But in this plan, by the use of the movable screen, two fine large rooms can be secured whenever the family work is over, while the conveniences for work will very much lessen the time required.
In certain cases, where the closest economy is needful, two small families can occupy the cottage, by having a movable screen in both rooms, and using the kitchen in common, or divide it and have two smaller stoves.
Cool drinks, and even ice, can be safely taken at other times, if not in excessive quantity.
So also the excessive heat in the evenings and coolness in the mornings has a share in these evils.
The excessive use of certain portions of the brain tends to withdraw the nervous energy from other portions; so that when one part is debilitated by excess, another fails by neglect.
Another cause of mental disease is the excessive exercise of the intellect or feelings.
When one is violently sick from excessive use of tobacco, vomiting is a relief, if it arise spontaneously.
Under the head of excessive mental action, must be placed the indulgence of the imagination in novel-reading and "castle-building.
For example, a person may so exhaust the brain power in the excessive use of the nerves of motion by hard work, as to leave little for any other faculty.
On the contrary, the neglect of such exercise tends to produce an excessive sensibility in the nerves of sensation.
The brain is affected in a similar manner by excessive use, though the suffering and inflamed organ can not make its appeal to the eye.
In such cases, some err by neglecting to do any thing at all, till the patient is quite sick; but a still greater number err from excessive and injurious dosing.
These little rodents pack away the nuts in small pockets in their burrows and from two to three feet below the surface, where they are protected from excessivemoisture and any considerable change of temperature.
There is also danger of the nuts sprouting prematurely in the autumn, and of the young growth being killed by cold or by excessive moisture during late fall rains.
Excessive partiality for one foreign nation and excessive dislike of another cause those whom they actuate to see danger only on one side, and serve to veil and even second the arts of influence on the other.
I was extremely oppressed with a severe cold and excessive coughing, contracted from the exposure of a harsh winter journey.
The great service and military talents of General Arnold, his courage in battle and patient fortitude underexcessive hardships had secured to him a high place in the opinion of the army and of his country.
An army, maneuvering in an open country, in the face of a very superior enemy, is unavoidably exposed to excessive fatigue and extreme hardship.
Dickens, it seems, was seldom in advance with his manuscript, and each number was barely completed in time for the printers, thus necessitating excessive promptitude on the part of the engravers as well as the designer.
Although a rapid executant, the commissions he received from publishers accumulated to such an extent, that the excessive strain resulting from overwork at starvation prices began seriously to affect his health.
The footman had yawned as often, expressing with each contortion an excessive longing for beer.
Then this boiling water, this terrible and excessive heat?
The repast, which was more Danish than Icelandic, was in itself nothing, but theexcessive hospitality of our host made us enjoy it doubly.
After these executions, Licentiate Manuel Suárez de Olivera, the senior advocate of the royal Audiencia, printed a treatise against Don Juan de Rosales, in which he condemned the excessive rigor of these punishments.
When these Westward Winds are thus settled, the Sky is all in mourning, being covered with black Clouds, pouring down excessive Rains sometimes mixt with Thunder and Lightning, that nothing can be more dismal.
The city has very fine houses and palaces inside; while outside of it are orchards, gardens, and many baths, which are most necessary for relief from the excessive heat there.
Their riders had but little more discretion, and required repeated draughts to quench their excessive thirst.
Sometimes the river passed through such rocky chasms and under such steep precipices that they had to leave it, and make their way, with excessive labor, over immense hills, almost impassable for horses.
The next day was one of excessive toil and but little progress: the river winding through a wild rocky country, and being interrupted by frequent rapids, among which the canoes were in great peril.
Now he became an excessive drinker, and consumed much wine.
The partial vacuum in the front end; when excessive it indicates dampers closed, fire clinkered or insufficient opening for the admission of air under the fire.
When there isexcessive lost motion between the cross-head and the top and bottom guides, or between the cross-head and the guide at the sides, or when the piston rod is not central between the guides.
This is done to prevent live steam from getting on top of valve and thus relieve the valve from the top pressure which would cause excessive friction between the bottom of the valve and its seat.
At this time would also report any excessive flange wear on any one particular tire.
Excessive use of the blower, especially with a light fire or when cleaning the fire.
What produces friction, and what is the result of excessive friction?
By excessive use of the blower drawing cold air through the fire-box and flues.
More than one safety valve are used as additional protection against excessive pressure; one is set at the maximum pressure and the others are set at two or three pounds above the maximum pressure.
I made the contrary declaration only to suspend the excessive pains of torture, and to mollify those who made me endure them.
They were finally very generally disliked on account of their excessive pride and arrogance, and it was to be expected that in an attack on their power and privileges the popular favour would be with the king.
Everybody is cheered by such a road, and everybody drives more confidently and quickly, and Mr. Britling particularly was heartened by it and gradually let out Gladys from the almost excessive restriction that had hitherto marked the day.
The first real check to hisexcessive anticipations of victory for the Allies came with the sudden reappearance of Mr. Direck in a state of astonishment and dismay at Matching's Easy.
He recalled his first sight of Heinrich at the junction, and how he had laughed at the sight of his excessive Teutonism.
That excessive bail ought not to be required, nor excessive fines imposed; nor cruel and unusual punishment inflicted.
And excessive fines have been imposed; and illegal and cruel punishments inflicted.
And excessive bail hath been required of persons committed in criminal cases, to elude the benefit of the laws made for the liberty of the subjects.
It is doubtful if the girders acted with strict continuity for long after erection, as the excessive stress in the rivets of the flange joint would, for that condition, have been nearly sufficient to shear them.
An instance of undoubted excessive bearing pressure was found in the cross-girders of a bridge, mentioned on p.
The structure should, of course, be closely watched during the passage of live load for any signs of abnormal movement, excessive vibration, or lurching.
This consideration applies with less force, perhaps, to new work than to old, in which there may be unknown influences at work, or unknown defects which by excessive deflection may be betrayed.
Trough floors may be expected to show loose rivets near the ends, with a probability of excessive leakage where they abut against the webs of supporting girders.
Its cleanliness is dubious and the excessive odors disturb us.
The sky of Pekin is subject to excessive and sudden variations of which we with our regular climate can form no conception.
These, unlike our own, are very fragrant, and to-night fill the air of this gloomy enclosure with an excessive odor.
It is given internally for skin eruptions due to excessive heat, especially "lichen tropicus.
Its excessive use is rather prejudicial to the health, but given in moderation it is very efficient in allaying the thirst of fever patients.
The seeds, fruit, leaves and bark all possess narcotic properties dangerous to man and the symptoms following an excessive dose are sleepiness, headache, a sort of intoxication or an attack of delirium that may end in death.
Nor without very evident peril of death could she show any reluctance to him because of his excessive severity, which she had very often felt before.
Such are the matters which, in view of the excessive scantiness of time, I have been able to collect in discharge of my duty for the defence of these poor prisoners.
Consequently decay from excessivemoisture is not unusual.
But no matter how efficient your heating system may be, unless the country home has been made ready for the cold months, insufficient heat and excessive fuel bills result.
To undertake more than we can do without excessive wear and tear and without permanent injury to health and strength is wrong.
The excessive and over-stimulated activity of one set of organs involves a corresponding defect in the activity and functions of the other faculties.
Either we are tempted to neglect an object, and so to give it too little influence over us; or else we are tempted to be carried away by an object, and to give it an excessive and disproportionate place in our life.
This excessive action of the system during intoxication is followed by a corresponding reaction.
The deadly and destructive nature of street-fighting was here apparent, and the long-sustained contest, lasting more than twelve hours, swelled the total loss to the excessive amount recorded.
Many more were attacked, who recovered, but were debarred through excessive weakness from serving in the ranks, and were invalided home.
The extreme softness of the ground, from the excessive rains of the few preceding days, no doubt saved me from a severe injury and protracted lameness.