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Example sentences for "inestimable"

Lexicographically close words:
inescapable; inescutcheon; inesse; inessential; inest; inestimably; inevitability; inevitable; inevitableness; inevitably
  1. Inestimable Value of the Federal Union;--Extract from the Reply to Hayne.

  2. Smith, whose kind criticism and inspiring suggestions have been of inestimable service to us in the preparation of this work.

  3. Learmonth and his staff, whose work in the production of net defences during the war was of inestimable value, not only to ourselves, but to our Allies, for whom large supplies of net defences were also provided.

  4. Resolved, unanimously, 5th that the respective colonies are entitled to the common law of England, and more especially to the great and inestimable privilege of being tried by their peers of the vicinage, according to the course of that law.

  5. Not so the biblical statements; they are and ever will be of inestimable value, not because of their scientific teaching, but because of the presence of sublime religious truth in the crude forms of primitive science.

  6. Missionaries say--and experience at home has confirmed the claim--that the patriarchal narratives are of inestimable value to impress lessons of the reality and providence of God, and to encourage the exercise of faith and confidence in him.

  7. The early Christians were right in placing it beside the New, because the former is still of inestimable value.

  8. With great warmth he owns his desire to prevent his countrymen from relaxing their hold on the Bible, which Christendom regards as 'an inestimable treasure,' and thus bringing on themselves 'inexpressible calamity.

  9. It soon appeared that Montague had, by skilfully availing himself of the financial difficulties of the country, rendered an inestimable service to his party.

  10. One who was the director of the national finances, and the depository of the gravest secrets of state, might render inestimable services.

  11. One of them indeed had gone so far as to propose that lessons taken out of the inestimable little volume should be read in the churches.

  12. Young and Blackhead had done him an inestimable service.

  13. Here, black people, believe that I have come to give you a treasure of inestimable price.

  14. Do you not see nature herself so varied, so rich, so grand, lavish her treasures in disorder, hide her inestimable precious stones and her most valuable veins of metal in masses of earth?

  15. Spain is one of those least affected by the gangrene of irreligion; she still preserves religious unity, that inestimable inheritance of a long line of ages.

  16. To preserve the idea of moral good and evil, an idea without meaning except in the supposition that there exists a divine power, is itself an inestimable advantage.

  17. When we see their works overflow with sacred and profane learning, when their labors show us proofs of indefatigable activity, we think with sorrow of the inestimable treasures which their libraries must have contained.

  18. Thus the influence of the Church on civil legislation was an inestimable benefit; thus even the power of the clergy in temporal things was one of the greatest safeguards of the highest interests of society.

  19. Besides the service rendered to society by the monks in religion and morals, they conferred inestimable benefits on letters and science.

  20. Long may the melancholy event be delayed which shall establish the nation in possession of so inestimable a legacy!

  21. Suffice it that the hereditary vocation of the family, in all ages, has been to supply the ranks of that inestimable and truly British body--the unpaid magistracy.

  22. Dying thus, He bequeathed His teachings to man as an inestimable inheritance.

  23. Not the Redeemer was unfortunate; but those only who repaid Him for the inestimable gift He offered them, and for a life passed in toiling for their good, by nailing Him upon the cross, as though He had been a slave or malefactor.

  24. These practices of the Protestant churches are, nevertheless, of inestimable value in the upbuilding both of the individual and of society.

  25. Knox has done all earnest Western students of Japanese ethical and religious ideas an inestimable service in the production of this work in English.

  26. It may be questioned whether Christ gave any more important impetus to the development of civilization than by His teaching in regard to the inestimable worth of man, grounding it, as He did, on man's divine sonship.

  27. But I have written in vain if I require to say now that the problem is delicate, that the solution is varying and difficult, and that the result is inestimable to us all.

  28. For a long time the Bank of England was the focus of London Liberalism, and in that capacity rendered to the State inestimable services.

  29. To children it is for a time dear as a playground, possessing the inestimable advantage of enabling them to fall into it and wet their clothes from head to foot.

  30. They are just as wonderful, though clad in material forms, as any water spirit that ever was evolved from the poet's brain, and have the inestimable merit of being always within reach whenever we need them.

  31. My dearest friend,--Your letter was an inestimable treasure to me.

  32. I repeat it, your letter was, and will be, an inestimable treasure to me.

  33. The microscope has rendered inestimable service to the healing art.

  34. The Brahman, delighted beyond measure at obtaining so inestimable a treasure, made obeisance to the goddess, and, taking the handi in his hand, proceeded towards his house as fast as his legs could carry him.

  35. He was rude, he was ugly; but what an inestimable friend!

  36. Even the humiliation of watching him in his mother's interest, and of witnessing his devotion to another woman, was a sacrifice which Miss Minerva could endure for the one inestimable privilege of being in Ovid's company.

  37. Those papers are of inestimable value to us; they should be exhibited only before a court of justice.

  38. Were that program in progress, your presence in Paris would be of inestimable value.

  39. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "inestimable" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.