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Example sentences for "resume"

Lexicographically close words:
resultats; resulted; resulting; resultless; results; resumed; resumes; resuming; resumption; resupplied
  1. If thou art dough be dough; and I slapt him on the shoulder-- Resume but thy former shape, and I'll be answerable for the event.

  2. Nevertheless, let me tell you (what I hope I may justly tell you,) that if again he give me cause to resume distance and reserve, I hope my reason will gather strength enough from his imperfections to enable me to keep my passions under.

  3. And as I have already taken all my measures, and can think of nothing but my triumph, I will resume her violent letter, in order to strengthen my resolutions against her.

  4. Mary had made that out from the way she had received her own resume of the status of his opera.

  5. They sat side by side but not very close, not so close that there was contact anywhere between them and neither made any move to resume it.

  6. On the following morning, after another abundant breakfast, and substantial marks of kindness from their entertainers, they prepared to resume their new and melancholy mode of life.

  7. He had expected, and flattered himself, that, the moment this event should take place, he would once more resume his heroism, and experience the pleasure of a drubbing.

  8. We could easily detail them, but such not being our object at present, we will now dismiss the subject of poor-laws, and resume our narrative.

  9. February; and they played with varying chances for twelve hours, slept heavily, and rose late on the morrow to resume the game.

  10. The large desk (to resume our survey of the office) stood about the middle, knee-deep in stacks of handbills and posters, of Why Drink French Brandy?

  11. This gentleman, I am pleased to say, passed months upon a bed of sickness, before he was in a position to resume his studies.

  12. In April the horizon begins to resume the misty veil.

  13. I had barely time to make two or three details of arrangement with the clerk, and resume my seat in the cabin, ere the barber sought a second interview, bent on testing the alleged powers of Beelzebubā€™s colleague.

  14. The landlord answered stupidly, shaking his head, and the horsemen turned to resume their journey.

  15. He made no answer, nor did he resume his singing.

  16. The master watched him slowly resume his way towards the ranch.

  17. Another bit of news received on the train at the the same time, was that Brakeman Joe had fully recovered from his injuries, and was ready to resume his place.

  18. The remaining hens were put in hospital till they signified a willingness to resume their former profitable habits,--except one who was arbitrarily chosen to be foster-mother of the future brood.

  19. At least could he not be persuaded to suffer some one--yourself, for example--to take the control of such affairs as require prompt action till such time as he may be able to resume their management himself?

  20. The old Prince Giuseppe Altieri, who used to be an adorer of mine, if he be alive may like to resume his ancient passion, and accept me for a tenant; all the more that I can afford to be liberal.

  21. Meanwhile I must resume the description of our march, which was a very slow affair.

  22. Returning to Red River, the unfortunate but persevering people proceeded to resume their farming operations.

  23. Well was it then for Adolay that her stout protector was a light sleeper, as well as a man of iron frame, and that he had aroused her fully an hour and a half sooner than the time at which the Indians left their camp to resume the chase.

  24. It was well, also, that Cheenbuk required but a short rest to recruit his strength and enable him to resume the paddle with his full vigour.

  25. He rose up and was about to resume the journey in a more hopeful frame of mind when a dark cloud on the horizon arrested his eye.

  26. Anything that should be said further about it will come best from Mr. Skertchly; it will be enough here if I give the resume of it prepared by Mr. Tylor himself.

  27. But if you throw a stone into the water they all sink down to the bottom at once, and do not resume their journey until many hours or even days afterward.

  28. Come with me now, and you will only be asked to resume your former life.

  29. The tenor's two songs had no place in the first part of the programme, and he did not resume his seat on the platform after the interval between the parts.

  30. Puzzled, I was about to resume my meditations, when the sound came again.

  31. To duck my head down and resume my edging toward the door was with me the work of a moment.

  32. There might be a bearded bloke or so on the platform and a small section in the second row who were wishing the speaker would conclude his remarks and resume his seat, but the audience as a whole was for him solidly.

  33. During this torture, Hubert sought to resume his interrupted talk with Sixtine.

  34. The symbol is a soul made visible: the type is only the resume or the epitome of a character.

  35. In the evening of the day on which this conversation took place, Malachi Bone was requested to resume his observations upon the beavers.

  36. Emma and Mary were delighted to have him again as a companion, and to resume their walks with him; a fortnight thus passed away very quickly, when his leave of absence expired, and he was obliged to return to the fort.

  37. I am too old now to resume my profession, and, if I did, have no chance of obtaining the practice which I left.

  38. For a little while, Rose attempted to resume her teaching, but she was soon compelled to give up.

  39. A Wahr-wolf is a man who has entered into a compact with the Black Huntsman, which enables him to change his human shape for that of a wolf, and resume his own form at will.

  40. The Egyptian Government, which at first leased the mines to a private company, is now about to resume possession and work them on its own account.

  41. The man often stopped for rest, at which times he would seat her carefully upon some prostrate tree, or some rounded boulder, until he was ready to resume his task.

  42. The man, to reward him, will cease drawing on the reins immediately, and after some seconds will allow him to resume his natural position.

  43. As soon as the horse's head shall fall of its own accord and by its own weight, the man will instantly cease all kind of force, and allow the animal to resume his natural position.

  44. The movement being regularly accomplished, the horse will be made to resume his natural position by a slight tension of the left rein.

  45. The instructor will watch that the thigh does not fall back heavily; it should resume its position by a slowly progressive motion, and without a jerk.

  46. The horse being thus placed, can bend and extend his fore and hind legs, before the weight of the body forces them to resume their support.

  47. After having kept the horse in this position for some seconds, he will make him resume his former position by drawing on the left rein.

  48. If the legs give too vigorous an impulse, the horse will quickly overcome the motion of the hands, and resume with his natural position all the advantages it gives him to foil the efforts of the rider.

  49. The ravaged districts of the north were beginning to resume their accustomed appearance, and the fierce resentment of the English people had found time to subside.

  50. She declined prosecuting the task in which they had been so pleasingly engaged, under the excuse of a headache; nor could Edward prevail upon her to resume it again that morning.

  51. Mysie Happer made no answer; but blushing scarlet betwixt joy and shame, mutely expressed her willingness to accompany the Southron Knight, by knitting her bundle closer, and preparing to resume her seat en croupe.

  52. I will not at present resume the controversy.

  53. It was but natural that they should instantly resume the subject of the supernatural appearance, for such they deemed it, which had this night alarmed the family.

  54. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "resume" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    abstract; adventure; annals; autobiography; biography; brief; chronicle; chronology; confessions; continue; core; critique; diary; digest; echo; elaboration; epitome; essence; fill; fortune; gist; history; iterate; iteration; journal; legend; life; meat; memoir; memorial; minute; necrology; obituary; outline; pad; pith; practice; proceed; profile; ransom; reappear; recapitulate; recapitulation; recapture; recital; recite; reclaim; record; recount; recounting; recoup; recover; recuperate; recur; redeem; regain; rehearsal; rehearse; reissue; reiterate; reiteration; renew; renovate; repeat; replevin; repossess; reprint; resound; restate; restore; resume; retail; retake; retell; retrieve; return; reverberate; revert; review; revive; scenario; story; substance; sum; summarize; summary; summation; synopsis; take

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    resume their; resume work; resumed the