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Example sentences for "reviewers"

Lexicographically close words:
review; reviewal; reviewals; reviewed; reviewer; reviewing; reviews; revile; reviled; revilers
  1. He deserted his own principles, as the Reviewers observe: and where he has done this, every rational man should desert his standard.

  2. The reviewers might have extended their remarks to many other instances, in which he has deviated from general practice and from every rule of the language.

  3. Some reviewers of this work have rather loosely characterized it as a novel, and in a certain big sense it is; but the sub-title is a better description: "the narrative of Judge Priest and his people.

  4. Has not the reputation of Matthew Arnold already sunk lower than that of the reviewers in the daily papers?

  5. No man can appreciate a Shakespeare that is thrown at his head, and books are thrown at the heads of reviewers nowadays in numbers likely to stun or bewilder rather than to evoke the mood of rapturous understanding.

  6. Sir Walter Scott passed thirteen years without reading what the critics or reviewers said of his writings; while Byron was sensitive to an excess about what was said of him.

  7. It was the reviewers who stung him into his first work of genius--English Bards and Scotch Reviewers.

  8. Mr Graves anticipates his reviewers in his L'Envoi when he says: "Everything they took from my new poem book But the fly-leaf and the covers.

  9. It may be said in answer to all this, however, that to appeal for tolerance in book-reviewers is not necessary.

  10. That, in fact, is the usual attitude of clever reviewers when they begin.

  11. But one has even known book-reviewers who wrote delightful articles, though they made scarcely any reference to the books under review at all.

  12. Many reviewers despise a bad book so heartily that, instead of squeezing every drop of interest out of it, as they ought to do, they refrain from squeezing a single drop of interest out of it.

  13. Speaking of the reviewers who had attacked him, he said: "They have always been abusing me.

  14. In dissenting from this view, one is not pleading for a race of reviewers without moral or religious ideas, or even prepossessions.

  15. Reviewers with theories about morality and religion can seldom be induced to come to the point of portraiture until they have enjoyed a preliminary half-column of self-explanation.

  16. Then, to deny that anything was specially designed to be what it is is one proposition; while to deny that the Designer supernaturally or immediately made it so is another: though the reviewers appear not to recognize the distinction.

  17. Surely these reviewers must be living in an ideal world, surrounded by "the faultless monsters which our world ne'er saw," in some elysium where imperfection and distress were never heard of!

  18. In their scientific objections the two reviewers take somewhat different lines; but their philosophical and theological arguments strikingly coincide.

  19. This misconception is shared both by the reviewers and the reviewed.

  20. This is the line for Mr. Darwin to take; for it at once and completely relieves his scientific theory from every theological objection which his reviewers have urged against it.

  21. The Biography of the Book and Its Reviewers Reviewed.

  22. The hint went abroad that the book belonged to the category which has borrowed a name from the ingenious Mr. Bowdler, and vainly half a century of reviewers spoke bravely in its praise.

  23. The Biography of the Book and the Reviewers Reviewed, Opinions of the Press.

  24. I imitated the Saj'a, because I held it to be an essential part of the work and of my fifty reviewers none save the Edinburgh considered the reproduction of the original manner aught save a success.

  25. Kirby The Biography of the Book and Its Reviewers Reviewed Opinions of the Press The Translator's Foreword.

  26. I am firmly persuaded that if I committed a murder half the book reviewers would allude to it as a melancholy example of the extreme lengths to which the 'new humour' had descended.

  27. It mattered not to him though all the reviewers had been in a chorus of laughter or conspiracy of silence behind him.

  28. The reviewers had another laugh, and rival poets pillaged while they scoffed, particularly Byron, among whose verses a bit of Wordsworth showed as incongruously as a sacred vestment on the back of some buccaneering plunderer of an abbey.

  29. On a certain occasion he wrote a problem story of the most advanced kind; what, in fact, the reviewers call a "strong" story.

  30. How did you learn all the little traits of human nature, which the reviewers say you put in your book?

  31. The papers were full of it; the reviewers considered it an omen of an honourable parliamentary career.

  32. Books undoubtedly exercise a great influence over the disposition, taste, and character; and reviewers have it much in their power to direct the general taste for books.

  33. We heartily wish that reviewers would endeavor to check the circulation of some of the light literature of the day.

  34. Reviewers are paid space rates of, in some instances, as much as eight dollars a column, with the head lines deducted.

  35. Whether signed reviewers are conducive to honesty I am not sure.

  36. Reviewers of course frequently differ widely in their conceptions of a book.

  37. Perry mentions among reviewers a group of seasoned bookmen, including Mr. Paul Elmer More and Professor Frank Mather, Jr.

  38. This is a wild dream, but it would be a grand thing for American reviewing if every one of our young reviewers could have for an hour each week the moral benefit of the society of such a man.

  39. Occasionally, very occasionally, there is found among reviewers the type of old-fashioned person who used to be called a "man of letters.

  40. Nor have I ever written in any review a word that I knew to be false; and I believe that few reviewers do.

  41. Elderly reviewers usually have missed fire with their lives, or they wouldn't still be reviewers.

  42. Absurdly young reviewers are inclined to be youthful in their reviews.

  43. At another necessary failing of reviewers I would only delicately hint.

  44. Neither let me, poor innocent, be accused of giving license to what a palled public and dyspeptical reviewers will call for the thousandth time a cacoethes; word of cabalistic look, unknown to Dr.

  45. The action of the Norwich libraries in burning the book would clearly have had the sympathy of one of its few reviewers had he been informed of the circumstance.

  46. The English reviewers helped to make the author and his ideas known to many readers.

  47. The reviewers were unable to resist the temptation to make themselves ridiculous.

  48. The editors and reviewers of its day could make nothing of it.

  49. I wish all reviewers believed me to be a man; they would be more just to me.

  50. The Reviewers Panned Hell Out of It He woke with a guilty start and looked up at the clock on the ceiling; it was 0945.

  51. The reviewers set to work, 'wondering, admiring, blaming, chiefly the last.

  52. As the Edinburgh Reviewers could not afford to set the clergy at defiance, they had to pay due respect to conventional tastes and standards.

  53. The reviewers had ground the poor little aristocratic butterfly to powder upon the wheel of ridicule.

  54. Ingersoll's Lecture on the Review of His Reviewers Ladies and Gentlemen: "What have I said?

  55. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "reviewers" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.