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Example sentences for "reviewed"

Lexicographically close words:
revictualling; revient; review; reviewal; reviewals; reviewer; reviewers; reviewing; reviews; revile
  1. Morris reviewed the dead man's almost unhuman gift for inspiring confidence, exerted from the moment he first showed his boyish face to the multitude; for triumphing to his many goals as if jagged ramparts had been grass under his feet.

  2. Here Charles Edward again reviewed them, and to his surprise found that they had mostly re-assembled, and that scarcely a thousand of the troops were wanting.

  3. Small, indeed, did it appear, when he reviewed it on Glasgow-green, and found how little he had suffered during his expedition into England.

  4. After dinner he rode out, attended by his life-guards, and reviewed his army; where there were always a great number of spectators, in coaches and on horseback.

  5. The Prince employed the fifteenth day of the month in choosing a field of battle; on the sixteenth he reviewed the army.

  6. That afternoon he reviewed the situation, was closeted an hour with Douglas of Illinois.

  7. Captain Montgomery, in the full dress uniform of a naval commander, reviewed his forces.

  8. On another day he reviewed the troops which were most accessible from headquarters.

  9. The record of that committee is one which cannot be reviewed with pride or satisfaction by any citizen of a State that was loyal to the Union.

  10. They reviewed ably and conclusively the report made by Mr. Corwin for the majority of the committee, and spoke as became men who represented the justice and the power of a great Republic.

  11. He was answered with spirit by Mr. Colfax of Indiana, who reviewed the successive steps by which the legality of the Virginia government had been recognized by the President and by all the departments of the executive government.

  12. He reviewed each increasing dilemma, until, eventually, he had left her in her squalid Paris pension with her music pupils and the last eighty francs, while he clutched at the passing straw of an exporting house clerkship in Marseilles.

  13. But now, as he reviewed those past weeks of hesitation and inward struggle, a sense of relapse crept over him.

  14. And so every phase of social life, in which the individual is at bottom the final determinant, must be reviewed in the light of the new knowledge.

  15. However, the Assembly and the Council of the Bean still met notwithstanding, although they discussed nothing that was not approved of by the conspirators, who both supplied the speakers and reviewed in advance what they were to say.

  16. Yesterday the Guards Camel Corps and the Heavies marched into London, after having been reviewed by the Queen at Osborne.

  17. This little "red book" had a large sale, and was widely reviewed in the press.

  18. He now, seeing that his latest order was especially unpopular, prepared new despatches, on March 22 reviewed the whole course of his conduct in a strong and lengthy address, and by the last of the month had left the colony.

  19. The Mikado reviewed the troops on horseback in due form, and made a very good appearance accompanied by a well-appointed suite.

  20. When I reviewed what happened, I was uncertain whether I had done myself good or harm; but one thing was certain--I surely did get a lot of publicity!

  21. But when I reviewed what it had cost me I wondered why I ever gave up my safe, easy job with Barlow!

  22. The “Winterreise” is also reviewed there, p.

  23. Footnote 34: They are reviewed in the April number of the Monthly Review (LII, pp.

  24. Kurz, following Wieland, who reviewed the novel in his Merkur, finds that the influence of Sterne was baneful.

  25. These volumes are reviewed in the Allgemeine deutsche Bibliothek[81] with full appreciation of their pernicious influence, and with open acknowledgment that their success demonstrates a pervision of taste in the fatherland.

  26. The first two parts were reviewed in the Allgemeine deutsche Bibliothek.

  27. Ferriar’s book was reviewed by the Neue Bibliothek der schönen Wissenschaften, LXII, p.

  28. The first part of this Swiss translation is reviewed in the Allgemeine deutsche Bibliothek in the first number of 1768, and hence before the Sentimental Journey had seen the light even in London.

  29. Footnote 13: It was reviewed in the Hamburgischer unpartheyischer Correspondent, Oct.

  30. While the others caught up on their sleep, Crag and Prochaska reviewed their homework, as the Chief had dubbed their planning sessions.

  31. He turned away from the port with the familiar feeling that time was running out, and mentally reviewed what remained to be done.

  32. He mentally reviewed the scene a hundred times.

  33. On the 30th August he issued a sixth (and final) number of the Rushlight, wherein he reviewed the circumstances of his career, and the tenor of his writings in the United States.

  34. The means of mobilizing the North-German army had been reviewed year by year, in view of any changes in the military or political situation, by the Staff, in conjunction with the Ministry of War.

  35. Shortly after Moltke's death, in a commemorative address at the same Academy, the historian and Hellenist Ernst Curtius reviewed Moltke's relations to historical science and his achievements in military science and in history.

  36. These were Alcott's publications, reviewed by Lane.

  37. So he lit a pipe, and reviewed Ingerman's well-rounded periods very carefully, even taking the precaution to jot down exact, phrases.

  38. Indeed, he was so assured of the success of his somewhat dramatic move that as he walked to a rendezvous arranged with Superintendent Fowler on the Knoleworth road he reviewed carefully certain arguments meant to secure Doris's assistance.

  39. In the afternoon William came up and reviewed the troops, pitching his tent on a neighbouring eminence.

  40. They were reviewed in public, and complimented by Parliament.

  41. As Constance reviewed the arguments of the detective, a new thought came to her.

  42. Throughout his term as agent he used a form for land grants in establishing his authority which reviewed a part of the checkered history of the Northern Neck.

  43. Randolph then reviewed the steps by which a land patent was obtained and analyzed the conditions which a person was supposed to fulfill in order to obtain the land title in fee simple.

  44. We drilled and were reviewed that morning on the Academy parade.

  45. Leaving his plenipotentiaries tied down to the discussion of matters of form, he set out from Dresden on July 24th for a visit to Mainz, where he met the Empress and reviewed his reserves.

  46. Meanwhile Napoleon had arrived on August 3rd at Boulogne, where he reviewed a line of soldiery nine miles long.

  47. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "reviewed" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.