I have collected many facts that make my case stronger, but am precluded from publishing them by the reflection that it is strong enough already.
This was taken as a reflection on some of Henry's land speculations.
The college laws on drinking were merely a reflection of the customs of that period.
Neither members nor spectators paid much attention to him, though this was no reflection on Monroe, for the Convention did not listen with patience to many speakers except Henry.
This is no reflection on any man, for I mean none.
We have witnessed the change thus wrought in the leading men during this period, so destructive of confidence in the wisdom or virtue of majorities, at least on first impulse and without abundant time for reflection and second thought.
The people who sent him there may replace him at the first opportunity, but he will have the consolatory reflection that if the other side has got in it is only to behave in the same way.
Reflection upon the plan will, we believe, convince any reader, who knows how matters now are, that it would lead to an immense improvement.
Indeed, we believe that, even among patients who retain the consciousness and the powers of reflection to appreciate the transfer, no such lively despair as authors depict is felt.
The love which had so penetrated and pervaded his whole system, and which abstruser and colder reflection had just calmed, thrilled through his frame with redoubled power.
Like the period before creation, her mind was a chaos of jarring elements, and knew neither the method of reflection nor the division of time.
Falkland; "it was the loss of hope which brought me reflection, and in reflection I forgot to feel.
After some reflection I determined, as the slave had said "He would not remain to be beaten," that I would leave my master to suppose he had run away, and in the mean time conceal the body.
At last we arrived in this town; and the other day, as I was pounding the drug of reflection in the mortar of patience, the physician desired me to bring his lancets, and to follow him.
And if I may digress, there is one badge of honour in our country, which I never contemplate without serious reflectionrising in my mind.
Doubt succeeded to the empire of hope, when reflection pointed out to them, that out of three millions of very eligible youths, only one could be made happy.
Spanish moss hangs limply from the evergrays, disdainful of the sun and of itsreflection by sea; the scene is somber and restful, serene, and flat.
How piteous is thereflection that the slaves made a point of honor of preserving their backs free from scars,--so that the lash inflicted a double wound at every stroke!
But the glory of the unlooked-for triumph seemed strangely lessened by the reflection that I had no just claim to the funereal plumage with which I had so happily decked myself.
In the Laws, which are the last outcome of his philosophic reflection in old age, he still advocates (Bk.
At first I was somewhat agitated; then I calmed myself with the reflection that my Tkatchenko was certainly still in this world.
In reality my work is a reflection of Beethoven's Fifth Symphony; I have not copied his musical contents, only borrowed the central idea.
At the moment of composing, when I am aglow with emotion, it flashes across my mind that all who will hear the music will experience some reflection of what I am feeling myself.
Will you permit my age to make a reflectionwhich seldom occurs to yours?
Introduced into the world whilst yet a girl, I was devoted by my situation to silence and inaction; this time I made use of for reflection and observation.
I had no need of reflection to wish every thing that concerns, or that could be prejudicial to her, should ever be kept secret from the world.
If all your fine phrases should even produce the intoxication of love, do you flatter yourself that it would be of so long a duration that reflection would not come time enough to prevent its consequences?
Had you been here, I don't know how far my good humour might have led me; but reflection came to my aid, and I armed myself with severity.
The result of his more mature reflection may be presented in epitome thus.
The sky was like the reflection from some huge furnace, and all the way the fire roared in the rising wind.
Upon its dark mirror floated the reflection of Hebert's cruel eyes, and loose lips that smiled upon a girl's shamed agony.
If those waters rose any higher they would flood her brain and send her mad with horror, Dangeau's voice seemed to arrest the tide, and whilst he spoke the reflection wavered and grew faint.
The Marquise de Montargis sat bolt upright, and contemplated her reflection in the wide silver mirror which Jeanne was steadying.
Tinville waved for silence and gradually the noise lessened, the audience settling down with the reflection that perhaps it would be a pity to cut the play short in its first act.
Now, when Wylie returned to England safe after his crime and his perils, he comforted himself with the reflectionthat Nancy would have her house and garden, and he should have Nancy.
Jimmy stared at him in wonder, and then set off without reflection in chase of him.
Several points which had given him food for reflectionalso became suddenly plain, and he lighted another cigar before he fell to work again.
Then it was a tolerably accurate reflectionof my state of mind," said Brooke.
She bowed her head, that he might not see thereflection in her face of the glow that warmed her bosom, where Karslake's letter nestled.
He felt singularly sure he had played the gratuitous ass in this affair, and he didn't in the least desire to see the reflection of a like conviction in the eyes of a pretty young woman with a flair for the ridiculous.
The Poet often throws in a reflection of this kind in the most natural manner, as it seems to arise spontaneously from the subject.
Reflection indeed will induce us to acknowledge, that in this branch of Lyric Poetry the Author may be allowed to take greater liberties than we could permit him to do in that which has formerly been mentioned.
We have already seen that Lyric Poetry was not introduced with the advantages of the former, and reflection must convince us, that it is not calculated to gain the slow and imperceptible accessions of the latter.
A little reflection will enable us to discover the reason of this difference betwixt our ideas of allegorical and of real personages.
Though she strove to keep her tone the same, there was a relaxation in her severity that did not escape him; the reflection that there was safety in numbers had no doubt occurred to her.
It was a bitter reflection that her lover had not come straight to her; that he had sought a go-between (and such a go-between!
This comforting reflectionawoke in his breast a sporting fancy.
To this pleasantreflection he sat down on the hard chair and smiled happily.
And he didn't laugh either as he promised to," was her reflection as she settled down to sleep again with the sweet consciousness of duty performed.
The man who is given to sober reflection seldom gets into a tight place.
After such consoling repast, it would have been a reflection on monastic hospitality to have departed without partaking of the grace-cup; moreover, Father Cuddy had a particular respect for the antiquity of that custom.
Reflection seemed with him to have well performed its duty.
All of which is an unpleasant reflection on the enormous age I seem to have acquired in four years," she cried.
And when it came home the next evening, and she put it on, she hardly knew whether to laugh or to cry at the reflection of herself in the glass.
It was merely an inconsequent reflection on my part.
Merely a passing reflection on something she had been telling me," was his reply.
It was a little shock to her self-esteem to hear herself described so baldly, though she consoled herself by the reflection that Polly had never liked her, and there was consequently very little value to be attached to her opinion.
It was like a reflection of sunlight in a deep pool, this dim smiling of gratitude and gaiety.
He was caught swiftly from this inner tumult by its reflection in her face.
And that his own face showed some sharp fixity of woe he felt from its reflection on hers--like a sword-flash reflected in a shallow pool.
The sky’s power of reflection is no less potent in the landscape.
One in which reflection plays a part speaks of the life of light and in it we feel that promise.
Art lies somewhere between these starting points; for art is a reflection of an idea and ideas may or may not have to do with detail.
Reflection is observable in that degree in which the surface, reflected upon, is rough or smooth.
But, however desirable this might appear, a very little reflection showed that it was not easy to be done, if, indeed, it were practicable.
Garcilasso's work is the reflectionof the age in which he lived.
But, however pleasing to the imagination, and however popular, the legend of Manco Capac, it requires but little reflection to show its improbability, even when divested of supernatural accompaniments.