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Example sentences for "opera"

Lexicographically close words:
openlie; openly; openness; opens; openwork; operable; operae; operam; operandi; operant
  1. Then he began to write short stories--among them "Carmen," which the opera founded on its plot has made a household word.

  2. The picture called up is not that of a poet, but of a half-crazed opera singer.

  3. The alteration is an example of the justice of De Quincey's observation that "the Arcadia of Pope's age was the spurious Arcadia of the opera theatre.

  4. It seems as if stage illusion, and particularly this hardest to swallow and most conventional illusion of them all - an opera - would never stale upon me.

  5. An opera is far more REAL than real life to me.

  6. They have just played the overture to NORMA, and I know it's a good one, for I bitterly wanted the opera to go on; I had just got thoroughly interested - and then no curtain to rise.

  7. Aunt Dora gave both of us an opera glass in mother-of-pearl in a plush case.

  8. The Beggar's Opera depicting an immoral society unable to master its bandits was written by John Gay as a powerful attack on a government which most of London hated.

  9. Italian opera was introduced in 1706 by Georg Handel on his visit to England.

  10. Opera made music a vehicle for human emotions.

  11. Who wants a comic opera at a dollar a night when a family cat will supply eight kittens a year?

  12. What opera is complete without its drinking chorus?

  13. After the opera I went to Momolo's, where I found Mariuccia, her father, her mother, and her future husband.

  14. So impatient did I feel for the next day to come that I thought the opera detestable, and the night for me was a sleepless one.

  15. When I got to the theatre the opera had begun.

  16. Towards the evening the duke said,-- "If you go to the Opera Buffa you will please Leonilda.

  17. He is the manager of the opera house, and the greatest noblemen dine with him and thus secure his favour.

  18. About the same time poor Cahusac, author of the opera of Zoroaster, went mad for joy on the receipt of the same order.

  19. The company scattered quickly when it was over to the opera or theater or to the rest of a quiet evening at home, for at the end enthusiasm of any kind has a chilling effect on the feelings.

  20. Is it not likely, then, that the gallant knight of the Holland House is really a member of some opera company, that he knew of these examples and followed them?

  21. Without Rawdon you would very likely now be strutting about some opera stage, playing at kings and lovemaking.

  22. Yet when the opera season opened, the constant companionship of Mostyn and Dora became entirely too remarkable, not only in the public estimation, but in Basil's miserable conception of his own wrong.

  23. I think you ought to ask Ethel to introduce him to us; then we could have a little dinner for him and invite him to our opera box--don't you agree with me, Bryce?

  24. But all agreed in believing the singer to be a member of some opera company now in the city.

  25. We will make it quite a family affair," said Mrs. Denning, "then we can go to the opera afterwards.

  26. Little lunches with Fred, theater and opera parties, and even dances will be over for me.

  27. My spirits fell many degrees upon entering this sable capital; and when I found Friday was meagre day, in every sense of the word, with its inhabitants, and no opera to be performed, I grew wofully out of humour.

  28. There is both opera and play to-night, I believe, but I am in no mood to go to either.

  29. More pleasing scenery can with difficulty be imagined: I was quite charmed with beholding it, as I knew very well that the opera would keep me a long while chained down in its neighbourhood.

  30. The queen of Golconda's gardens in a French opera are scarcely more gaudy and artificial.

  31. This is not the last letter you would receive from Venice, were I not hurrying to Lucca, where Pacchierotti sings next week, in Bertoni's opera of Quinto Fabio.

  32. Everybody stared last night at the Opera when I told them I was going to bury myself in fallen leaves, and hear no music but their rustlings.

  33. It had cost me all my salary to pay my board and to take Miss Lilian to the opera and the balls, but I could not afford to deprive Mrs. Glasswood of any luxury.

  34. First class hotels, private parlors, carriages, the opera in New York, would make large demands upon my purse.

  35. I don’t go to the opera above a dozen times a year.

  36. Two editions of this ballad-opera were published in 1736.

  37. Popular in its day, this opera is now forgotten, but its song, "An Honest Yorkshireman" has found a place in many collections of Yorkshire songs.

  38. I should like it, dear, but you are full of engagements for to- morrow, and we are due at the Opera tonight.

  39. Among our clients there was a certain exceedingly attractive young lady of French extraction, named Mademoiselle Valerie Carrell, who was a popular favorite upon the light-opera stage when light opera was in swaddling-clothes.

  40. In the following February his opera of "Rinaldo" was produced in London with great success, and at once established the composer's reputation with the English public.

  41. This would be quite easy for me to do, and I should also have the pleasure of playing them from first hand, either at the opera or at some big concerts.

  42. They were not edified by entertainments in a language they did not understand, and the English drama drooped while the Italian opera revived, the Prince and Princess of Wales being present nearly every night.

  43. It was to please her that the directors of the Grand Opera invited Gluck to come to Paris and produce some of his works.

  44. The great reformer of opera had long wished for this opportunity, which he seized with alacrity, and set out from Vienna for Paris in the autumn of 1773.

  45. Metastasio's festival opera was to be performed.

  46. Lady Mary Wortley Montagu speaks of an opera which she saw at Vienna in 1716, the decorations and dresses of which cost the emperor thirty thousand pounds.

  47. Belloni has, I believe, written to you on the subject of Wagner, to ask for information as to the actual state of the English opera in London.

  48. A great deal of the opera is adapted from 'Silla;' the whole stands high among the series to which it belongs.

  49. In the course of the next hour or two there were a dozen newspaper reporters besieging the mansion, and camera men taking pictures of it, and even spying with opera glasses from a distance.

  50. LVII The grand-opera voice raised again its silver chant: "Give way, all mobs!

  51. As with the opera to-day for lovers of music, these games formed one of the chief attractions of life in a great city.

  52. The opera was "Le Nozze di Dorina," by Sarti, and extremely pretty; though I wished it had been as new to M.

  53. The visit was very pleasant, and Madame d'Henin made a party for us all to meet again the next day, and go to the Opera buffa.

  54. I was not much better in the evening, but the party for the Opera buffa being formed by Madame d'Henin on my account, my going was indispensable.

  55. At the Opera buffa, the loge in which I sat was exactly opposite to that of the first Consul but he and his family are all at Malmaison.

  56. Opera was given at the Capranica when the Apollo was closed.

  57. Many of his adagios want nothing but words to be excellent pathetic opera songs.

  58. The opera in those times differed essentially from that of modern days.

  59. Giardini held the post of leader at the Italian Opera at this period.

  60. There were a few embers in his stove; he threw a faggot on them, lit a cigarette, and proceeded to make reflections, the wet opera hat still on his head.

  61. I want the girls to see the opera bouffe; they have never seen it.

  62. I am going to look for him now, and see Gunther for a few moments," George said, leaving the two sisters to go to their bedrooms to delve for their opera cloaks and white hats in the deep recesses of their Saratoga trunks.

  63. I was at two matinees of the Italian opera about five years ago, when I left my San Francisco school.

  64. Helen had had her dinner brought to her sitting-room, and had excused herself from the opera on the plea of indisposition.

  65. Just after I had heard the conversation about the Metropolitan Opera House on Wagner nights, an old, rather melancholy looking person came in.

  66. If I had only been strong-minded enough to dine in town alone, and go to the opera in solitary state!

  67. The opera begins at five," said Letitia, "and I don't think I could leave the house at that hour.

  68. Everything is adapted, nowadays, and grand opera artists would lend themselves so easily to the roles of cooks.

  69. He has the full and free run of the village, can go to the opera or circus without paying a cent, and can run up as large a bill as he chooses at any of the bars and restaurants.

  70. There is a strong company, especially rich in tenor* and soprano voices It was here that I heard the opera peculiar to Cairo, under the name of Aida.

  71. Though pretty well tired out when through with the bazaars, we took a turn at the opera house in the evening.

  72. The opera house at Cairo is not a large one, but it is quite sufficient for the wants of the present population of theatre-goers.

  73. Aida is popular with the resident opera goers, and if a stranger wishes to see a Cairene audience at its very best, he should attend one of the representations of this opera.

  74. The opera and ballet are very popular with the ladies of the Khedive's harem; they prefer the music and dancing of the Occident to that of the Orient, just as they prefer the fashions of Paris to those of Bagdad and Khiva.

  75. Sometimes he attends the opera in the evening, but this not often, and when he goes there he does not remain to the end.

  76. Give me the opera of the Occident, where you can see the singers.

  77. I have seen opera and ballet in pretty nearly every city where they make a point of giving them finely, and before coming here, I believed I had seen the very best in existence.

  78. In the afternoon promenades, when the band played in the public square, I had no better luck in my search for beauty than in the opera house.

  79. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "opera" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    amphitheater; arrangement; artifact; auditorium; ballet; bomb; cabaret; charade; child; club; coinage; composition; concoction; copy; creation; creature; dialogue; distillation; draft; drama; draught; draughtsman; draughty; duologue; edition; effect; essence; extract; extravaganza; failure; flop; fruit; hall; handiwork; happening; hit; house; hymnal; invention; issue; libretto; manufacture; masque; masterpiece; melodrama; minstrel; mintage; miracle; monologue; morality; music; musical; mystery; nightclub; notation; offspring; opera; operetta; opus; origination; outcome; outgrowth; pageant; pantomime; part; pastoral; piece; play; playhouse; production; result; review; score; serial; show; sketch; skit; soap; songster; spectacle; success; tableau; text; theater; transcript; transcription; vaudeville; vehicle; version; vaudeville; vehicle; version

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    opera buffa; opera comique; opera company; opera glass; opera house; opera seria; opera singer; operate against; operated upon; operatic music; operating expenses; operations against; operative commonwealth; operative credit; operative measures; operative movement; operative societies; operative society; operative store; operative stores; operative system