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Example sentences for "outline"

Lexicographically close words:
outleap; outlet; outlets; outlier; outliers; outlined; outlines; outlining; outlive; outlived
  1. There is no motte, though the circular outline of the platform on which the fine ruins of the castle stand, very much suggests a lowered motte.

  2. The outline of the bailey certainly suggests that it was built after the Pharos and the church, and was built with reference primarily to the keep or motte ward.

  3. A bailey court, which cannot have been large, lay between the motte and the river Tame, but its outline cannot now be determined, owing to the encroachments of buildings.

  4. And we have now to trace very briefly the outline of Norman conquest in Wales by the castles which they have left behind them.

  5. No masonry is now to be seen on the motte at Ewias, but Mr Clark states that the outline of a circular or polygonal shell keep is shown by a trench out of which the foundations have been removed.

  6. The list thus seems to give an outline of Alfred's kingdom as it was at his death, or at the beginning of the reign of his son.

  7. It may possibly have been a British or even a Roman earthwork originally (though its outline does not suggest Roman work); or it may have been built by Harold as a city of refuge for the inhabitants of the port.

  8. Portions of the ancient ditch were uncovered in 1890, and its outline appears to have been roughly rectangular, like the Danish camp at Shoebury.

  9. The bailey of the castle, the outline of which can still be traced, though the area is covered with buildings and gardens, was oval in shape, and covered 2 acres.

  10. Were it daylight I might have been able to see the trees in the gardens of the Rue Varenne; but it was night, and the stars showed nothing beyond the white spectral outline of the Tour de Nesle beyond the Malaquais.

  11. Enough, more than enough, no doubt, has been said of a meeting so ordinary as to be familiar in outline to most people.

  12. It was an austere church both within and without, and had a sacrificial beauty of outline and of ritual that did not belong to Mrs. Frampton's church, which was full of cheery comfort and best hats and Hymns A.

  13. The hills have the characteristic Cambrian outline and it is the opinion of Mr. Low that this formation extends continuously eastward from the Kaniapiscau to the George.

  14. It was thus he sat in the unlighted room as they talked together through the night, a shadowy outline against the misty panes which never stirred, but stared far away across the frozen quiet of the land.

  15. Through the open door of the hut he had seen the silver of the moonlight in the tree-tops across the river and had seen the outline of his companion stretched along the ground.

  16. Stealing to the window, he looked out, and saw upon the farther bank the outline of a timber-wolf.

  17. Looking farther round, Jake thought he distinguished the blurred outline of a human figure in the mist, but was not surprised.

  18. Once or twice, he pleaded with his employer for extra labor and cement to add some grace of outline to the dam, and, although this was unproductive expenditure, Fuller agreed.

  19. In this an outline is given of public thanksgivings, confessions, and petitions; but no form of prayer.

  20. As silently as they could, they moved up the pathway, until they gained the top, and saw before them the outline of the tents.

  21. It was too dark, under the trees, for him even to see the outline of Nat's figure.

  22. The outline of the works had already been traced, and the soldiers of the battalion of Berry had made some progress in constructing them.

  23. It's only the redskin outline as one wants to get.

  24. The outline of her shape was visible near the still open window, leaning out.

  25. I knew it was you; I could almost trace the outline of your form.

  26. The cortical part showed subdued structure; the epithelial cells had an indefinite outline and occasionally showed vacuolization.

  27. The outline of the cells was indefinite; a few miliary hemorrhages existed in the cortical part of the organ.

  28. He waved a hand toward the dim outline of a building.

  29. Gentlemen, I will now outline the procedure we will follow in handling the various flights assigned to my sector.

  30. All I would assume is this, that we have in history a general outline of the life and teaching of Jesus Christ, that that outline corresponds with what we read in the three Synoptical Gospels.

  31. We may still read the general outline of the character of the German race in the pages of Tacitus.

  32. It would be idle to attempt, within the compass of this lecture, any outline of the mass of matter brought together in this service.

  33. Some light or shade of life projects before us the outline of ourself.

  34. They are, if I may say so without irreverence, the veil and vesture over the form of God, too bright in itself for us to look on; they take their outline from Him who is beneath them.

  35. The green hills rise on either hand and all around, and give completeness and beauty to the scene; and beyond these appears the gray outline of the more distant mountains, bestowing grandeur to what was supremely beautiful.

  36. This prolocutor, also, was generally the author of a sketch of the piece; but the actors were not confined to the mere outline which he had furnished.

  37. The effects arising from these two separate features of the electoral system have sometimes been confused, and it is therefore desirable to give a brief outline of the conditions which govern a Belgian election.

  38. I scanned the outline closely; then suddenly I started.

  39. For on the table, close to the edge of it, was the clear outline of a hand.

  40. There could be no doubt whatever--it was not the outline of Taylor's hand.

  41. At last, after almost superhuman efforts, he brought himself within sight of the dark outline of the shack, which seemed more lonesome and isolated than ever before.

  42. Tom asked, standing in the doorway of the wireless room and looking at the black outline of Cattell's form as he sat at the instrument shelf.

  43. In theory the scheme of an Indian drama corresponds very closely to the general outline of dramatic construction given above; it is a characteristic merit that the business is rarely concluded before the last act.

  44. Thus the winged letter-carriers kept us informed from day to day of the outline of adventures which were afterwards more fully described.

  45. I gave him an outline of the history of the wreck, and of our sojourn upon these shores, and spoke to him, too, of Miss Montrose, and of the providential way in which we had been the means of rescuing her from her lonely position.

  46. It is, therefore, better that a clear and unmistakable outline of a character should be drawn before an actor undertakes a new part.

  47. His forehead had become more massive, and the very outline of his features had altered.

  48. Without disclosing the precise nature of the documents that had fallen into Rigaud's hands, Little Dorrit had confided the general outline of that story to Mr Meagles, to whom she had also recounted his fate.

  49. She traced the outline of her left eyebrow, and put it right.

  50. The window gave upon a background of serrated mountain and olive-shadowed canyon, with a faint additional outline of a higher snow level--the only dreamy suggestion of the whole landscape.

  51. But when he reached the summit he could see that the outline of the street was still plainly marked along the distance by cottages and new suburban villa-like blocks of houses.

  52. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "outline" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    abbreviation; abridge; abridgment; abstract; article; block; blueprint; border; brief; capsule; cartoon; catalog; character; characterize; chart; circuit; circumference; compendium; conception; condensation; condense; configuration; conspectus; contour; copy; cortex; covering; crust; define; delineate; delineation; depict; descant; describe; design; detail; diagram; digest; discourse; discussion; dissertation; draft; draught; draughtsman; draughty; draw; drawing; echo; edge; elevation; enumerate; enunciate; envelope; epidermis; epitome; epitomize; essay; etch; etude; evoke; examination; exposition; express; exterior; external; facade; face; facet; feature; features; figuration; figure; form; framework; fringe; front; graph; head; homily; integument; limn; line; lineaments; lines; map; margin; memoir; monograph; morceau; note; number; nutshell; outline; outside; overview; paint; paper; paragraph; parse; pattern; periphery; picture; piece; plan; plot; portray; profile; programme; project; projection; proposal; prospectus; protocol; reflection; reflex; relief; render; represent; resolve; review; rim; rind; rough; rubric; scan; scenario; schedule; schema; scheme; shadow; shell; shorten; silhouette; skeleton; sketch; skin; stake; study; suggest; summarize; summary; surface; surround; survey; syllabus; synopsis; table; tell; theme; thesis; top; trace; tract; treatment; verge; write