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Example sentences for "appealing"

Lexicographically close words:
appeached; appeal; appealable; appeale; appealed; appealingly; appeals; appear; appearance; appearances
  1. But meanwhile it is increasingly difficult for him to believe that he is appealing to the same process of reasoning in his hearers as that by which he reaches his own conclusions.

  2. In a time of fanatical convictions and intolerant opinions, they were coldly neutral, appealing with impotent pride to the traditions and precedents of the past.

  3. He insisted on reverently bowing to the Supreme Court as the authoritative expounder of the Constitution, rather than appealing from it to a tumultuous town meeting where constitutional questions arose.

  4. He delivered himself by appealing to the Areopagus, and proving that he had never been initiated.

  5. The same sad voice filled the room with its wailing echo, and as he listened again to its appealing pathos, he strode idly towards the little étagère and took up his little volume from which he had seen her read.

  6. The skipper was silent for a few moments, before turning his face slowly to meet the appealing look in the boy's eyes.

  7. Only by appealing to the crude sense of drama the girl had in her could she be prevented from stupidly throwing out bait to fortune-hunters.

  8. He had been in the habit of appealing periodically to her for help, and she had seldom failed to respond to the appeal, although she believed that all the money she gave him went for gambling debt or drink; but lately Oliver had interfered.

  9. As Mrs. Camber extended her hand with a sort of appealing timidity, it appeared to me that she felt herself to be intruding.

  10. The pupils of her eyes dilated, as she fixed an appealing glance upon the Inspector.

  11. The contour of her face certainly formed a delightful oval, and there was a wistful look in her eyes which was half appealing and half impish.

  12. So spoke Lodewyk, the hunter, standing between, and at all times appealing by gesture to Brennard and Lyle.

  13. The credulity of youth can only be cured by the experience of age: the prejudices of age can only be eradicated by appealing to the feelings and facts of youth.

  14. Arnold and Allen had each aimed to secure the command of such an expedition, the one by appealing to the Continental Congress, the other by representations to that of New York.

  15. Haldimand, appealing to his humanity for pecuniary help, as the rebels had taken everything from her but her debts.

  16. Footnote 194: This case illustrates the growing habit of appealing to the Chancellor's equitable jurisdiction, a characteristic feature of fifteenth century administrative and legal history.

  17. There was no panic, but the passengers, who had scrambled on deck at the first warning, looked at each other in an appealing way that was, if anything, more terrible than demonstrative fear.

  18. And then, instantly changing his language to Spanish, he added, appealing to his wife, that had they guessed she was on board, they would have come to meet her.

  19. Erasmus would not have called Copernicus "an old fool," or have answered him by appealing to Joshua.

  20. When the Christian talks about the safe side he is only displaying the weakness of his faith, and appealing to timidity when he has no further appeal to reason.

  21. Her tragic love affair had indeed transformed her from the appealing girl of yesterday to the recklessly unhappy woman of to-day, forced on to the path of cruelty and vice by unlooked-for circumstances.

  22. Occasionally some fresh young thing would appear at Court--appealing and innocent.

  23. History writes that this ingenuous remark so unmanned him that his eyes filled with tears, and he dashed from the room, closing the door after him in order that her appealing eyes might not cause him to deflect from his purpose.

  24. The Doge, Leonardo Donato, issued a proclamation to the clergy of all degrees within the domain, appealing to their loyalty and enjoining on them the discharge of their sacerdotal duties in spite of the Papal interdict.

  25. Yet even to-day responsible Germans are appealing to their nation to fight till "modern Carthage" is finally destroyed.

  26. It was vague, intangible, appealing only to some strange, nameless sixth sense, but none the less perceptible.

  27. Then again that terrible cry, the cry of the hungry child appealing to the helpless mother: "Mammy, I'm hungry.

  28. You are here, Phil," came the quick answer from the Southerner, with his old, appealing charm of voice and smile.

  29. By appealing to the patriotism of her noblest families, she elicited a worthy response.

  30. In 1306 the Modenese people issued a decree, appealing for the same purpose, to the notaries and bankers of Florence.

  31. We shall see some beautiful architecture, and various things that are more appealing to the imagination than to the eye.

  32. In vain did she give appealing looks to the entire bench, until at last a decided ogle took effect on Oglethorpe, the Bishop of Carlisle, who, snatching up the bauble with a shout of "Here goes!

  33. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "appealing" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    adorable; agreeable; alluring; appealing; appetizing; arresting; attraction; attractive; beautiful; begging; beguiling; bewitching; cantabile; captivating; catching; catchy; charismatic; charming; comely; coquettish; delightful; drawing; dulcet; enchanting; engaging; enthralling; enticing; entrancing; euphonious; exciting; exotic; exquisite; fascinating; fetching; flirtatious; glamorous; golden; honeyed; hypnotic; imploring; interesting; intriguing; inviting; irresistible; lovable; lovely; luxurious; lyrical; magnetic; mellifluous; mellow; melodic; melodious; mesmeric; musical; piquant; pleading; pleasant; prepossessing; pretty; provocative; rich; seductive; sensuous; sexy; silvery; siren; sonorous; sweet; taking; tantalizing; teasing; tempting; thrilling; tickling; titillating; tuneful; voluptuous; winning; winsome; witching