Since he had fallen into the hands of the bandits, the general had remained silent, apparently insensible to the ill-treatment to which he had been exposed.
I want the country that eliminated polio and mapped the human genome to lead a new era of medicine, one that delivers the right treatment at the right time.
Last year, we made the largest investment in basic research funding in history, an investment that could lead to the world's cheapest solar cells or treatment that kills cancer cells, but leaves healthy ones untouched.
I'm not willing to tell James Howard, a brain cancer patient from Texas, that his treatment might not be covered.
We will ensure equal treatment for all servicemembers and equal benefits for their families, gay and straight.
Mr. Godfrey says the treatment whereof he complains is but a sample of what the people hereaway are to look for from the Massachusetts jurisdiction.
An attempt was made to embarrass the ministers by Eden, Carlisle's chief secretary, apparently in revenge for their discourteous treatment of Carlisle.
From the beginning of the war both sides made frequent complaints as to the treatment of prisoners, and both apparently with justice.
And another foe was always at hand, for the Indians regretted the overthrow of the French and were exasperated by the ill-treatment they received from the British colonists.
The treatment of Frederick he denounced as base and treacherous.
Nothing indeed can be further from the truth than the idea that England's treatment of her colonies was harsh or illiberal.
In the earliest years of the reign Hume completed his History of England, which, though no longer regarded as of scientific importance, is a fine example of literary treatment as applied to history.
The second charge, with reference to thetreatment of the rájá of Benares, was moved by Fox with all his wonted ability.
Meanwhile the British suffered terribly from the severe cold; and their sick and wounded were often exposed to ill-treatment by the people.
Neither impressment nor flogging was included in the seamen's grievances, but they complained of unjust treatment by officers.
In February, 1787, Sheridan brought forward the third charge, relating to the treatment of the begams of Oudh in a speech held by all who heard it to be a marvellous display of oratory.
I assert the medical treatmentof nervous suffering to be entirely subsidiary to the moral treatment of it.
And now that we have reached the gentleman's part of the house, and that you have observed for yourselves the regulations of the establishment, permit me to introduce you to a specimen of my system of treatment next.
The village surgeon had fatally misunderstood the case from the first, and the time was past now at which his errors of treatment might have been set right.
He not only declined to resent, he even made the best of Mr. Pedgift's unceremonious treatment of him.
There is nothing in it to compromise me, if the old fool is mortally offended by my treatment of him, and if he spitefully shows my letter to other people.
Observe," the doctor continued, "my treatment is simple.
I have no fear of such treatment as drives some wives to distraction.
You must not show that you are moved in the least by the treatment you have received.
I shall have the honour to visit your ladyship daily, and we will regulate the treatment according to the operation of the water.
She thus divined, at once, that she was to be sent out of the way, so that when she next met him some of the business might have blown over and she herself might be less indignant at his treatment of her.
Cnut and the archers were delighted at the treatment they received, for never in their lives had they been so royally entertained.
King Richard should long ere this have reached Saxony; and I fear much that some foul treatment has befallen him.
Fancy the experience of two men who came to us for treatment after dragging their wounded bodies over the hundred and eighty miles of snow that separated Kars from Erzeroum.
One day in the hammam, or Turkish bath, I met an old Persian, who was in a deplorable state of grief in consequence of the treatment which he had received from two young Turks.
He was ill with typhoid fever contracted from some of the refugees, and was under treatment at the English hospital, where his brother (now Sir Ellis Ashmead-Bartlett) was looking after him.
They would receive better treatment at Sofia, they would leave more rations for the fighting men, and there would again be room in the hospitals available for the wounded men who might be expected after future engagements.
I never can think of Becky Sharp to this day without a shudder, not on account of her treatment of Rawdon Crawley or her dubious relationship with the Marquis of Steyne, but simply owing to the circumstances under which I first met her.
We can affirm," he declares, "that the Turkish regulars never committed an act similar to the massacre of the defenders of Lovtcha, nor to the inhumantreatment of which the Turkish prisoners were the victims after the fall of Plevna.
Few civilian medical men now practising have ever seen hospital gangrene; but the records of the terrible mischief which it produced in the days before the discovery of the antiseptic treatment are still extant.
I felt the pulse, which was fluttering and unsteady, and clasped the white and tremulous fingers, feeling that with such slight data to go upon any treatment that I could prescribe would not be likely to enhance my reputation.
Accordingly, they again wrote to the Connecticut authorities, remonstrating with them because of their treatment of dissenters.
Their treatment opened the question as to whether the steadily increasing numbers of New Lights were to lose for their children the benefit of the college, that they helped to support.
After the passing of this law, the magistrates contented themselves with occasional unfair treatment of the weaker churches.
The next year, for testifying against the treatment of Norton, William Bond, Mary Dyer, and Mary Whetherstead were apprehended by the same authorities, and forcibly carried back to Rhode Island.
This treatment was abandoned as soon as it became known that the rector had counseled his people to submit, as he intended to send a copy of the court's proceedings to England to be passed upon as to their legality.
When he asked them if they thought that was the right treatment of a man faint from fasting all day, they, with excuses for the conduct of the minister and the magistrates, hurried him to an inn.
Sydney, though well deserving the character it bears of its kindly treatment of strangers, possesses a little formality and reserve.
The treatmentwhich we experienced at the hands of this generous-hearted people will help more than anything else to make us recollect with pleasure our stay amongst them.
Repeat the treatment to-morrow and every day until he volunteers to work," said Calamity when this was reported to him.
Even while she felt deeply humiliated at his treatment of her, she realised the absurdity of such a feeling.
There he suffered a great deal of unmerited persecution, which he bore bravely, though the ill-treatment of his enemies killed him.
The subjects treated are too numerous for detailed treatment in this place, but the carving of vines and acorns and oakleaves will be readily admired.
They spared the patricians; arbitrary and cruel treatment was shown to the humbler classes: they were wholly respective of the person, not of the cause: as being persons with whom interest usurped the force of justice.
He therefore declined going to war; in order, however, that the ill-treatment of the ambassadors and the murder of the king might be expiated, the treaty was renewed between the cities of Rome and Lavinium.
The case appeared to the commons, that he had resigned his office indignant at the treatment shown to them.
All kind of harsh treatment being tried in vain, he no longer held any intercourse with the soldiers; he said the army was corrupted by the centurions; he sometimes gibingly called them tribunes of the people and Voleros.
This view of science as an order of judgments requires a special treatment of the generic ideas, the 'conclusions,' or universals of science.
Dewey's treatment of sensations, at this point, is somewhat uncertain.
To the student of the history of philosophy, Dewey's treatment of the genetic and historical methods must seem seriously inadequate.
But the difference in treatment of the water and Caesar is due to the difference in interest.
It will be seen that the treatment of the forms of thought as "organs of adjustment" makes logic subsidiary to psychology, necessarily and completely.
The first objection to be made to this treatment of thought is that it makes knowing the activity of a special organ, like liver or lungs.
There is scarcely a statement to which exception could not be taken, for the history of philosophy is not amenable to generalized treatment of this character.
Modern idealism has insisted upon an empirical treatment of thought, and has definitely surrendered the abstract sensations of the older psychologies.
Dewey's treatment of thought is, after all, more rationalistic than empirical.
The Superstition of Necessity" is more detailed and concrete in its treatment of the judgment process than this earlier article, as might be expected, but the fundamental position is essentially the same.
The only freedom he cared to grant to women was the freedom to produce food for cannon, and so far as lay in his power he sought to crush the political activities of women even in literature, as we see in his treatment of Mme de Staël.
She passed her days and her nights in tears; and had soon more cause for sorrow from the brutal treatment she received from Osborne, who had been her destroyer.
I thank you for your considerate treatmentof the ladies; and I assure you that I feel no resentment for what has passed.
Any serious ailment is usually attributed to magic or witchcraft, and the treatment which is resorted to aims rather at breaking the spell which has been cast on the sick man than at curing his malady by the application of physical remedies.
Sidenote: Special treatment of the ghosts of women who died in childbed.
But such an interpretation is totally excluded by the ferocious treatment which these savages meted out to the corpse.
In such a case the ghosts are thought to be clinging to the body of the sufferer, and the object of the medical treatment is to detach them from him and send them far away.
To such qualifications I can lay no claim, and accordingly I must regard myself as unfitted for a purely philosophic treatment of natural theology.
In short the method of treatmentwhich I shall adopt will be the descriptive rather than the comparative.
I beseech you, moreover, to grant free passage to the messenger who brings you this letter, as he is bound for Spain, on a mission to the emperor, to learn what kind of treatment I am to receive.
In hertreatment of servants, for instance, she was most considerate.
But if I can only find a public as cordial and agreeable in its treatment of me as my editor, I shall have nothing to wish.
In retaliation for crueltreatment of our captive citizens by the enemy in general.
Having just before taken great offence at a threat of retaliation in the treatment of prisoners, he enclosed his answer to my letter under this address, "To Thomas Jefferson, Esq.
In the capitulation of Governor Hamilton (a copy of which I enclose), no stipulation is made as to the treatment of himself, or those taken with him.
They were wild with rage at the treatmentthey had undergone and the wanton havoc wrought in their home.
And he knew the kind of treatment he would get if he were recaptured.
The journey was long, but it was not attended by the rough treatment that would ordinarily have been meted out to the prisoner.
Locke was the first of modern writers to attempt at once an independent and a complete treatment of the phenomena of the human mind, of their mutual relations, of their causes and limits.
Claudian, like Dryden, is a remarkable instance of a poet owing a large portion of his fame to his dexterous treatment of occasional subjects.
The choice of subjects is judicious, but the treatment is in general inanimate and perfunctory, except when the poet is going to say something absurd, and then his motto is Pecca fortiter.
His treatment is in general very satisfactory, entirely sympathetic, the first qualification of biography, and much less marred by prejudice and party spirit than was to have been expected from the agitated character of the times.
The morals of the age were, indeed, bad enough, as he well knew who had helped to make them so; but such frank treatment of a disagreeable theme jars exceedingly with an ode devoted to the celebration of chastity and virtue.
The Indian chief was satisfied with his treatment by the whites, and interested himself to tell them traditions of localities which they passed.
This treatment completely reconciled them, and the whole Indian party, except two men and two women, set out in perfect good humor to return to their home with Captain Clark.
Her safety and tender treatment thou mayest be well assured of; for I do love her to distraction.
As this speech of his came to my mind I could not help but shudder as I thought of the treatment that faithfully-worshipped Goddess had bestowed upon me.
Thou shalt not be harmed by either of us; but for thy treatment at the hands of the Earl of Richmond I cannot speak.
True, your treatment of him yesterday hath been sufficient to satisfy his appetite for glory and revenge, such as he obtained in the lists.
There are many other causes of worry, some of them so insidious, so powerful, as to call fortreatment in special chapters.
Here was and is the secret of my interest in all problems dealing with social unrest, the treatment of the poor and sinful, etc.
Harsh treatment must be carefully avoided, much more anything like turning his efforts into ridicule when he fails, or punishing him for involuntary awkwardness.
The anatomy and physiology of the horse; general rules for feeding, treatment of diseases, and disinfection of the stables and utensils.
The general case for treatment is that of a howitzer, which comprehends the gun and the mortar as particular cases.
Manner of preserving gunpowder; characteristics and treatment of damaged gunpowder.
The separate practical exercises can only be made after the termination of the theoretical treatment of the subject.