And so with many other things in ceremonies and rites, common to all the different faiths--the use of musical sounds, a use which tunes the bodies so that the spiritual power may be able to manifest through them and by them.
The small shop at 17 Boulevard de la Madeleine became the center of the musical movement.
The transposition of the tenor part to the soprano register seems an intolerable musical solecism, and a woman playing a serious and inevitably male character grotesquely absurd.
Again, this same small hall, for many a year, was the judgment seat for the award of prizes for musical composition known as the Prix de Rome.
My little highness is still resting from the fatigues of a musical entertainment given by a Russian lady here in the hotel.
The old gentleman, a musical amateur of the old school whom the countess hoped to convert to the new movement, had withdrawn upon the approach of the young men.
Of course you have been invited to the musical soiree this evening.
Their musical chants were adapted to these sounds, and their hymns depended, for metrical effect, on the marked accents and powerful rhymes which the Latin language affords.
Pray, Sir, did you ever play on anymusical instrument?
He adds:--'The musical scheme was the Carmen Seculare.
I knew how the philosophers had spoken; I repeated their musical phrases about the mortal span--yet never till now believed them.
The notes were indistinct, but they rose, to my ear, with a moment's musical sadness, and of a sudden my heart was stricken with a memory so keen that I knew not whether it was pain or delight.
Handel's works, as they certainly offer to your mature musical genius the highest nourishment, and their study will always be productive of admiration of this great man.
Has the Leipzig musical paper yet retracted its lies about the medal I got from the late King of France?
I would already have sent you my score [for performance at the Aix musical festival], but I have still a concert in prospect, if indeed my health admits of it, and this MS.
I hope also to hear whether the usual musical and intellectual meetings are to continue, and when they are to take place.
My papers, both musical and unmusical, are nearly arranged at last; it was like one of the seven labors of Hercules!
The art of creatingmusical skeletons is carried to the utmost limit, &c.
Footnote 1: This note is addressed to Jenger in Vienna, a chancery official and a musical amateur, connoisseur, factotum, and distinguished pianist.
SIR,-- I shall feel highly honored if you will be so good as to mention in your esteemed journal my nomination as an honorary member of the Royal Swedish Musical Academy.
I every day expect the text for a new oratorio, which I am to write for our Musical Society here, and no doubt it will be of use to us in London also.
You will likewise receive a grand march with chorus, well adapted for a musical performance on a great scale, but I think you will find what I have already sent quite sufficient.
Footnote 1: A musical friend had sent the maestro six bottles of genuine Tokay, expressing his wish that it might tend to restore his strength.
My illustrious musical pupil, himself a competitor for the laurels of fame, must not incur the reproach of onesidedness, et iterum venturus judicare vivos et mortuos.
She turned and gazed at the waterfall, creaming and curling over the rocks, and making such a merry, musical jest of its tumble into the pool.
The fire rose with the chant, throbbing as if it were made of musical flame, until it cast a bright illumination through the whole apartment, revealing its simplicity and splendor.
Around the dwelling of Artaban spread a fair garden, a tangle of flowers and fruit trees, watered by a score of streams descending from the slopes of Mount Orontes, and made musical by innumerable birds.
Little as he fulfilled his duties as a chorus singer in Florence, he was known as one of those musical assistants who stood upon a subordinate step of the ladder of art, in those circles I had risen far above his horizon.
Mueller von Stallupoehnen, who with his ivory baton as yet had conducted none of his own operas, supported the journalist, so void of musical knowledge, in this labour.
His music was full of deep meaning, truly dramatic, besides which every character had its musical brief, and as Shakespeare's kings were ushered in by a flourish of trumpets, so were his heroes by a few bars of instrumental performance.
Gustavus felt even more than I; and I feel all again in my biographical hours more than I did once in my musical ones.
Yesterday, before day, we rose from our beds, I and my musical souffleur.
Medea) have become the occasion of musical masterpieces, the case would be reversed, and that musicalblanks would produce poetical prizes.
Apollo defeated the satyr Marsyas in a trial ofmusical skill, and afterwards flayed him alive; so that he 'lost his skin.
At what period St. Cecilia came to be regarded as the patron saint of music, and accompanied by the musical attributes, I cannot decide.
There were seven planets; and because there were seven planets, it followed that every planet had a corresponding note in themusical scale of seven notes.
And when the Emperor is going to drink, all the musical instruments, of which he has vast store of every kind, begin to play'; i.
Thus when S'ri Rama is bidden by the astrologers to get up an expedition by water for the amusement of his Princess, "dresses of honour were given to the attendants, andmusical instruments of the twelve kinds were got together.
It would appear from Malay romances that the full complement of musical instruments forming part of a royal orchestra was, at all events sometimes, twelve.
The harmonicon is called by Malays chelempong, and the inverted bowls, which give a pleasant and musical sound like the noise of rippling water, gambang.
This latter peculiarity (of the multiplication of notes) is quite in accordance with the traditions of the king's musical instruments in Malay romances.
He dared not raise his eyes, and it was but the hem of her garment that he looked on, while he heard the low musical tones of that enchantress who was destined to subjugate the world.
At a signal that the latter desired to speak, unbroken silence fell on those assembled thousands, and not an accent was lost of that sweet measured voice, clear, full, and musical in the cadence of its every tone.
And each child, from the biggest to the smallest, played on a musical instrument.
And this was simply because the fiddle was the mother of all musical instruments.
Paganini wrote musical scores for the violin, which no violinist has ever been able to play.
He danced, played in the theatricals, raced horses, fought dogs, twanged the harp, and exploited various other musical instruments.
A very well-defined type of London theatrical entertainment is the "musical comedy," a taste for which has spread to America, and is now invading France.
But the charge against musical England is carried further.
If England were such a barbarian of the musical world as some would have us believe, why this eagerness for an English verdict of approval, an eagerness which is to be met with all over Europe, America, and Australia?
Musical comedy" has to be bright, tuneful, inconsequential, and illustrated by charming women in charming costumes.
To record concrete facts, there is a great deal that is of musical interest to be explored in England.
But in dramatic as in musical art it is the fashion to represent England as sunk in a Slough of Despond, whilst other nations march gloriously forward on the upper heights.
While rich patrons yawned below, these young idealists, the musical and dramatic hope of our future, leaned over the railing, up under the roof, trying to grasp the fine shades of expression which mark the finished artist.