A charade is a popular form of riddle, the answer to which is a word of several syllables, each of which alone is in itself a word.
Once she was called upon to assist at an entertainment given at the house of the village blacksmith: she invented a charade which was both novel and appropriate.
As more than half of the audience was composed of Mr. Sanborn's pupils this charade produced a great effect.
Rolf with a cry of victory, for he had really taken it seriously to heart, that Hunne's charade had been so long unguessed.
Rolf drew the uncle aside, and asked if he might venture to send a charade to Karlsruhe, now and then; to which Uncle Titus kindly replied that he should receive any such with pleasure, and answer them with punctuality.
She might be nasty about it beforehand, but I don't believe she'd say anything on the evening, especially if the charade goes off well.
Each company was given one syllable of a charade to act, with a strict time limit.
We don't get much time to do photography, because we're keen on acting this term, and I'm in theCharade Society.
No parts were to be learnt, but a general outline of each charade was to be arranged beforehand, the performers filling in impromptu dialogue as they went along.
They then both rose and declared the charade completed, leaving it to the audience to divine the answer.
Then comes a general demand for the answer to the charade we published in our last chapter, which commenced: "My whole is the name of a school-boy's dread.
The chief merit in a charade actor is inventive ingenuity in so, adapting the domestic adjuncts of an ordinary household as to supply the place of necessary theatrical properties and wardrobe.
To the surprise of all, they declared the charade completed.
Miss Hatch has also sent me a charade (reproduced on pp.
Approve my charade and my intentions in the same glance.
Where would be the use of his bringing us a charade made by a friend upon a mermaid or a shark?
Depend upon it, he would not like to have his charade slighted, much better than his passion.
But here is my father coming: you will not object to my reading the charade to him.
With the view of passing off an awkward moment, Emma smilingly said, "You must make my apologies to your friend; but so good a charade must not be confined to one or two.
Miss Woodhouse, what a pity that I must not write this beautiful charadeinto my book!
Later in the morning, and just as the girls were going to separate in preparation for the regular four o'clock dinner, the hero of this inimitable charade walked in again.
I do think it is, without exception, the best charade I ever read.
But take it away, and all appropriation ceases, and a very pretty gallant charade remains, fit for any collection.
Had it not been for this dear delightful charade party, I should never have found out that Walter really cared for me.
True; I recollect this is the night of Katie's charade party.
The last charade party had not been held in their parlors, they congratulated themselves.
He told Lydia that those palpably hired-for-the-occasion nigger waiters were very bad form, and belonged to a phase of Endbury's social gaucheries as outgrown now as charade parties.
But the rector is only to be let so far into the secret as to be informed that, at the evening party which is to be held at the Manor Green that night, a charade or two will be acted, in order to diversify the amusements.
For although the latter does not shine as a mimic, yet, as he is never deserted by his accustomed coolness, he has plenty of the nonchalance and readiness which is a requisite for charade acting.
To the uninitiated, a brief description of an acted charade may not be unacceptable.
The next night the charade was ass-ass-in, and Blinks went on for the first two syllables.
Let now the critic first observe how consummately the mysticism of the charade form is intensified by the sphinx-like answers appended.
Permit us then to introduce the neat little charade entitled "AMEN.
If it was a play, we could act to ourselves, and the chairs and tables, and be perfectly happy; but the very existence of a charade is threatened if no one is ignorant of it.
For although the latter does not shine as a mimic, yet, as he is never deserted by his accustomed coolness, he has plenty of the ~nonchalance~ and readiness which is a requisite for charade acting.
Dressing Up It is, of course, much more fun to dress up; but dressing up is not so important that a charade is spoiled without it.
The contrast between the splendor of Cinderella's carriage in the story and the old perambulator which has to serve in the charade only adds to the fun.
I was paramount in nursery mummeries, and in the children's charade parties of the district, for Philip was not very reliable when steady help was needed; but at school he became stage-manager of the theatricals there.
A brilliant example of the acted charade is described in Thackeray's Vanity Fair.
Tom, she decided, had behaved beautifully through it; and in her humbled state of mind the offence she had taken at his acting in the charade became all the more odious.
So, one by one, all her nice games were abandoned and only the charade is left.
Mary's charade eluded Mr. Grimes's wit no more successfully, and the music was received with even more enthusiasm than usual.
Mary was to be one of the charade captains and Tom Reynolds the other.
Some few years ago, the charade appeared in a Cambridge paper, with a story about Sir Walter Scott having sent it anonymously to Queen Adelaide.
I think the charade first appeared in a cheap periodical, which was set on foot by the parties concerned in Knight's Quarterly.