Without waiting for the Prophet's orders, overwrought by the hope of plunder, we rush into the pass, so narrow that we were pressed together, shoulder to shoulder.
Overwrought by excess of fatigue and anxiety, the Prophet lost his senses, and his eyes closed for a second, only to reopen almost immediately.
The strain on his overwrought nerves soon became unendurable to David, and he sank into a chair.
It was the overwrought nerves of her own brain that were responsible for these frantic aberrations.
There is one thing, at any rate, that I can tell you now, and that is that your poor tortured and overwrought Beata put an end to her own life in order that yours might be happy--and that you might be free to live as you pleased.
Even the slaying of Valentine as the direct outcome of his sister's frailty seemed, to the overwroughtimagination of one member of the audience, to bear an uncanny analogy to his mother's death.
It seemed to Power's overwrought imagination as though Rafferty had suddenly assumed the guise and bearing of a supernatural being.
But what were the musings of a weary courtier, or even the misgivings of a baffled diplomatist, to the tide of anxiety and anguish that surged through the overwroughtbrain of Chastelâr, till the poet felt as if he must go mad?
You are overwrought by all you have seen and heard and felt.
It was quite unconscious and an effect of his overwrought and long-controlled nerves.
Had he given way, Albinia would have been strong, but there was no need to support to counteract the force of disappointment and grief, acting upon overwrought spirits, and a fatigued, exhausted frame.
Mamma is bearing up, Papa writes, but she is terribly overwrought .
I had paid no great attention to it before, being too overwrought to notice details, but now I saw, or thought I saw, what he meant.
Evelyn was alreadyoverwrought with the events of the day, and he spoke petulantly.
Poor Madge had been utterly overwrought by this scene, and indeed as the doctor spoke she swayed and staggered where she stood.
When we suffer from overwrought nerves we are easily disturbed by small misgivings.
He had received a warning, familiar to the busy men of our time--the warning from overwrought Nature, which counsels rest after excessive work.
The old man" always had an impressive way of speaking, and darkness and overwrought nerves doubtless magnified this.
She was not injured, as he had at once announced, but it was impossible to say what effect the awful shock might produce upon heroverwrought brain.
In his overwrought singleness of purpose Turner forgot that this man was beyond any force of threat or coercion.
Jerry Henderson, looking with amusement about the overwrought crowd, saw no spirit of skepticism on any untutored face, only a superstitiously deep earnestness everywhere.
Betty, who thought, too late, of the effect it might have on the overwrought nerves of the stranger.
The nervous, overwrought state in which he had been living during the fall and winter told on his health.
To hisoverwrought mind his future in the school looked dark and unattractive.
Strange to say, Toby, usually the last to gather his wits together, was on this occasion the first to give expression to his overwrought feelings.
The affront embodied in the fruit affected a mind much overwrought of late.
But Cardan was beyond all else a man of moods, and it would be unfair to figure as his normal mental condition those periods of overwrought nervousness and the hallucinations they brought with them.
He came to the conclusion that his patient was overwrought with the cares of State, that he ate too freely, that he did not sleep enough, and that he was of a temper somewhat choleric.
My poor darling's brain had told her the significance of the fact as quickly as her nerves received the pain of it, and the two so overwhelmed her that her overwrought nature had its voice in that dreadful scream.