81. It was a morning in August, when a gray mist hung over the earth, a mist that resulted from the intense heat, and through which trees, flowers, and fountains loomed faintly like shadows.

  82. Her intense scorn for all kinds of polite fiction was somewhat annoying.

  83. She expected to find the girl looking sullen, angry, passionate; but the splendid face was only lighted by a gleam of intense scorn, the dark eyes flashing fire, the ruby lips curling and quivering with disdain.

  84. His voice was steady, but intense with suppressed nervousness.

  85. Joseph Smith seemed no longer to breathe, so intense was his attention.

  86. Whereupon the little imp pushed his fat fist straight into my eye, to his father's intense satisfaction.

  87. The more intense the emission of the polar light, the more vivid are its colors, which, from violet and bluish white, pass through all the intermediate shades of green and purple-red.

  88. To Roden Musgrave he took an intense dislike, which he exhibited in first pointedly wondering at finding a man of his age in that position; an impertinence which its recipient could afford utterly to ignore.

  89. But when they reached Stoffel Van Wyk's farm they found, to Mona's intense relief, that that typical Boer and all his house were away from home.

  90. And the swift glad flash of intense joy in Mona's eyes, and the pressure of her fingers told all that could have been told had their meeting taken place alone.

  91. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "intense" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    abandoned; ablaze; active; acute; afire; aggressive; agog; agonizing; alert; animated; ardent; assiduous; attentive; aware; breathless; bright; brilliant; brisk; burning; careful; close; colorful; committed; comprehensive; concentrated; conscious; consequential; considerable; cordial; cutting; deafening; dedicated; deep; delirious; devoted; devout; diligent; drastic; drunk; dynamic; earnest; emphatic; energetic; enterprising; enthusiastic; excessive; excited; excruciating; exhaustive; exorbitant; exotic; exquisite; extravagant; extreme; exuberant; faithful; febrile; fervent; fervid; feverish; fierce; fiery; finicky; fire; flaming; flushed; forceful; forcible; full; furious; gay; glowing; gorgeous; grand; grave; great; hard; hearty; heated; heavy; heedful; hot; immoderate; impassioned; impetuous; incisive; industrious; intemperate; intense; intensive; intent; intoxicated; irresistible; keen; kinetic; lively; living; loud; loyal; lusty; main; maximum; meticulous; mettlesome; mighty; mindful; mortal; nice; niggling; observant; outrageous; passionate; penetrating; perfervid; piercing; plenary; poignant; powerful; profound; pungent; reeking; regardful; resolute; rich; rigorous; robust; rough; serious; severe; sharp; sincere; smacking; snappy; soulful; spanking; spirited; splitting; steaming; steamy; stiff; strenuous; strong; tense; thundering; torrid; total; tough; towering; trenchant; unconscionable; unrestrained; vehement; venomous; vibrant; vigorous; violent; virulent; vivacious; vivid; warm; watchful; zealous; zestful; zippy

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    intense bombardment; intense cold; intense desire; intense heat; intense relief; intensely bitter