They dress handsomely, have abundant leisure to take care of their clothes and turn their wardrobes to the best account, and they very soon acquire skill in doing it equal to that displayed by any women of any country.
We shall be strengthened in the assurance which lies at the very root of a happy and fruitful Christian life, that God has made an abundant provision for our being what He wants us to be.
Oh that we might learn to believe in the certainty of an abundant answer.
In some points they were unlike, for thirteen years had slightly marred the youthful contour of the face she knew--had sharpened the features and thinned the abundant hair; but still there could be no mistake.
A more abundant supply of provisions than they had yet experienced tempted the army to excesses, to which many fell victims.
Here it is that abundant northern capital applied to southern soil and sunshine has made the desert to blossom like the rose.
In the center of the dusty ill-kept plaza of the town, abundant with giant ash and pepper trees, is another memorial to this hero in the form of a bust on a pedestal erected by a loving populace.
The grasses became more abundantand a few shrubs appeared.
But their work, nevertheless, was blest with abundant fruit, both in their own parishes and throughout neighboring districts.
Right among us is God's kingdom With His Spirit and His word, With His grace and love abundant At His font and altar-board.
Dearest Lord, if I may treasure Thy abundant grace each day, I shall cherish Thy good pleasure, Be my portion what it may.
She has a beautiful, matronly face, with abundant hair, smoothly brushed over her forehead.
The stories of underground people are more abundant than any other class of tradition," replied the Pastor.
The water rush was abundant on the banks, growing along the flat banks and out in the water.
Few comprehend, and still fewer care for, the jargon of contrapuntal criticism, whether applied to a singer or an opera; and for those few, abundant food is continually supplied by dilettanti more profound and scientific than ourselves.
I unhesitatingly answer yes, as I have had abundant opportunity of seeing.
The hut was certainly inhabited--of that I saw abundant signs--but where were the people?
At the foot of the mountains, on the other side, we later discovered much better water, and there we camped, our horses revelling in the abundant pasturage.
More capital would be needed than even these new-fledged millionaires could or would furnish, and nowhere was capital so abundant as in London.
In 1853, when the company was floated, money was abundant and cheap; the shares and bonds issued were over-subscribed twenty times, and were quoted at a premium before allotment.
It accompanied the advent of what is known as atomism or the mechanical conception of the universe, a conception much in vogue about half a century ago, but against which there are already abundant evidences of a strong reaction.
The snow was still coming down in a stealthy and abundant fall, but the wind showed some signs of abating.
She wore a dress of black gauze over white; a little scarf of old lace lay on her shoulders; her still abundant hair was rolled back from her high brow and sad eyes.
The Persian divinities disdained sacrifices in the light of food, requiring only the souls of the slaughtered animals, and many a poor man, especially among the priests, subsisted on the flesh of the abundant royal sacrifices.
The food was abundant and good, and, as he ate and drank, he was compelled to tell their story over again.
John was conscious that the blue eyes were piercing into him, but he had abundant courage and resolution and he gave back the look with a firmness and steadiness, equal to the Prussian's own.
I've no doubt it's so," said John with abundant sympathy.
He brought, in consequence, conviction to many minds that there are abundant indications, even if certain proof is lacking, that the causes of variation are to be found in natural processes.
Escott throws abundant humour blended with pungent sarcasm into his work, making his pictures very agreeable reading to all but the victim he has selected, and whose weaknesses he so skilfully lays bare.
They are most abundant in Ecuador, the mountain heights affording a home for more than one hundred species.
It is an abundant species throughout the fur countries, where it frequents the rivers and fresh-water lakes in great numbers.
On that island it is said to be a not very abundant species, arriving there in company with other migratory Ducks.
The materials for such retort are abundant and ready at hand.
There is abundant evidence that "authentic" stories of ghostly appearances were heard with respect.
There is abundant evidence that the people of the eighteenth century were extremely credulous, yet, in literature, there is a tendency to look askance at the supernatural as at something wild and barbaric.
His abundant energy is refreshing after a long sojourn with his garrulous wife and tearful niece.
Perhaps, to be circumstantial and abundant in minute detail and in one word .
We need go back no further than a generation to findabundant examples of eccentricities of style and expression, of crazes over some author or some book, as unaccountable on principles of art as many of the fashions in social life.
And I am not very sure that one has a right to the whole of an abundant crop of fruit until he has gathered it.
I am told that abundantand rank weeds are signs of a rich soil; but I have noticed that a thin, poor soil grows little but weeds.
He suffered detraction enough, but he suffered alsoabundant eulogy both in verse and prose.
That he thoroughly mastered such literature as he fancied there is abundant evidence; that his style was influenced by the purest English models is also apparent.
Her abundant hair, brown with a touch of red in it in some lights, fell over her broad forehead in the fashion of the time.
That night they stayed at a place called "Kynd Woman's Care," where the people offered them abundant victual and craved nothing in return.
Art also keeps pace with luxury, and shows abundant life and promise for the future.
We shall see that it was to close one of the most abundant sources of slavery, and prepare a wide path to universal emancipation.
Those who love to descend into the heart of philosophical questions discover, at first sight, that there must be there an abundant mine of the most precious information for the science of religion, of society, and of man.
In support of this assertion, ideology might have furnished us with abundant proofs, if it were necessary to have recourse to science itself to prove its own sterility.
If we observe closely, we shall find at the bottom of the human heart anabundant source of fanaticism; the history of man affords us many proofs of this incontestable truth.