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Example sentences for "richer"

Lexicographically close words:
rices; rich; riche; richely; richement; riches; richesse; richesses; richest; richlie
  1. And until the returns of this tax should be available the richer classes should advance the required sum, holding the corn purchased, as a deposit, in their own magazines; and were also to share in the profit.

  2. All that was requisite was to prevent any of the richer citizens from buying up these supplies, and, in case of scarcity, raising the price.

  3. Now, in the richer nations, most men seemed to believe that the world had been made safe for a four-card flush, which was the hand they'd been dealt and which nobody tried to better.

  4. In the richer nations, everybody wanted all the rewards earned for them by generations gone by, but nobody was concerned about leaving his children better off.

  5. The shabby old individual was no less a personage than the celebrated William Gray, of Boston, owner of the Galatea and cargo, and proprietor of many a richer craft then floating on every sea.

  6. Don Pedro and his satellites had struck a vein richer than the gold coast.

  7. I will sustain myself independently; you know that I ply a nimble needle, and that my handiwork will be in esteem among the richer folks of Hendrik.

  8. How much richer both their lives seemed than mine!

  9. Beatrice spoke with vehemence; her cheeks showed a circle of richer hue around the unchanging rose.

  10. But supposing you were right, are you silly enough to think that richer people are better people, as a matter of course?

  11. After that overpowering and unpleasant impression it is really useless to argue that they are richer because a few of their parasites get rich enough to live somewhere else.

  12. Nor can you say that a city is growing richer and richer when more and more of its inhabitants are very poor men.

  13. Perhaps some of the Thessalonians were trying to turn brotherly love to profit, and to live on their richer brethren.

  14. The only true way to regard everything that befalls us here is to see in it the Fatherly discipline preparing us for a fuller possession of a richer inheritance.

  15. Poor I am stale, a garment out of fashion, And for I am richer than to hang by th' walls I must be ripp'd.

  16. Faith, he might have richer fellows than we to take his part, But he shall never have better eating fellows, if he would swelt his heart.

  17. When I hate, I take something from myself; when I love, I become richer by what I love.

  18. The poorest of you will quit it far richer than his mistress!

  19. The sources of their wealth were above the earth's surface, but they were more valuable and inexhaustible and richer than all the mines in America.

  20. The richer ye reward the eager gaze The higher, fairer orders that the mind May traverse with its magic rays, Or compass with enjoyment unconfined-- The wider thoughts and feelings open lie To more luxuriant floods of harmony.

  21. I love not many words; yet what a king May offer, who has vassals richer far Than his poor self, that do I offer you.

  22. And I, my prince, shall feel right proud to know I am one secret richer than the king.

  23. Thou'rt a richer subject Than I shall be a king!

  24. His enlightened mind and the richer store of his ideas at last reveal to him the whole worth of spiritual pleasures--the means has become the highest end.

  25. Lanely nicht;" how much richer and more touching than "darksome.

  26. Braganza, which had a better claim to the Portuguese crown than Philip, richer and more powerful than most sovereigns.

  27. The best horses Andalucia could breed or the world could see were brought out that day, with glittering trappings and harness, liveries, devices and accoutrements, richer than had ever been beheld.

  28. Because they are older birds, they also have a much deeper, richer flavor.

  29. I shall have to wait to get a little richer before I can afford it.

  30. Mr Serier, Democratic senator from Arkansas, another insolvent western state, is a still richer representative of the majesty of the American senate.

  31. National character is a richer treasure than gold or silver, and exercises a moral influence in the hour of danger, which, if not power itself, is it surest ally.

  32. In his case, as in that of many others, spiritual experience was far richer than the theory which professed to explain it.

  33. The Duke of Norfolk himself, greater and richer than any English subject, had gone such lengths in this conspiracy that his life became the just forfeit of his guilt and folly.

  34. He had recourse accordingly to the system of benevolences, or contributions apparently voluntary, though in fact extorted from his richer subjects.

  35. Can we conceive a richer boon conferred by the Head of the Church upon the English race than the raising up of this great evangelist and pastor and teacher, at such a time as that of his appearance?

  36. When he asks for his readers added strength of heart and a richer fellowship with Christ, it is in order that they may be the better able to enter into the Church's life and to apprehend God's great designs for mankind.

  37. Balboa then returned to the Darien, rich in the spoils of Ponca, rich in the presents of his friends, and still richer in the golden hopes which the future offered him.

  38. The richer from interest, the poorer from bigotry, and the priesthood from instinct, poured contempt even on proselytes, whom they classified according to their supposed degrees of heterodoxy.

  39. Then, O my mother, if I place in thy hands an offering richer than any King in the world can make to any other, wilt thou carry out my desire?

  40. It is crushed to death and withered, Out of shape and very flat, But its pure, delicious odor Is the richer for all that.

  41. The poor man who trusts in Allah is richer than the nobleman who fights against him.

  42. The host of the Big Spider is richer than you!

  43. Well, who knows whether you may not one day find somebody richer than you.

  44. The northern sagas, it is now certain, contain a still richer store of early historic notes, which the antiquaries of Copenhagen are busily digesting for us into available materials.

  45. We travel far, 'tis true, but not for nought; And must be bribed to compass earth again By other hopes and richer fruits than yours.

  46. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "richer" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.