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Example sentences for "valuable"

Lexicographically close words:
valour; valours; vals; valse; valses; valuables; valuation; valuations; value; valued
  1. I am quite certain that the patriotic feelings which urged them to unite and give their valuable services at so trying a time must still and ever be a source of gratification to them of the highest order.

  2. The privilege of turbary, or "getting turf," was a valuable one, and was conferred frequently on the burgesses of towns paying scot and lot.

  3. The prize was indeed a valuable one, for although she had filled up at the French islands, she had previously traded along the South American coast, and was laden to her utmost capacity.

  4. With listing adding machines, equally valuable results can be obtained.

  5. In the following pages are given a large number of test questions and problems which afford a valuable means of testing the reader's knowledge of the subjects treated.

  6. A tabular sales book makes it possible to record sales in detail with very little additional labor, resulting in greater economy of time in collecting valuable data.

  7. Statements which permit of comparison of items of a like nature from month to month furnish a valuable survey of the progress of the business.

  8. In its present form, it gives at a glance much valuable information.

  9. The ability to properly classify the accounts that make up trading and profit and loss statements, and balance sheets is a valuable asset to the bookkeeper who aims to advance to the highest position.

  10. Even a prude can find nothing to carp at in the valuable little volume.

  11. The second part performs an original and valuable service to literature.

  12. I had not thought of it when giving my orders the night before, but as the horse gave a glad whinny of welcome, I quickly decided to leave him to await my return and take a less valuable horse.

  13. Rising after a few moments' contemplation of a landscape, which I could but faintly see, I buried my passes and the one other valuable paper I carried under a huge stone.

  14. The horse I had taken was only a fair traveler, but then he was not too valuable to abandon to the enemy.

  15. I regretted that we had run into the camp, for it took valuable time, and it did not make me feel any better about it to know that it had happened through my own carelessness.

  16. The one I took was not much in the way of looks, but had considerable speed in him, and was not too valuable to abandon to the enemy, as I was well aware I might have to do at any moment.

  17. He pictured himself as he was a month ago.

  18. The sound of his voice in that solitude was startling.

  19. Free labour directed to the production of sugar will lower its price more and more, and slave property will become less and less valuable to the owners.

  20. He had inherited from his sire the valuable faculty of detecting the wishes and views of men in their external evidences.

  21. But for the valuable notes of Reynolds, the idle pursuit of Du Fresnoy to clothe the precepts of art in Latin verse, would be useless.

  22. However valuable it may be, no one will pretend to say the apostles used one.

  23. But at present we do not clearly see our way: should our school be broken up, I see not so much difficulty; it would be a most valuable opportunity for Mrs. G.

  24. Since then he has rendered valuable services as a courier.

  25. We are losing valuable time," grumbled the Captain.

  26. Bruno will now know any one of you among thousands, and you will find him the most valuable member of the squad.

  27. Wolfgang had seen something of the world and had made many valuable contacts.

  28. Everywhere he made valuable new friendships and came across old acquaintances.

  29. We hold that it is our most conscientious obligation to bequeath to our children the most valuable of all legacies--good religious impressions, and a sound religious education.

  30. This book will be very valuable to Superiors of Religious Houses, for whom it is primarily intended.

  31. We have read with much pleasure and with great edification this valuable work, composed by one of our Redemptorist Fathers in Baltimore.

  32. Enlightened statesmanship will always accept and recognize religious education as a most valuable and powerful ally in the government of the State, or political society.

  33. These figures were obtained from elementary school records in rural and industrial districts, and the results were valuable and instructive.

  34. There is no money fortune which is worth as much as a fortune of ideas if they be valuable ideas!

  35. Yet you may write out among the most valuable precepts of this conjugal gospel, the following maxims.

  36. Say," said Stubbs as they walked along, "what I want to know is how you knew the German officer you knocked down had any valuable papers?

  37. It is a theory which never could have existed for a moment in the mind of any person acquainted with early Gothic; but, however idle as a theory, it is most valuable as a testimony to the character of the perfected style.

  38. This is a short sketch of the contents of a book which is a really valuable addition to English literature, and which is as interesting as it is instructive.

  39. In making the division, he allotted the richest and finest provinces to himself and his favourites, giving the less valuable to Almagro and his friends.

  40. He at the same time sent specimens of the gold, the pearls, and other curious and valuable productions which he had acquired by trafficking with the natives.

  41. Before he had proceeded far, an officer, despatched by the Inca, met him with valuable presents from that prince, accompanied with a proffer of his alliance, and his assurance of a friendly reception at Caxamalia.

  42. I also refer you to another valuable work, Binnii Concillia, first volume, page 737.

  43. St. Xavier, who is considered one of the most distinguished saints in the Romish church, had a valuable crucifix.

  44. During the conversation that followed, Frank gained some very valuable information concerning the plans the rebels had on foot for the capture of the runaways.

  45. It remains to state the most valuable end which this book might possibly achieve--an end which, by one means or another, must be achieved.

  46. Thirdly, we have seen it to follow from this dedication of the greater and vastly more valuable part of woman's energies to the future that, just in proportion as she serves it and devotes herself thereto, she needs present support.

  47. Men are paying for these things at this moment under the impression that they are buying valuable tonics which will save their wives from the consequences of the drink craving and help to avert it.

  48. He had often given the soldiers orders not to shoot any valuable negroes who might run amuck.

  49. From this port we can ship cargoes of furs almost as valuable as theirs.

  50. Ten thousand livres' worth of damage has been done to valuable human chattels in the last half-hour," he cried, indignantly.

  51. Of course the fish did not seem especially valuable to us, and we were willing enough to make a meal without them.

  52. Then I found that to shave took off a good deal of valuable ointment each time, and I approved of Eddie's ideas in this direction to the extent of following his example.

  53. He opens with an anecdote in proof of the slight regard in which the most valuable and remunerative sagacity was held.

  54. A Jewess will be an extremely valuable element of the Club, for her race exalts marriage even above happiness, and an old maid is even more despised than among us.

  55. Because her services might be valuable as an Old Maid.

  56. They scratch the fenders, read books and stretch themselves on the most valuable sofas.

  57. On the examination of the stores after the capture, we were highly pleased to find that the French had left us a valuable legacy.

  58. The verdant plain is interspersed with numerous rich and valuable trees, whose luxuriant foliage has a brilliant and enlivening effect.

  59. Here I gladly record the valuable services of those poor women, who, devoted to their husbands and children, underwent a series of bitter suffering almost beyond human endurance.

  60. We must get the vessel away from them and take her back to her anchorage.

  61. No; what's the use of talking in that way, about backing out, when you can't carry sail?

  62. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "valuable" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    valuable collection; valuable consideration; valuable contribution; valuable food; valuable remedy