The adherents of each name stated the reasons for their preference, promoting some amusing discussion.
A good instance of the frequency of the entrances of the steamers into the harbours is afforded by an amusing suggestion which was in 1851, made by Captain Hugh Richardson, who had become Harbour Master at Toronto.
The wine and walnuts were on the table, and the gentleman and lady were amusing themselves with letting Anna and Ned try to crack walnuts (the three elder children being by this time at school at Blickley), when Mrs Rowland began her attack.
Will it not be very amusing to see the circulation of stories about Miss Bruce, given `from the best authority,' and to have all manner of news told us about Philip; and to watch how Mrs Rowland will get out of the scrape she is in?
It was only the boy with the post-bags, trotting slowly to Mrs Plumstead's, amusing himself by the way with observations on the unusual animation of Deerbrook.
Mrs Rowland meantime resumed her seat in the drawing-room, where the nursemaid was amusing the baby.
Before the hour fixed for the carriages to be in readiness, the party had given up all pretence of amusing themselves and each other.
It is the most amusing thing I know of; but of course, being a woman, I have not often time for such amusements.
But, certainly, it is very tiresome when our most amusing games end in some mischief that we never dreamed of doing!
In this society, and in this amusing and instructive manner, have I dragged out a weary fortnight, and am condemned to pass another or three weeks as happily as the former.
MY DEAR PIGOT,--Many thanks for your amusing narrative of the last proceedings of my amiable Alecto, who now begins to feel the effects of her folly.
Besides his varied accomplishments, and his admirable goodness and kindness, he has all sorts ofamusing peculiarities.
On opening the envelopes, we found an amusing valentine illustrated by a pen-and-ink sketch, showing the artistic skill of one of the members of the family.
Then let the messengers collect the blanks, and after the hostess has read all the amusing results let a vote be taken for the cleverest message and a prize be awarded to the sender.
After listening to ghostly tales related by white-draped figures, the guests may receive all sorts of amusing souvenirs from a large pumpkin placed on a table at the door.
This will be found no easy matter, unless the guest should be a sailor or a globe-trotter, and many amusing guesses will be recorded.
And Ritter's, too, was very amusing and foreign and discreet; a little rambling room with a number of small tables, with red electric light shades and flowers.
It was interesting to see how different and characteristic his mode of approach was to all sorts of questions that interested her, and it was amusing to discover this other side to the life of a Morningside Park inhabitant.
He seemed to think you a rather amusing child, as of course you are.
If you are merely amusing yourself at her expense--" He stopped.
That sounds more amusingfor him than for you," observed Eustace.
It isn't a very amusing game for anyone concerned.
There is a very amusing letter in Alisplorn’s epistles, describing the sufferings of a poor parasite in a hard winter.
One bright evening, Cyrillia was amusing herself very much by watching the clouds: they were floating high; the moonlight made them brilliant as frost.
It is amusingto observe how a lively and subtle mind can strike out resemblances, and make contraries accord, and at the same time it may show the pinching difficulties through which a parallel is pushed, till it ends in a paradox.
The satires and the comedies of the age have been consulted by the historian of our manners, and the features of the times have been traced from those amusing records of folly.
He has ventured on this amusing prediction, "As it is therefore evident that NEW MEN will never rise again in any age with such advantages of wealth, at least in considerable numbers, their party will gradually decrease.
It is amusing to notice the opinions of some great critics, how from an original mis-statement they have drawn an illegitimate opinion, and how one inherits from the other the error which he propagates.
The arts, as well as the sciences, at the first institution of the Royal Society, were of the most amusing class.
Father Joseph, the secret agent of Cardinal Richelieu, was the inventor of lettres de cachet, disguising that instrument of despotism by the amusing term of a sealed letter.
He pretends to contradict the most popular ones; but he has not always the genius to strike at amusing paradoxes.
Peter Heylin was one of the popular writers of his times, like Fuller and Howell, who, devoting their amusing pens to subjects which deeply interested their own busy age, will not be slighted by the curious.
One of the most amusing of these tricks was perpetrated on William Prynne, the well-known puritanic hater of the stage, by some witty cavalier.
He would swing from branch to branch, and shake the nuts, and the amusing thing was to see him help gather and throw the nuts into the wagon, in the most business-like fashion.
Their march takes them far from home, and the good-natured rivalry of the different patrols furnishes many interesting and amusing situations.
His amusing smile was reassuring, although his words were not.
The first glance at him was one of astonishment; but realizing that he had been testing George's newly made dye, all burst out in laughter at the amusing sight.
It might be amusing to the Professor, if he found we had taken the truck across before we knew whether the yaks could be induced to go over.
The anniversary dinner of the Royal Literary Fund took place on the 12th, and was chiefly distinguished by an amusing speech from Thackeray.
Mr. Skillcorn was rendering a somewhat inefficient help, or, perhaps, amusing himself with seeing how she worked.
There were cries of agony and terror from the German trenches, and young officers of the Guards told the story as an amusing anecdote, with loud laughter.
Did people think it was amusing to be an onlooker of world-tragedy?
To think that he should be classed with the men who are said to have been amusing themselves!
But he said no more, and when he had handed them into the carriage, broke out into an entirely new subject, and was very gay and amusing all the way home.
When a man is hardened to it, when he has had several children and is habituated to the paternal honours, it may be amusing and interesting and all the rest.
I am rather fond of the servants, they are more amusing than other people.
It is amusingafter this to find Paine, in his patent, declaring his special license from "His Most Excellent Majesty King George the Third.
Most amusing companion, but Dance is the better seaman.
In this amusingoccupation the time would have passed unheeded but for Mr. Lambe's increasing dryness.
Johnson, do say, in dat amusing little work of his, de Pronouncing Dictionnaire; and derefore, I vill not say ver moch to de point.
Do you think I find it so amusing to be laughed at?
If one could have set aside one's own interest in the contest, the scene in that long low room of the Polite Letter Writer Commissioners was amusing enough.
While Cinderella was thus amusing her sisters, she heard the clock strike eleven and three-quarters, whereupon she immediately made a courtesy to the company and hasted away as fast as she could.
Then the Beast asked her how she had been amusing herself, and she told him all the rooms she had seen.
A very amusing and agreeable club was got up by a party of young advocates.
The banquet commenced; and it was not a little amusing to see the city authorities maintain their charter by commencing a most formidable attack upon the turtle and the viands which were so profusely spread over the table.
Josephine is living very happily, amusingherself with her gardens and her shrubberies.
The lady who was playing at cards now came and sat beside me, amusing me for a long time with a conversation on--what do you think?
This amusing novel can well be called a comedy of youth, for it depicts the invasion of a well-ordered English bachelor by a good-intentioned humourless Irish girl and twin young men of free and easy disposition.
To forget her misery she was hilariously gay, telling smart little stories, flashing out sharp speeches, amusing the little man immensely.
He was ever full of amusing anecdotes of the sayings and doings of the Queen, Prince Albert, and his pupils.
The work was mostly of an instructive and amusingkind for young people.
Here is an amusing letter from Foster on seeing this new work announced: [Illustration: ~The Hill, Witley.