In other words, there is in individual development (ontogeny) some condensed recapitulation of the steps in racial evolution (phylogeny).
The recapitulation always remained more or less faithful to the exposition.
Again, in the development and recapitulation sections it forms a striking feature, while in the final coda it is intensified by reiteration of the dotted figure, and also by the rise from the dominant to the tonic.
The key of the first movement is in F, but the principal theme in the recapitulation section appears in E flat; the second theme, however, according to rule, in the tonic.
It is interesting to note how little the character and contents of the recapitulation section have been affected in modern times by the growth of the development section.
The present recapitulation by Cada Mosto has been left in his own words, without insisting on the exactness of his chronology.
Recapitulation of the Value of Farms and Domestic Animals, 72.
Recapitulation of the Quantity and Value of Bushel-Measure Products, 39-40.
Recapitulation of the Quantity and Value of Pound-Measure Products, 65.
Consequently the works which appeared were generally a recapitulation or summary of the whole arguments, often neat and judicious, (as is seen at a later time in Van Mildert’s Boyle Lectures, vol.
Recapitulation of the original purpose, which is stated to have been, while assuming the potency of the moral, to analyse the intellectual causes of doubt, which have been generally left uninvestigated.
Hezekiah's address to God is no mere formal recapitulation of divine names, but is the effort of faith to grasp firmly the truths which the enemy denies, and on which it builds.
Notice, too, how the same characteristic is here as in verse 10--that the recapitulation of the sufferings is almost equally prominent with the description of the reward.
Was it simply a recapitulation of the accounts of the treasury made without thought of the inconvenience that might result for Beaumarchais; or did the government really intend Beaumarchais to render an account of it to the United States?
It was decided to grant the request and at the same time to make an exact recapitulation of all the sums already furnished, whether loaned or presented.
The announcement of supper put a stop both to the game at écarté, and the recapitulation of the beauties of the Eatanswill Gazette.
Even puppies at play bite each other in their ticklish points and thus give a recapitulation of their ancestral battles and of the real battles to come (Fig.
These inaugural symptoms are measurably a recapitulation of the leading phenomena of the disease in its completed clinical picture.
With this recapitulation of the beginnings of real Italian majolica, we may now continue our history.
There is embryological evidence, for the individual development often reads like an abbreviatedrecapitulation of the presumed evolution of the race.
This is probably a recapitulation of what was accomplished in the course of millennia in the history of the Amphibian race.
This is a stage in the normal development, which is reasonably interpreted as a recapitulationof a stage in the racial evolution.
The brief recapitulation which we have given sufficiently exposes the pretexts upon which the North began the war of coercion.
As the final consummation of tendencies, long indicating the result of disunion, this event has an appropriate place in the recapitulation of those influences, and can be rightly estimated only in connection with their operation.
At the recapitulation of these the remembrance of Antonina was aroused; and then a bloodthirsty superstition darkened her thoughts, and threw a vague and dreamy character over her speech.
We will not trouble our readers, or shock their ears or senses, by a recapitulation of the dialogue; suffice it to say, that if warm it was short.
She then wound up her recapitulation of atrocities by demanding to know if her husband could think of permitting so vile a man to darken his door again.
At the end of the month the total of these distribution columns on the individual account folders are drawn off on the monthly recapitulation sheet illustrated by Fig.
The totals shown by the recapitulation are posted to the debit of the corresponding ledger accounts, while the grand total is posted to the credit of accounts payable account;--which is the controlling account of the purchase ledger.
Monthly Recapitulation and Distribution Sheet] While not recommended for general adoption this system has its points of merit, and in certain contingencies would undoubtedly prove very satisfactory.
A sheet is used for each account, behind which the vouchers are filed, and a monthly recapitulation sheet is provided for distribution.
The items which make up each ledger account are distributed as soon as posted, totals only being carried to therecapitulation sheet, from whence they reach the ledger.
To arrive at the total of vouchers payable account, a recapitulation sheet, ruled as shown in Fig.
When an account is balanced it must be left in its place until the end of the month, provided credits have been entered in the current month, so that totals of distribution will be carried to the recapitulation sheet.
We may therefore make a reversed recapitulation of the explorations of Kentucky, this dark and bloody hunting and fighting ground of many tribes of strong-legged and peppery-headed savages.
Recapitulation of Results arrived at in the earlier Chapters.
Regarding enlistments from Newburgh and the money raised for the Civil War, the recapitulation in Ruttenber and Clark's History is here quoted: "1.