But since no one who remains a Christian can exhibit the results of this theory in their purest form, I shall take the liberty of quoting a few sentences from a pamphlet written by a native Indian judge who I believe is still living.
Remy, a judge of Nancy, boasted that he had put to death eight hundred witches in sixteen years.
He can pray with fervour and eloquence for intellectual enlightenment; but there was nothing of the prophet or saint about him, to judge from his writings.
Even in dealing with arts which are akin to each other, we do not invite poets to judge of music, or sculptors of architecture.
But 'tis not mine tojudge the baronet, E'en though he shaded all my brighter life; My duty bids me all the past forget, For he has given me a loving wife.
In absence, far or near, And judge me not unjustly, But hold my promise dear.
This is my present condition; and for this I am reviled with having abandoned my principles, turned jacobite, and what not: God judge between me and these men!
The time however will at last come, when the world will judge of men from their actions rather than pretensions.
The next day Judge Moore called at the camp, and insisted on presenting Mont with a gold watch and chain.
The judge wanted to join his daughter in the water.
The human form, male and female, is the type and standard of all beauty of form and proportion, and it is necessary to be thoroughly familiar with it in order safely to judge of all beauty which consists of form and proportion.
Judge Usher and his sons, (especially John and Linton,) true westerners of the noblest type.
I doubt if there ever was before such a fine intuitivejudge and selecter of poems.
A word from you is at any time worth a lecture, at least if I mayjudge from the effects which your magnificent eloquence has produced on my own mind.
Read that, and judge for yourself," said Wilkinson, handing me over a letter.
I, too, bow before the infinite judge and submit my case to His wise decision.
The girl, to judge from her figure, was perhaps fifteen years old; but her manner and speech were those of a much younger child.
Locke, if we may judge from his character in later years, must have occasionally found these tedious, and doubtless lengthy, exercises somewhat irksome and unprofitable.
To judge from this book, the impressions left on Locke's mind by our English public school education were not of a pleasant or favourable kind.
The consequence was, that "all was thrown upon Mr. Locke, who being already so good a judge of men, my grandfather doubted not of his equal judgment in women.
Such trains of reasoning the greater part of mankind have neither leisure to weigh, nor, for want of education and use, skill to judge of.
The man who judges, one side still unheard, Were hardly a just judge, though he judge justly.
An angry judgeawaits me, and my cause Is left to Menelaus.
Andrew had donated forty-three volumes, andJudge A.
All were members of the Methodist Church, except the following: Judge John Y.
The last to pass away wasJudge Garland, of Lynchburg, who died a few years since at a very advanced age.
I've always been very sure of myself till now, very confident of my ability to judge what was the right thing to do, and to get on without advice.
Then you can have a look over the place, Mr. Vane, and judge for yourself.
One can judge a man's character so well by the way he behaves at Sunday breakfast.
On the contrary, I should judge that the price of gas in our cities and towns would be lowered as a consequence of the reduction in running expenses caused by the projected consolidation.
But there are some matters of which you cannot judge so well as I.
He had eyes and could judge for himself like any other American citizen.
I rambled about a bit first, asking a question here and there, and finally ended up at the house of Judge Herbine.
The judge had ambled in while she was talking, and strolled around, peering at first one pile and then another.
The fish which Jack had fried over a camp fire, while Desire finished her biscuits, were done to a turn; and the judge did full justice to them.
They could only look while thejudge and his housekeeper watched them smilingly, though very close to tears themselves.
The sound of an approaching automobile broke the country stillness, and Judge Herbine's Ford presently stopped.
The judge laughed, a sudden explosion, over almost before it began.
In a very short time thejudge deposited her and the two children on his own doorstep.
Desire, worn and terrified by her night of fruitless watching, almost fainted when thejudge appeared and told her his story.
There's an old place nearJudge Herbine's, and another one on the road to the Basin.
They were so engrossed in their problem that they both jumped violently when there was a quick knock, and the judge stepped into the room, closely followed by Priscilla.
With the aid of the hired man, the judge soon had Jack in bed in the room next to his own, and had sent for the doctor.
I went to see a young carpenter that the judgerecommended to me--" "About floors?
I hope the judge will be able to find a job for me pretty soon; my own efforts are fruitless.
But Gordon was always too prone to judge by results.
He had a few hours back asked for some fixed standard by which to judge the false from the true.
I hope he doesn't intend to judge the whole House by Simonds.
Criticism should be withheld till the last threads are woven, and we can judge of the complex whole.
Only the superficial do not judge by appearances," Wilde had said, mocking at society; and he had been right.
From that moment Gordon took the interests of the House and not Fernhurst as the standard by which to judge all his thoughts and actions.
And should you trust my outward semblance, brother, Or judge therefrom that I'm the better man?
He chose me, in his exile, for this trust; And on these documents, from what he said, I judge his life and property depend.
As in most subjects of deep popular or scientific importance, the sense of need for more data by which to judge seemed in the air; and already the Labor Bureau of the State of New York, under the efficient guidance of Mr. Charles F.
They are before the eyes, and the least experienced student may gauge their bearing and judge their effects.
You are not to palliate or aggravate the offenses of your brethren, but in the decision of every trespass against our rules you are to judgewith candor, admonish with friendship, and reprehend with justice.
It originated in consequence of a quarrel that long existed between Jephtha, judge of Israel, and the Ephraimites.
I confess I am not a musician; the drama is my business, and I judge things by their fitness for the stage.
It was their function to administer the forfeited possessions of Ghibelline rebels, to hunt out suspected citizens, to prosecute them for Ghibellinism, to judge them, and to punish them as traitors to the commonwealth.
Lawrence, are represented: but the injuries of time and neglect have been so great that it is difficult to judge them fairly.
The sufferings of the nation were so great that the time had come for a new judge or saviour to rise among them.
A fragment of the nave still stands, enabling us to judge of its extent.
We judge a statue, for example, both by the sculptor's intellectual grasp upon his subject, and also by his technical skill and sense of beauty.
But we must remember not to judge races by single and exceptional men of genius.
One portion of the building was painted with the history of the Saint; and very lovely must this work have been, to judge by the fragments which have recently been rescued from whitewash, damp, and ruthless mutilation.
As it is, we can but judge in part; the adolescent beauty of Sebastian, the grave compassion of S.
The colour, ranging from garnet to almandine or ruby, told me the age and quality of wine; and I could judge from the crust it forms upon the bottle, whether it had been left long enough in wood to ripen.
As a work of art, to judge by photographs, it is inferior to others in execution and design.
You cannot judge them, you cannot judge me, step by step, detail by detail.
It is so restful to have you to guide me and judge for me.
And if you are ready to judge me and desert me on your first impulse, without caring to understand, it is just as well for me that there is not.
You come to judge them with very imperfect knowledge; and you appeal to the public, which has no knowledge at all!
The great Judge Jeffries was given to that species of amusement.
But he is an excellent judge of dirt, which is to him the great necessary of life, and he will never lose sight of the importance of keeping a sufficient heap of it about him.
Those who took Faithful's part were won by the force of plain truth and right in his words; but the judge said, Let those speak who know aught of this man.
He said, Sir, I see by this book in my hand that I am to die, and that then God willjudge me.
My friend, there are not a few that lead down to it, and these paths are wide: yet by this you may judge the right from the wrong--the right are straight and are by no means wide.
You will be told that these people are very inconsiderable in number, that they really exercise a small influence, and that one is not to judge the men and women of the United States by them.
It seems too short now; but of that we cannot judge and must not complain.
Judge Chamberlain says one thing of him, which I dare say may have been said before and since.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "judge" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.