Her exclamations, at his extraordinary appearance, were too much for the risible muscles of the rest of the company.
A faint smile passed over the countenance of Arthur, while Bonner, an educated young collegian, could not restrain his risible powers, and broke out in a loud laugh, at the expense of his good manners.
I have in my lifetime laughed till I nearly became spasmodic; but never were my risible muscles put to greater tension than upon this occasion.
WHEN the School for Scandal was first performed, Mr. Cumberland sat in the front of the stage box with the most complete apathy; its wit and humor never affected his risible muscles.
He had not, however, been long in the room before admiration of his person got the better of such risible ideas.
I hope you find nothing risible in my complaisance.
Used in, or expressing, laughter; as, risible muscles.
Risible differs from ridiculous, as the latter implies something contemptuous, and risible does not.
Risible differs from ludicrous as species from genus; ludicrous expressing that which is playful and sportive; risible, that which may excite laughter.
His advertisements were frequently laughable, and he caught his customers in their risible moments, wisely taking care never to laugh himself, 'till he had realized the possibles.
The ludicrous images which flit before the fancy, aided by eccentric combinations, awaken the risible powers, and throw the soul into irresistible tumults of laughter.
Tallyho was unable to reply: he looked down over the banister--he looked up at the risible features of Tom Dashall, who was almost bursting at the ludicrous situation in which he found his friend and his servants.
There was nothing very funny in this speech, but a good deal of risible matter had accumulated in Tim's diaphragm during its delivery which he had to get rid of, and he did.
He threw his full length of limb upon a neighbouring sofa, and literally rolled with cachinnatory convulsions; nor did his risible emotions subside until the entrance of the hung-beef restored him to recollection.
And the boy, unable to control his risible faculties, burst into a hearty laugh, which died away in a chuckle of genuine merriment.
This sudden transformation was too much for Winnie's risible faculties.
This ridiculous farce excited my risible faculties, and provoked a laugh, when I replied, Our intentions were simply travelling; we wished to see the country of Ugahden, and pass on to Zanzibar.
His muzzle projects dog-monkey fashion, and is adorned with a regular set of sharp-pointed alligator teeth, which he presents to full view as constantly as his very ticklish risible faculties become excited.
I could have remained with pleasure to hear another tale, but the heat was overpowering, and my friend also seemed anxious to get away; so we quitted the room with our risible muscles somewhat sore from long-continued exertion.
In a letter to his father, he apologises for listlessness and stupidity by illness, and says, "that he does not come up to the definition of man as a risible animal.
The physician smiled, mine host smiled; it was impossible to suppress the risible faculties.
All the yard were in a roar of laughter, though they did not understand half of what they heard; but theirrisible muscles were acted upon mechanically, or maliciously, merely by the sound of the Irish brogue.
He was accordingly looked up to with increased reverence and admiration by the more risible plebeians.
They watched him with a kind of suppressed excitement and became risible with his every word and gesture.
In the streets their risible mood gave way to a self-conscious propriety that was particularly evident in Miriam's bearing.
Many a dialogue have I heard pass between the gossips on their way from the Moravian Chapel, sufficient to excite the risible faculties of a stoic.
They excite our risible emotions, while they are reducing their adversary to contempt--otherwise they would not be distinguished from gross slanderers.
King still moves therisible muscles of his readers.
She was amazed at his ability to strip a sham and leave it grotesquely naked; shams the risible aspect of which she had never observed in spite of the familiarity four years had given her.
These comparisons brought them to a pitch of risible enjoyment amply sustained by the spectacle in the monkey cage, to which presently they turned.
It was well for him, however, that he kept his Irish risible muscles in order, and that no courtier could guess his thoughts--a smile would have lost him his reputation.
Campbell's remark that no two characters more rarely meet in the same person, than that of a very risible man, and a very self-conceited supercilious man.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "risible" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.