And because today superstition keeps the priceless knowledge of contraception from the vast majority of women, these crude, savage methods still prevail, and we have our million abortions a year in the United States.
Here are palaces of splendor beyond imagining, here are temples with sacred shrines, and treasure-chambers full of gold and priceless jewels.
In this, my Book of the Mind, I say to you that knowledge is your priceless birthright, and that you should repudiate all men and all institutions and all creeds and all formulas which seek to keep this heritage from you.
And among the countless folds he found a cunningly contrived pocket filled with hundreds of the priceless gems.
He sprang up, fearing robbery with violence, which was sufficiently common during the Wakes; but it was only the young girl who had stood behind the cart when he offered to Black Jack his priceless boon.
She longed to recline indolently in a priceless tea-gown on the couch by the fireplace and issue orders.
If only you could have heard the priceless things that were said upstairs!
Once or twice I had seen them at home, the women in white caps and fichus, quiet and composed, sitting peacefully in their old-time parlours simple and bare but filled with priceless Sheraton or Chippendale.
With it, the Pauline Epistles are of priceless historical value; without it, they would remain bafflingly fragmentary and incomplete, often even misleading.
Most of all, that priceless privilege is open to us which is the center and sun of Christian thought and life.
A man without capacity to let himself go out to other men in friendly trust or to welcome new illumination on his thought with grateful faith would be shut out from the priceless treasures of humanity.
The college building was erected and stands today, the finest specimen of purely Greek architecture in America; and the good that Girard College has done and is now doing is the priceless heritage of our entire country.
His purity of purpose stands unimpeached; his steadfast earnestness and sterling honesty are our priceless examples.
The memory of his gentleness, his patience, his firm faith, and his great and loving heart are the priceless heritage of a united land.
One room also contains a very rich collection of gems, priceless relics of the Medici family set in jewels.
If they but knew the priceless treasures they were casting from them, they would turn and repent in sackcloth and ashes.
Gave this answer to the hostess: "All the hosts of Kalevala Are inquiring for the Sampo, Asking for the lid in colors; Hither have these heroes journeyed To divide the priceless treasure.
What a priceless treasure wasted, what white, transparent pearls, such as divers will never find in the jewel-chest of the sea!
I had the secret from a German scientist who was unable to sell his priceless formula in his own country.
The knowledge, unlike that which resulted in the construction of the "Libertad," remained with the inventors, and hitherto threats and promises alike had failed to extort the priceless secret.
They sat silent for a time in the drawing-room with its crude colours and priceless china, while the big fire in the burnished steel grate roared with a jolly sound up the big chimney, and the air was frosty and cold outside.
And then again he saw him in the big, ugly drawing-room at Hulworth, nursing one of his appalling colds, or looking with grave resentment at his priceless collection of vases in the glass cases in the hall.
Rarely, indeed, can any public work that she can do for the world equal the value of that priceless work of building up, stone by stone, the temple of a good man's character which falls to the lot of his mother.
And throughout this most difficult side of my work I had his priceless co-operation and approval; besides the wise counsel, guidance, and unfailing sympathy of one whom but to name is to awake the deepest springs of reverence, Dr.
We have already conferred upon them the great, inestimable, priceless boon of personal liberty.
He said that among the things that I might learn from him, were the priceless secret of compounding the Elixir of Life, the drinking of which, by mortals, would confer perpetual youth and surprising beauty.
Nothing further can be seen to-day,' said Miakus, 'I have already endowed you with priceless gifts.
Through you, or such as you, I have learned priceless secrets.
Let the case of a busy lawyer testify to the priceless value of the love of reading.
The municipal art gallery contains possibly the best provincial collection of paintings in France--an endless array of pictures of priceless value, representing the greatest names of French art.
I think, as I had occasion to say to the British Ambassador afterward, that the restoration of this priceless manuscript did more to cement the bonds of friendship between the people of the two countries than forty Canal Treaties.
They had not been much examined by collectors or dealers, and the men who kept them did not know the value of books that were almost priceless in the eyes of virtuosos.
He discovered the priceless Body of Liberties of 1641, which had remained unprinted from that time, although the source from which our Bill of Rights and constitutional provisions had been so largely drawn.
How could I have won so priceless a treasure as the love of Charles Gale?
There were portieres and window hangings to match and priceless pictures adorned the walls.