Their life makes and unmakes itself like an unstable state of matter, a condensation which does not endure.
N by means of Lame's functions; in this case the condensation is effected on an ellipsoidal surface, which approximates to the geoid.
Stokes) the vertical condensation of the masses on the sea-level, without its form being considerably altered (scarcely 1 metre radially).
This condensation is, in practice, the same as to the geoid itself.
On referring to the work of Possinus, “Anonymus Vaticanus†is found to exhibit so admirable a condensation (?
It is not possible, therefore, that condensation can take place if the atoms remain monovalent.
So we may conclude that bromine vapor also does not undergo any allotropic condensation when subjected to the influence of a silent discharge of electricity.
Arguing from the fact that oxygen gas, when subjected to the silent discharge, partially undergoes condensation into ozone, it seemed possible, says Mr. H.
The fact that oxygen gas is capable of undergoing condensation while chlorine and bromine are not is easily explained.
Mr. Vernon, therefore, comes to the conclusion that it is most improbable that any other element but oxygen will be found capable of undergoing molecular condensation when in the gaseous state and subjected to the silent discharge.
But he must not leave it for others to do; for some recasting and much condensation would be required; and literary executors make sad work in general with their testators' brains.
What he wrote in that play is of his earliest manner, having the all-pervading sweetness which he never lost, and that extreme condensation which makes the couplets fall into epigrams, as in the Venus and Adonis, and Rape of Lucrece.
These sonnets, like the Venus and Adonis, and the Rape of Lucrece, are characterized by boundless fertility and labouredcondensation of thought, with perfection of sweetness in rhythm and metre.
It seems easy to conceive how, by this successive condensation from above, the spout appears to drop or descend from the cloud, though the materials of which it is composed are all the while ascending.
Do we know the limit of condensation air is capable of?
Further, that this nebulous matter gradually condensed, and as it condensed, a rotational motion was imparted to them, which rotation quickened as thecondensation was continued.
Therefore one of two results must follow, either that the Aether is not frictionless, but possesses weight; or, that the condensation of the Aether is not possible.
Again, the condensation of the Aether, composed as it is of its atoms, ever in a state of rotation, does away with the Primitive impulse which was objected to in Art.
The latter are generally rich in stars, with a less condensation of stars towards the centre.
Gravitational condensation would at first produce rise of temperature, followed later by cooling, ultimately freezing, giving solid bodies, collision between which would produce meteoric stones such as we see them.
The author was never, I believe, in Ceylon, but his book is a laborious condensation of the principal English works relating to it.
An explanation was thereby afforded of the movement of condensationclouds which appeared in the zenith at these times.
During the week, the windows in the roof collected a coat of ice, from an inch to three inches thick, by condensation of moisture.
All causes which occasion rarefaction or condensation in the air will produce winds, whose directions will be opposite to the places where is the greatest rarefaction or condensation.
In the apparatus for steam distillation, the greater portion of the condensationis effected by the stream of water passing over the receiver.
The preliminary experiments showed that condensation with sodium methylate takes a long time and gives a product which it is difficult to handle in large quantities.
The mechanism of the reaction is undoubtedly as follows: when the sulfuric acid and acetone are in contact for long periods of time, several molecules of the acetone condense to form aldol condensation products.
His style is discursive, his lucid intervals not as electrical as those of some Primitive parsons, but he is a good fellow, and if he had more physical force and more mental condensation be would "go down" better.
But he is very serious, and his words sometimes chill like a condensation of Young's "Night Thoughts.
Sometimes necessary condensation forces a dramatist to bring together at one place what really happened at the same time, but to other people in another place.
Very naturally, therefore, when condensation was necessary, Irving by severe cutting brought these two scenes together as Act II of his version.
The best method of condensation is the use of some pregnant phrase or comparison which rapidly suggests the meaning without actually stating it.
We have already seen such a condensation in “more complete†for “more nearly complete.
This process of fractional condensation is due to Rees Reece, and forms an important feature in the modern absorption machine.
It is in the method of securing the rejection of heat during condensation of the vapor that the two systems diverge, and it will be convenient to consider each of these separately.
It is also obtained by condensation of diethylcyanacetic ester with urea by means of sodium alcoholate.
However Savery may have obtained his first idea of the expansion and condensation of steam, and of atmospheric pressure, it is certain that the subject occupied his attention for many years.
It was at this stage that the idea of carrying on the condensation in a separate vessel flashed upon his mind, and solved the difficulty.
He accordingly contrived a machine to illustrate this idea, but it was very imperfect and slow in its action, as may well be imagined from the circumstance that to produce the condensation he did not apply cold, but merely took away the fire!
The expansive force of steam and the creation of a vacuum by its condensation had been known to the Marquis of Worcester, Savery, Papin, and many more.
Savery created his vacuum by the condensation of steam in a closed vessel, and Papin created his by exhausting the air in a cylinder fitted with a piston, by means of an air-pump.
Their object was to ascertain whether it was practicable to produce mechanical power by the absorption and condensation of gas on the one hand, and by its disengagement and expansion on the other.
Whilst this condensation is going forward in the one cylinder, the steam is operating in the other, and vice versâ.
On the expulsion of the water, and the production of a vacuum by the condensation of the contained steam, the empty vessel would at once be refilled by the action of the atmospheric pressure on the surface of the water to be raised.
He was under the impression that condensation might in some way be effected in the cylinder without injection; and he urged Watt to try whether this might not be done.
Although it has a high boiling-point, it passes readily into vapour at lower temperatures, and the vapour oncondensation forms beautiful silvery crystalline scales.
In 1825 Michael Faraday discovered a hydrocarbon in the oil produced by the condensation of "oil gas"--an illuminating gas obtained by the destructive distillation of oleaginous materials.
The same apparatus, with some particular precautions, may be employed to ascertain the quantity of caloric disengaged by the condensation of the vapours of different liquids.
But the tough canvas did not tear, for it was thickly coated with ice caused by the condensation of breath, and moisture from without, freezing into a hard, thick mass.
There was a dead silence for a minute on deck, but all around a condensation of the grinding, cracking, and rending of the ice which they had heard more or less all day.