I am the jester on an empty stage Playing a pantomime To spectres in the stalls, Listening at last For ghostly mirth and phantom hands applauding, And for some king with decadent tired fingers To fling a white gardenia at my feet.
Thus far our pantomime brought us, and now I am curious to know what sort of unavoidable confusion Madame has made out of the slang.
Even to those who understood no English the pantomime had been sufficiently enlightening.
Vicenti, reading the suspicion in his eyes, raised his hands; the pantomimewas sufficiently eloquent.
In pantomime he seemed to signify that for the purpose she named, his body, his life was at her disposition.
Why, I saw Joey last winter in that pantomime out West, and he never said a word from the time the curtain went up till it went down.
Mr. Richard Veneer had sat quietly through it all, although this short pantomime had taken place literally before his face.
The old woman's significant pantomime must be guessed at.
The pantomime of the uncultured, like their dancing, is always accompanied by music and song, sometimes by masks and disguises.
I shouted, as the childish pantomime went on, and the savage stared in all directions as if wonder-stricken at a strange noise coming he knew not whence, and ending by kneeling down and laying his ear to the ground.
With voluble tongue and expressive pantomime urging the passer-by to try his luck, he meets with varying success.
The effect upon that sightless countenance was electrical, and the poor mendicant, having only pantomime with which to express his delight, seemed half frantic.
The playful dolphins went through their aquatic pantomimefor our amusement.
All the people cast soft pantomime stones at Bloom.
She heard old Royce sing in the pantomime of Turko the Terrible and laughed with others when he sang: I am the boy That can enjoy Invisibility.
Yet even in the totem dances the pantomime is subordinate to the rhythm, or rather superimposed upon it, so that never a gesture or step of the characteristic native time is lost.
I am informed that this is a pantomime enactment, an indication to the inua it is time for them to depart.
These are danced in pantomime and depict the life of arctic animals, the walrus, raven, bear, ptarmigan, and others.
During this festival the dramatic pantomime dances for which the Alaskan Eskimo are justly famous, are performed by especially trained actors.
The inside party must decide from this pantomime if the correct verb has been guessed.
The second party guesses what this pantomime indicates.
The opposite party tries to guess from this pantomimethe occupation indicated.
But however far away they take him in that long file of salons, there is always some indiscreet mirror to reflect the figure of the master of the house, and the pantomime of his broad back.
Following Herb's example, he stretched himself flat upon his stomach under a spruce, and stared over the brow of the hill at a forest pantomime which was being acted in the valley.
The faithful mute at once threw himself at the Count's feet, embracing his knees and in his marvellous pantomime eloquently entreating pardon.
The mute slowly arose and began an eloquent pantomime which his master readily translated into words: "You went to the Hôtel de France and sent up the letter.
We managed to check the rush of the infuriated mate at the foot of the cabin companionway and sober him with some forceful pantomime and a peep at the Governor's launch through a convenient port, but the echo of that "Hare, you dam'd Kanaka!
After a few minutes of indistinguishable pantomime which had to do with the husking and drying of the nuts for copra, a change came over the spirit of the quiet mimetic dance.
Fanua was still swimming in graceful pantomime across the purple star-patch, when a crash louder than the previous one sounded against the outer wall and the mouth of the opening was blotted by the advancing wave.
One lusty diver lent colour to his pantomime by bringing up a huge coconut, the incalculable value of so sizable a "pearl" being told with a facility of gesture that would have put to shame a moving picture "heavy.
Torn by conflicting gusts, they jerked now this way and now that, thrashing limbs striking each other in the pantomime of bare arms and hands banging with resounding thwacks upon bare backs and breasts.
The man I speak of," says Boz in the story, "was a low, pantomimeactor and an habitual drunkard.
Boz remarks that pantomime actors--clowns and others "either die early or, by unnaturally taxing their bodily energies, lose prematurely their physical powers.
From the ship, through the wide-angle sights of a gun, Beauclaire watched breathlessly as Wyatt went through the pantomime of greeting.
You do not grasp the meaning of this pantomime until the third sentry has approached us, and M.
He was like a child who has rushed in to tell you how ripping the pantomime was.
That certainly needed explanation--for even at this moment in the patio, she was engaged in kissing a kitten with too elaborate a preparation of her lips to avoid a suspicion that the pantomime was intended for a spectator.
It is like seeing a Christmas pantomime under an aurora borealis.
They seemed like creatures in agony, tossing their arms, bewailing in their attitudes the awful fate that had overtaken them, and fairly chilling my blood with the pantomime of torture which they exhibited.
But by the motion of his eyes, aided by a pantomime with his fingers, he made us understand that there was something in a metallic box fastened at his side which he wished to reach.
What he did was to express in even more telling pantomime his hatred and defiance, and his determination to grind us to shreds if he could once get us within his clutches.
In brief pantomime behind Franklin's back Roger has indicated that Franklin is to take his place at table, and that he himself will sup no further.
When Powhatan speaks in pantomime the others listen with occasional grunts of satisfaction and approval.
Powhatan, having in pantomime rendered his decision, now stands with arms folded, at left.
Then makes sign of assent, but gives back necklace to Pocahontas, who rises with pantomime of joy.
Star-of-Spring approaches the wheel with pantomime indicating awe and delighted curiosity.
The Indian children stand towards the front of the greensward, shoot in a line their feathered arrows, run and pick up the arrows, and acclaim in pantomime the one who shot the best.
Besides, the dawn is grey, and the light is green, a sort of pantomime light,' she said.
He had written two or three comic songs that had been immense successes, not to speak of the yards of pantomime music he had composed, and he knew that when he got hold of a good book in three acts he'd be able to tackle it.