The grain is malted to change starch into sugar--loss of food principle begins here--then the malted grain is soaked in water to extract the saccharine matter.
If alcoholics increase the amount of saccharine matter in the urine of the diabetic, we can easily understand how their excessive use may induce the disease in individuals predisposed to it.
Moulds may grow on the surface of such saccharine preparations, but the interior remains unaffected and unaltered.
When the glycogen is once formed, we may regard it as an intermediate substance which is changed into sugar, probably by a saccharine fermentation, and then can reach the blood.
Sometimes the saccharine contents reached a remarkable quantity, and yet were not such as could be diagnosed to indicate an unhealthy condition.
But once possessed of this vigour the yeast may be transplanted into a saccharine infusion absolutely purged of air, where it will continue to live at the expense of the oxygen, carbon, and other constituents of the infusion.
Supposing the access of oxygen suddenly cut off, will the living fruit-cells as suddenly die, or will they continue to live as yeast lives, by extracting oxygen from the saccharine juices round them?
In this state it has the consistency of the pulp of a dried fig, and the saccharine matter being concentrated by drying, it somewhat resembles that fruit in taste.
Charged as it is with vegetable juices, rich in saccharine matter and albumen, the seeds of dry rot and decay are carried with it, which no after treatment will serve to eradicate.
When white and crystalline, it is primary limestone, saccharine limestone, or statuary marble.
Another defect is joined to this: bodies are dissolved by reason of their affinity with the dissolving principle; the mucilaginous substance is as soluble in water as the saccharine substance.
The saccharine fermentation converts those elements into sugar, or at least into a saccharine matter; and when this is developed, it yields the eminent principle of fermentation, without which there exists no wine, and consequently no spirit.
This operation converts into a saccharine matter, the elements of that same substance already existing in grains.
The formation of that kind of liquor is founded upon a faculty peculiar to grains, which the learned chymist, Fourcroy, has called saccharine fermentation.
It is incontestable that spirits are produced by the saccharine substance.
It was then held as certain, that the saccharine substance was the principle of spirituous fermentation.
There is no sugar (at cafés there is liquid saccharine and you pass the saccharinebottle from one to another).
The sap continues to flow for six weeks; after which it becomes less abundant, less rich insaccharine matter, and sometimes even incapable of crystallization.
In many of these cases the honey-dew is excreted by Aphides, which suck the juices of the leaves and pour out the saccharine liquid from their bodies.
Hence, too, a partiality for weak sour growths for making vin mousseux, as, although science could give no reason, experience showed that with these the breakage would be less than with those of a saccharine nature.
If, on the other hand, there be an excess of saccharine, the only thing to be done is to defer the final blending and bottling of the wine until the superfluous saccharine matter has been absorbed by fermentation in the cask.
This active fermentation is converted into latent fermentation by transferring the wine to a cooler cellar, as it is essential it should retain a certain proportion of its natural saccharine to insure its future effervescence.
At the time of bottling its saccharine strength is raised to a given degree by the addition of the finest sugar-candy, and henceforward the wine is subjected to precisely the same treatment as is pursued with regard to Champagne.
Science then came forward to prove that such an addition was not contrary to the nature of wine, and that fermentation converted the saccharine particles of the must into alcohol, and increased the vinosity.
The lighter and drier the sparkling wine, the more wholesome it is, the saccharine element in conjunction with alcohol being not only difficult of digestion, but generally detrimental to health.
Blanquette de Limoux is a pale white wine, the saccharine properties of which have become completely transformed into carbonic acid gas and alcohol.
These plants bear a saccharine fruit much prized by the Indians and Mexicans.
In the districts where this plant flourishes, artificial craters are found, into which the Indians throw the fruit, with heated stones, to remove the sharp thorns and reduce it to itssaccharine state.
The saccharine (or sugar) of the malt is converted by fermentation into carbonic acid gas and alcohol.
The Filipinos never give pure water to their horses, but invariably mix it with miel (honey), the saccharine matter of the cana dulce, and I was informed that no horse would drink water unless it was so sweetened.
This latter quality renders it very easy of digestion, and more so than any other of thesaccharine group.
What do we understand by the sugars or saccharine substances?
Many resinous and saccharine matters are coloured by sulphuric acid, but can be got rid of by warming with the acid as described above.
The quantity of sugar passed may vary from a few ounces to two or more pounds per diem, and it is found to be markedly increased after saccharine or starchy food has been taken.
Wax generally transpires through the pores of the skin of those insects that produce it, either partially or generally, and it is secreted from honey or other saccharine substances taken into the stomach.
Unripe fruit is improved by making the cooking quite lengthy, which acts in the place of the ripening process, changing the starchy matter to saccharine elements.
This same change takes place in the saccharine matter of fruits under the proper with conditions of warmth, air, and moisture, and is utilized in the production of wines and fermented liquors.
The saccharinejuice of the tree also affords an excellent drink; and from the fresh young stems is prepared a farinaceous substance similar to sago.
In composition, the peach is notable for the small quantity of saccharine matter it contains in comparison with other fruits.
This saccharine solution must be prepared fresh every day or two and kept in a cool place.
The first is the name given to the change which takes place in the saccharine matter of the dough, which results in the formation of alcohol and carbonic acid gas.
Huber was the first to demonstrate that wax is a natural secretion of the bee, when fed on honey or any saccharine substance.
These experiments are conclusive; and are interesting, not merely as proving that wax is secreted from honey or saccharine substances, but because they show in what a thorough manner the experiments of Huber were conducted.
In early life, the saccharine bump is largely developed, but unlike other organs described by phrenologists, this is within the mouth, and is commonly called the "sweet tooth.
There are several varieties of this root, some of which attain a great size; it abounds in a saccharine milky juice, which stains the flesh touched by it.
The fruit abounds in saccharine juice, from whence its name.
They are unacquainted with any artificial method of expressing from it the saccharine juice, and, consequently, with the first material part of the process by which it is manufactured into sugar.
The quality of the sugar made on Java is considered to be equal to that of Manilla and the West Indies: it contains as much of the saccharine principle as the latter, and is brought to a drier state.