If the President fails to approve the acts and decisions of the House, he shall, without delay, return the same with his objections thereto, for the reconsideration of that body.
Upon the passage of any Act, Bill or Resolution, after a reconsideration thereof, by the House, it shall be sanctioned by the President.
Every fifty years this reconsideration was to be repeated, and unless there was a majority of eighteen in favour of the retention of the statue, it was to be destroyed.
These are all perplexing questions, but one thing is certain; this last review of the subject has been powerful enough to necessitate a reconsideration of all its chief points.
Should the President disapprove of any bill of law passed by the National Assembly, he shall within the period allowed for promulgation, state the reason of his disapproval and request the reconsideration of the same by the National Assembly.
Upon members of the Cabinet having been impeached by the National Council, the Provisional President may remove them from office, but such removal shall be subject to the reconsideration of the National Council.
The President was well warranted, therefore, in requesting your serious reconsideration and review of that statement.
Had the question been put when Johnson had concluded, reconsideration would unquestionably have been denied.
With Kennedy, Burnett and Rush, reconsideration could be forced and the bill defeated.
No sooner had he received the courtesy of reconsideration than both he and Leavitt were to the fore with a suggestion that the Senate should refuse to concur in all the amendments and let them be threshed out in the Assembly.
When Cattell called the bill up for reconsideration it was reconsidered and defeated.
In the same way, Senator Wright's vote the following day, tied the score on the motion for a call of the Senate, thus defeating the motion, and preventing reconsideration of the Change of Venue bill which would have meant its defeat.
Mott gave notice of motion to reconsider, but the next day reconsiderationwas denied.
Had Johnson said "no," such was the attitude of the Assembly at that moment, reconsideration of the measure would unquestionably have been denied, and Assembly Bill 14 declared passed by the House of its origin.
Attention is called to the vote on reconsideration of Assemblyman Feeley, of Alameda, another Lincoln-Roosevelt member Mr. Feeley was absent when the vote on Mott's motion was taken.
They would, on reconsideration, have voted against the bill, and its passage on reconsideration would have been impossible.
But Mr. Feeley hastened to vote for reconsiderationof the measure.
To prevent reconsiderationof the vote by which the bill had been passed.
Such plans shall be subject to reconsideration and revision at least every ten years.
The time to prepare for thatreconsideration is now.
Foremost among the matters which the United States will be called upon to see to will be the reconsideration of our entire attitude toward aliens, and their naturalization.
In the first vote there was a majority of two against it but on reconsideration there was only one.
Elizabeth's memory, however, admitted on reconsideration that Toft the glazier had come to see for a job, and that she had sought for broken windows in Strides Cottage and found none.
Defn: The act of reconsidering, or the state of being reconsidered; as, the reconsideration of a vote in a legislative body.
From these considerations, there was no doubt but the act would require the reconsideration of the Legislature in a short time; there may be applications from the people of all quarters to repeal a part of it.
So the question of reconsideration was lost, there not being two-thirds of the Senators present in the affirmative.
Resolved, That to-morrow be assigned for the reconsideration of the said bill, in the mode prescribed by the Constitution of the United States.
The obvious stalemate which marked the situation during the first half of the fourth year of the war imposed upon the belligerents a reconsideration of the political and military means of bringing it to an end.
The German delegates, with Count Brockdorff-Rantzau at their head, did their best to expose the inconsistencies between the Allies' professions and their performance, and to secure a reconsideration of the more distasteful terms.
Sir Robert Peel foresaw that this suspension, fully justified by the tenor of the reports to which he has referred, would compel, during the interval of suspension, the reconsideration of the Corn Laws.
The analysis of the working of Trade Unionism and Factory Legislation in the various industries of the United Kingdom has involved a reconsideration of the conclusions of Political Economy.
Without questioning the wisdom or patriotism of those who stood in opposition," said the President, "I venture to recommend the reconsideration and passage of the measure at the present session.
The thoughtful reconsideration of his severest critics must allow that Mr. Webster saw before him a divided duty, and that he chose the part which in his patriotic judgment was demanded by the supreme danger of the hour.
Giddings, caused a reconsideration and the adoption of the brief reference which one reads in the historic document.
In the House the vote indorsing the Executive was unanimous, though it was not thought advisable to do more than this until there had been ample time for reconsideration of the subject in France.
Blithers was the man to see; he and he alone could bring pressure to bear on the directorates that might result in a reconsideration of the surprising verdict.
If the question to be reconsidered is undebatable, then the reconsideration is undebatable.
After they have been adopted, they cannot be modified at the same session except by a reconsideration [ยง 60].
A reconsideration requires only a majority vote, regardless of the vote necessary to adopt the motion reconsidered.
No improper advantage can be taken of the privilege, as long as every member who voted with the majority must be present when the reconsideration is moved.
A reconsideration of the vote of yesterday had taken place in the other House, and the bankrupt bill was now returned to the Senate for concurrence; after which it would want but the signature of the Executive to become a law.
Discussion and reconsiderationof what has been learnt before, is second stage of yoga; the third is the rumination of the same in one's self and is known under the name of nididhyasana or self-communion of meditation.
The Executive approval was given by me to the resolution mentioned, and it is now by a closer attention and a fuller knowledge of facts that I feel constrained to recommend a reconsideration of the subject.
In conclusion, the case of the Mosquito people deserves, and demands the reconsideration of Great Britain.