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Example sentences for "extravagant"

Lexicographically close words:
extraterritorial; extravagance; extravagances; extravagancies; extravagancy; extravagantly; extravaganza; extravasated; extravasation; extravasations
  1. Still one other supposition has to be introduced, which will appear, perhaps, more extravagant than any which have preceded.

  2. But Dick's offering to Edith was an extravagant one: it was a Maltese cross set with emeralds.

  3. Eleanor of Castile, and gave her so extravagant a marriage feast as to excite the remonstrances of his nobles.

  4. The children who pretended to have had visions mingled their accounts with most extravagant incoherencies.

  5. They were in an extraordinary flow of spirits, and indulged their unsparing raillery to an extravagant excess.

  6. I might have run on I know not to what excess, for I felt my eloquence kindling and rising to an extravagant height, when I perceived Astraea change color and avert her eyes.

  7. Surrounded by flatterers, and in the enjoyment of almost boundless wealth, as the appetites and passions of youth grew strong, he plunged into the most extravagant excesses of dissipation.

  8. We were not an extravagant family, and saw very little company; but we had every comfort that a reasonable heart could desire, and I fancy that we lived up to the two thousand pounds a year.

  9. It is rather a grand affair, but old, and has evidently belonged to some European of extravagant habits.

  10. It wasn't a very extravagant proceeding," he murmured confidentially.

  11. She had no extravagant tastes, no craving for finery or luxurious living.

  12. The bill at the Boule d'Or is not an extravagant one; for as strangers are not common, the trick of extortion is unknown.

  13. Seville has the first and grandest bull-fights of the season; her majos are the most extravagant in dress, her women the most witty and beautiful, her religious festivals the most expensive and splendid in the world.

  14. Birmingham, which had to pay an extravagant price for its gas plant, nevertheless immediately reduced the price of gas and brought it down from $1.

  15. But it is not extravagant to assert that it imposes upon the majority a bet involving a thing quite as precious as life--I mean health.

  16. Rrisa, livid with fury and baffled hate, flung up wild arms and began screaming the most extravagant insults at the still invisible nomads, whose fire was now beginning again all along their line.

  17. The performance was not, perhaps, masterly; but it is not extravagant praise to call it meritorious.

  18. Extravagant and inflammatory language was used in the pulpits.

  19. And yet, be it observed, that same father is not without censure for contributing to his son's extravagant and riotous living by giving him an allowance of nearly L870 a year.

  20. How much more true and pertinent are Aristotle's words, as he rebukes us for not being amazed at this extravagant waste of money, all to win the favour of the populace.

  21. Further than that, the manner of jesting itself ought not to be extravagant or immoderate, but refined and witty.

  22. We need only to look at the faces of men in a rage or under the influence of some passion or fear or beside themselves with extravagant joy: in every instance their features, voices, motions, attitudes undergo a change.

  23. Twin bedsteads, perfect examples of Empire or Louis Seize, symbolize the romance to which the most extravagant luxury in the world is but a minister.

  24. No Choctaw war-train was ever half so extravagant of colored cloth and feathers.

  25. His figure, too, was tightly driven into a suit of extravagant cloth, and altogether presented the appearance of having quite recently escaped from the hands of James, his tailor.

  26. Tobacco paid imperial and colonial duties approximating to a prohibition; and the consumer of the weed was considered quite an extravagant aristocrat, who either had dealings with smugglers, or was wasting his fortune in the ways of the devil.

  27. Extravagant and incredible as the events must appear to everybody, they are related here just as I heard them and just as they happened.

  28. Some of them had subsisted chiefly by sucking the flowering shrubs and wild berries of the woods; and the whole exhibited a picture of misery, that seemed sufficient to deter others from the like extravagant folly.

  29. From the extravagant price set on his goods by the master, his shop had turned out badly; and it was said that he took many articles to sea, which he must of necessity throw overboard before he reached Canton.

  30. Sometimes a sad smile would come over his features at some of his son's witty sallies or extravagant expressions.

  31. Were you not a little extravagant in your demands?

  32. This I entered, finding traces of the most extravagant luxury within.

  33. The estates of the diet which met at Rákos in 1505 spoke of him in terms of extravagant praise as the king “who had made the Hungarians great and glorious, and had raised their fame to the very stars.

  34. The attending Hungarian magnates deemed it due to their fame and dignity to indulge in the most extravagant luxury.

  35. As soon as his extravagant delight at the prospect of a fight, and the pleasure of communicating the news, had subsided, he gave a pretty accurate idea of Armijo's force and position.

  36. During the council extravagant promises of future good behaviour were made by these chiefs.

  37. Recalling his extravagant project, he said: "Youth is a continuous intoxication; it is the fever of Reason.

  38. We made a thousand different plans, all equally extravagant and impracticable.

  39. Under the influence of such an atmosphere all my thoughts assumed disordered and extravagant forms.

  40. But there's other folk that is wise in their youth, to be foolish and extravagant at an age when they ought to know better.

  41. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "extravagant" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    abandoned; absurd; abundant; acute; affluent; aggrandized; ambitious; ample; amplified; aplenty; awful; baroque; bibulous; big; bigoted; bizarre; blatant; bombastic; bottomless; boundless; bountiful; brassy; brazen; camp; colorful; copious; crazy; crude; cutthroat; cutting; diffuse; disproportionate; dizzy; drastic; effuse; effusive; egregious; elaborate; elegant; enormous; epidemic; exacting; exaggerated; excessive; exorbitant; expensive; extortionate; extravagant; extreme; extremist; exuberant; fabulous; fanatical; fanciful; fancy; fantastic; fantastical; farcical; fast; fat; fecund; fertile; fierce; fine; flagrant; flamboyant; flaming; flaring; flaunting; florid; flush; foolish; formless; full; fulsome; galore; garish; gassy; gaudy; generous; gigantic; glaring; glorious; gluttonous; gorgeous; gouge; grand; grandiloquent; grandiose; great; grotesque; gushing; haggard; heroic; high; immoderate; imposing; impressive; improvident; incontinent; incredible; indulgent; inexhaustible; inflated; inflationary; inordinate; intemperate; intense; irrational; keen; large; laughable; lavish; liberal; loose; loud; ludicrous; lurid; lush; luxuriant; luxurious; mad; maggoty; magnificent; magnified; majestic; many; maximal; meretricious; monstrous; much; noble; nonsensical; notional; numerous; obtrusive; opulent; outlandish; outrageous; outre; overdone; overdrawn; overestimated; overflowing; overgrown; overmuch; overstated; overweening; overwrought; overzealous; palatial; perfervid; piercing; plentiful; plenty; plush; preposterous; pretentious; prevailing; prevalent; princely; prodigal; productive; profligate; profuse; prohibitive; prolific; proud; rabid; rampant; redundant; repetitive; replete; rhetorical; rich; ridiculous; rife; rigorous; riotous; rococo; romantic; rough; screaming; sensational; severe; shameless; sharp; spendthrift; spiraling; splendid; splendiferous; splitting; stately; steep; stiff; stretched; sumptuous; superabundant; superb; superfine; superlative; supernatural; swank; swanky; swell; swinish; swollen; tall; tawdry; teeming; theatrical; tough; touted; towering; unbridled; unconscionable; unconstrained; uncontrolled; undisciplined; undue; unlimited; unmeasured; unreasonable; unrestrained; unwarranted; usurious; vehement; venomous; violent; virulent; vulgar; wasteful; wealthy; weird; whimsical; wholesale; wild