The allusion in this to cuadros and pinturas refers to a custom, not officially recognized, by which exuberant pietistic malignity supplemented the sanbenitos with portraits and pictures bearing the names of the sufferers.
Beneath his exuberant spirits and brawling temper lay the superior gifts of the general and the politician, gifts which the Burgundian wars were to exhibit to the world.
When they came within sight of the foe, they crossed the river Birse in the most exuberant spirits.
Jimmy received his visitor not stiffly but with exuberant and vociferous reproaches, and vehement demands to know the why and wherefore of his unsportsmanlike behavior.
White's was full at this leisure hour before dinner, and there were many greetings for Mr. Topsparkle, of a less exuberant but no less friendly tone than that of Captain Chambers.
Nor was she offended at his exuberant compliments to his old flirt, Lady Judith, whom he reminded how pleasantly they had got on together at Ringwood Abbey, when his wife was nursing her gout at the Bath.
The dignity of the mistress of Rosedale was for the time laid aside while she reveled in the very abandonment of her exuberant joy.
All the exuberant delight of success here, all the bitterness of failure there.
They joyed in each other as women do, and I tried not to look when they met or parted, while they gazed with tears into each other's eyes, and held hands like exuberant girls.
The letters home at that time, in spite of their description of trivial events, and the exuberant underlined expressions of girlish pleasure over nothings, my father enjoyed and preserved.
But he is such an extremely exuberant and nervy companion, I have taken a small room on the first floor which has a thick wall on the side from which the shells come.
Nature in this land of ceaseless summer puts forth strange eagerness, ever running to fruits, flowers, and fragrance, as if they were outlets for her exuberant fecundity.
The exuberant soil groans with the burdens which are heaped upon it.
Just let him glance back over his own experience and say whether he has not thought his deepest thoughts and performed his most brilliant deeds under the intoxication of a stimulant no less heady than that of exuberant health.
Yet it is a strange and touching thing to note that even his exuberant creativeness sometimes needed the refreshment of silent partners.
To keep exuberant one must possess more than just enough vitality to fill the cup of the present.
I discover myriads of germs, which only require the right treatment in order to spring up in an exuberant crop of wavy tresses.
Perhaps from joy, from strength, from exuberant health, from over-fullness.
It was indeed enough to go abroad alone with two children, one already ill, the other full of exuberant health and spirits, without taking upon myself also a terrible anxiety and a physician's responsibility.
And these desires were the directors of her reason, which, aided by an exuberant imagination, was never at a loss to justify any act, be it ever so cruel and abject.
Mr. Walsh describes Brazil as 'abounding in lands of the most exuberant fertility, but nearly destitute of inhabitants.
They see these with an exuberant faith where they do not exist, and will see nothing but these when something of a far different nature is actually put before them.
The exuberant legend is therefore pruned down and mutilated, or it is represented as the fantastic shadow of some quite natural circumstance,--strange shadow for such substance!
Reinhold, however, was full of exuberant spirits; he ran from side to side, shouted, and waved his baretta in the air.
Religion is an exuberant spirituality, a fearless sensibility, a knowledge of both good and evil, and a will to serve the good, while exulting that the evil will not yield without a battle.
An exuberant morbid outgrowth upon any part, especially upon the valves of the heart.
Something that shoots, or spreads out, beyond the rest, or too far; an exuberant growth.
No--the last tear of remembrance which might have lingered would be dried by the exuberant mirth, which once roused would only too willingly exchange the uncomfortable tiara for the lighter fool's cap!
There he had watched his horses when a boy, down near the chapel where the blue gentians had garlanded his head when he flung himself on the grass, intoxicated by his own exuberant youth and abundance of life.
Possessing in a greater degree than any person he ever knew, the power of magnetizing others, she had drawn about her a circle of girl friends whom she entertained and delighted by her exuberant talent.
Hedge, "she was always conspicuous by the brilliancy of her wit, which needed but little provocation to break forth in exuberant sallies, that drew around her a knot of listeners, and made her the central attraction of the hour.
Brougham was thrilling, impetuous, overwhelming, often extravagant, scorning conventionality of phrase or manner, revelling in his own exuberant strength and plunging at opponents as a bull might do in a Spanish arena.
The news was received by Reformers all over the country with the most exuberant demonstrations of enthusiasm.