While a party which had landed were procuring water, they were attacked with the utmost fury by the Indians, who, swarming down in crowds, assailed those still in the boats.
He came out with the intention of checking with a firm hand the turbulence of the military adventurers who were swarming over the country.
A few darts spat in the water beside the fugitives; but at the sight of the approaching galley the Alexandrians gave way, for on her decks were swarming archers and slingers, and her powerful ballistæ were already working havoc.
In a sort of stupor he saw the senators swarming to the right of the building, hastening to cast their votes in favour of Domitius's motion.
The bronze casings on the walls rattled, the pediments and pavements seemed to vibrate; outside, the vast mobswarming around the Curia reëchoed the shout.
Behind them and on every building were swarming the people; right across the eastern avenue, where their escape lay, stood the bristling files of one of Achillas's companies.
And for one week we scrutinized the ponies swarming around the corrals, in an attempt to find two packhorses that would not give out on the trail, or buck their packs off at the start.
There was a notable absence among the hucksters of that coster class which I used to see in London twenty odd years before, or at least an absence of the swarming buttons on jackets and trousers which used to distinguish the coster.
This comprehended the whole district which Francois Borel and Vicente Ferrer foundswarming with heretics.
At the same time he made a similar provision for Navarre, which was likewise said to be swarming with heretics, by commissioning as inquisitors the Franciscan Guardian of Pamplona and the Dominican Pedro de Leodegaria.
Dashing almost alone at the swarming savages, the sight of their daring courage spread consternation among their foes, who broke and fled incontinently.
The East Anglians swarmed over the uplands to the east, and joined hands (not in friendship) with the more powerful Mercians swarming in from the west.
All of them were clothed in white overalls; for the work of the casualty department was of a dirty nature, and these long garments also served as some protection from the swarming parasites that lived upon the bodies of their patients.
By Our Lady, it was no slight thing to venture through the woods, swarmingwith these wild Welshmen.
Tis greatly bigger and stronger than ours, and scarce to be attempted save by a royal army; especially as the whole countryside would be swarming round us, in a few hours after we crossed the border.
Along with these were several small Mother Carey's Chickens, and flights of other winged creatures swarmingover the sea.
Presently we found ourselves within six miles of the land, when a large number of pirogues forthwith came swarming about us, all of a construction similar to the pilot boat, and each manned by four half-naked bronze natives.
It is most extraordinary how certain of these birds (as for instance, the Puffins and Procellariae) are infested by insects, their plumage sometimes swarming with small specimens of Crustaceae.
It was occupied by Confederate batteries andswarming with Confederate troops.
So thought and said theswarming unemployed thousands of New Orleans.
The General was taking the first curve on two wheels, leaving the quiet little station swarming and buzzing like a hornet's nest struck by a stone.
This had been used as a dead-house and was fairly swarming with rats.
A thousand dancing pictures and happy faces are swarming around me; I shall go mad!
He could not see the bright array of uniforms that had assembled before the window, nor that the soldiers were swarming in from all sides.
On her next visit it was swarming with worms or maggots, and the next time she came down they had become men and women.
These wild horsemen, when crossing a river, hesitate not to plunge in, in spite of the alligators which may be swarming on every side.
They make their first appearance as little wingless things, swarming over the ground like ants, when they are called "santones.
Behind him the men were coming, swarming up from below.
Annunciata had to don her most magnificent robes; and surrounded by the Seignory and attended by pages and guards, she and Falieri crossed the Square when it was swarmingwith people.
There is not an hour in San Antonio when the secret agents of the United States and all the governments and near-governments of our southern neighbor are not fairly swarming in the town and alive to their responsibilities.
Mulha went swarming up to it with the agility of a cat, and soon the folds were trailing near the deck.
Then for one second he disappeared, swarmingover the rail, to reappear within a minute.
He was confronted with the alternative of going on a dangerous raid or of returning alone through a region swarming with the fierce bushwhackers of "Tinker Dave" Beattie, who never gave quarter to Confederate soldier or Southern sympathizer.
She clapped the door to again in a great hurry, for the forest was then swarming with gypsies, and she thought it would prove to be one of their dirty brats.
One thinks of congested ways swarming with desperate fighters, of torrents of fugitives and of battles gone out of the control of their generals into unappeasable slaughter.
Nearly all of us want something to hold us together--something to dominate this swarming confusion and save us from the black misery of wounded and exploded pride, of thwarted desire, of futile conclusions.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "swarming" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.