That done, he ascends and takes his seat upon the Pontifical Throne, whither come the cardinals to adore him, while the organ peals forth and the choir gives voice.
The experiment of the barrel-organ orchestra was not often repeated.
Sometimes an Irishman is heard with his "fine ating apples," or else the jingling music of an unseen organ breaks out, as the trio of street singers rest between the verses.
During the sermon, which was a very sleepy affair, Green left the organ and went and sat amongst them.
The words were scarcely uttered before the notes of the organ swelled suddenly through the church.
About the year 951, there was made for the church at Winchester an organ which, in size and construction, surpassed any that had hitherto been seen.
One day the notes of the organ carried him far away to dreamland.
Nor would the Magyars, at any rate, feel more friendly to him when they found that an organ of the Croatian patriots at Agram claimed him as an ally against the overbearing demands of the Magyars.
The theory of curing a diseased organ by eating the analogous organ of a healthy animal.
The organ of insects which covers the mouth beneath, and serves as an under lip.
Having one portion of a hollow organdrawn back within another portion.
An organ in insects and crustaceans covering the upper part of the mouth, and serving as an upper lip.
A condition of morbid excitability of an organ or part of the body; undue susceptibility to the influence of stimuli.
A glandular organ which excretes urea and other waste products from the animal body; a urinary gland.
A condition of morbid excitability or oversensitiveness of an organ or part of the body; a state in which the application of ordinary stimuli produces pain or excessive or vitiated action.
The introduction of a tube into an organ to keep it open, as into the larynx in croup.
Wanting in some elementary organ that is essential to successful or normal activity.
The act or process of infiltrating, as of water into a porous substance, or of a fluid into the cells of an organ or part of the body.
To this influential organ of public opinion, which was not to be bought or sold, we owed a debt of deep gratitude, for it had stood by us in our adversity as well as in former prosperity.
There was no sound of tingling accompaniment: there was no organ pipe, even, to add its sensuous note of color.
I presume I ought to beg your pardon, but I can't stand the abomination of modern repetitions; the hand-organ business in art, I call it.
The eye is the only active organ the Englishman carries abroad with him; his talking is done by staring.
His voice, as it rolled out the words of his cry, was as staccato in pitch as any organ can be whose practice is largely confined to unceasing calls for potations.
More specifically, it is a portion of plastic, organized substance, functioning as an individual and containing potentially an elementalorgan plus a formative power.
Meantime the winds of his organ were ready [75] to blow; and with difficulty he obtained grace from the Chapter for a trial of its powers on a notable public occasion, as follows.
Now he would compose all this to sweeter purposes; and the building of the first organ became like the book of his life: it expanded to the full compass of his nature, in its sorrow and delight.
A passage from the London "Economist," the European organ of the aristocracy of finance, described most strikingly the attitude of this class.
Mann, of Buffalo, was the first to draw attention to the occurrence of cancer in the neck of the uterus after the body of the organ had been removed.
The organ is shown in sagittal section in order to display the great thickening of the endometrium.
Cancer of the body of the uterus occasionally causes such enlargement of this organ as to render its removal by the vaginal route difficult as well as undesirable.
Their fine organ we missed hearing, as it was then out of order.
The sovereign power was thus farmed to the aristocracy instead of forming anorgan of its own.
But the church, considered as a whole, could hardly be called an organism at all, or, if an organism, it was an organism with its central organ in a permanent state of paralysis.
An organ to defend their cause was desirable, and Bentham supplied the funds for the Westminster Review, of which the first number appeared in April 1824.
He loved music--especially Handel--and had an organin his house.
When the first notes of the organ stirred the swallows in the church eaves to chirp aloud, I believed with Mrs. Bundle that they were joining in the Te Deum.
The Lobster, and many other Crustacea, do indeed possess a structure which was long supposed to be an organ of hearing, and may possibly in part fulfil that function, although it is now known that that is not its only or even its chief use.
The eyes are not stalked, and are usually fused together to form a single organ on the front part of the head.
If the dramatists of the near future are to have no finer consecration than an insufferable sense of unhappiness, we must turn for amusement to lectures and organ recitals.
The new organ had been his last Christmas gift to the parish, and out of his purse mainly had come the new school buildings.
A peculiarorgan in the flowers of Orchids, in which the stamens, style and stigma (or the reproductive parts) are united.
We should be extremely cautious in concluding that an organ could not have been formed by transitional gradations of some kind.
But the state of the same organ in distinct classes may incidentally throw light on the steps by which it has been perfected.
No organ will be formed, as Paley has remarked, for the purpose of causing pain or for doing an injury to its possessor.
An organ might, also, be retained for one alone of its former functions.
The lower part of the pistil or female organ of the flower, containing the ovules or incipient seeds; by growth after the other organs of the flower have fallen, it usually becomes converted into the fruit.
We shall, also, presently see that the tail is a highly useful prehensile organ to some of the species; and its use would be much influence by its length.
If it could be demonstrated that any complexorgan existed, which could not possibly have been formed by numerous, successive, slight modifications, my theory would absolutely break down.
Although we must be extremely cautious in concluding that any organ could not have been produced by successive, small, transitional gradations, yet undoubtedly serious cases of difficulty occur.
But precisely in this work my organ for beauty has become blunt rather than keen.
In Syria, at Megiddo I could work undisturbed; now I know what the organ is that thinks.
All parts of this organ do not have the same value.
However, since the nature and quality of the music does not matter here, we may quote: "Hearing a Barbary organ in the street, I picture the instrument to myself.
Modesty has settled upon the organ of conviction--where it was never meant to be.
The most distinguished organ of public opinion in France, alarmed by the progress of these ultramontane doctrines, said not long ago of this party: "In its eyes there exists but one real authority in the world, that of the pope.
Dalaber stopped at the door listening to the majestic sounds of the organ at which Taverner presided, and to the harmonious strains of the choristers.