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Example sentences for "serial"

Lexicographically close words:
sergent; sergents; serges; sergint; seria; serially; serials; sericulture; serie; series
  1. He has offered me £1,000 for the serial rights of a story as long as Milly and Olly!

  2. Did we believe a serial arrangement of the sciences to be possible, that of M.

  3. And here's a Synopsis of Preceding Chapters of Hall Caine's new serial to appear next June.

  4. I had felt that the rushing mode of publication to which the system of serial stories had given rise, and by which small parts as they were written were sent hot to the press, was injurious to the work done.

  5. The dates given are the years in which the works were published as a whole, most of them having appeared before in some serial form.

  6. On this my first attempt at a serial story, I thought it fit to break my own rule.

  7. The production of novels in serial form forces upon the author the conviction that he should not allow himself to be tedious in any single part.

  8. Following this was the numeral 24, the Wilhelmstrasse serial number of the document.

  9. In any event it had a regular serial number; in this instance number twenty-four of the German Foreign Office.

  10. In the same way, the Serial Tales in “HOME WORDS,” published separately, would make a 2s.

  11. Almost any serial will give hints enough to an acute boy, if he wishes to gain an initiative knowledge of subjects more especially beneath the cognisance of the police.

  12. The purpose, at first, was a short serial for one of the magazines, descriptive of the visit of the wise men to Jerusalem as mentioned in the first two verses of the second chapter of Matthew.

  13. For certain reasons, however, the serial idea was abandoned, and the narrative, instead of ending with the birth of the Savior, expanded into a more pretentious novel and only ended with the death scene on Calvary.

  14. He had as a further stimulant and guide the work which Henry Mayhew was then publishing, "London Labor and the London Poor," a serial which by its painful and startling revelations was working a profound impression on England.

  15. In another instance he spoke of one of his novels as "floating" the serial publication in which it was making its appearance, and which we were therefore given to understand would have sunk to the bottom but for his cooeperation.

  16. A fortnight ago last Monday you posted to Mr. Vanstone, editor of the Piccadilly Magazine, the synopsis of the first four or five chapters of a proposed serial for the journal in question.

  17. He was terribly short of ready money, but he had just finished a serial story for which he was to be paid £500 within two months of the delivery of the copy; two novels of his were respectively in their fourth and fifth editions.

  18. The story first came out as a serial in the New York Observer.

  19. I have half promised to write a serial for a magazine, the organ of the Young Men's Christian Association, though I know nothing of young men and hate to write serials.

  20. I have written the 403d page of my serial to-day, and hope it is the last.

  21. During the month of January she wrote the larger portion of a new serial for The Christian at Work.

  22. Stepping Heavenward was published toward the end of October, having appeared already as a serial in the Chicago Advance.

  23. More than the more is more than the less, equals of equals are equal, sames of the same are the same, the cause of a cause is the cause of its effects, are other examples of this serial law.

  24. Oh, Miss Jasmine, I have brought you this week's copy of The Downfall--the serial in it is really of the most powerful order.

  25. Their incomes are mainly from serial publication in the different magazines; and the prosperity of the magazines has given a whole class existence which, as a class, was wholly unknown among us before the war.

  26. These are the sort who do not get reprinted from the periodicals; but the better recognized authors do get reprinted, and then their serial work in its completed form appeals to the readers who say they do not read serials.

  27. By the newspapers, the syndicate conceives, and perhaps justly, that something sensational is desired; yet all the serial stories it has placed cannot be called sensational.

  28. But many authors live now, and live prettily enough, by the sale of the serial publication of their writings to the magazines.

  29. Those who do, those who sell the most widely in book form, are often not at all desired by editors; with difficulty they get a serial accepted by any principal magazine.

  30. But he understands perfectly well that his reward is in the serial and not in the book; the return from that he may count as so much money found in the road--a few hundreds, a very few thousands, at the most.

  31. Pierrette first appeared as a serial in the Siecle.

  32. The coming of the birds, the budding of the leaves, the serial blossoming of spring had not touched me, and as I walked up the street that exquisite morning, a reminiscent ecstasy filled my heart.

  33. For the seventh time I set to work revising A Son of the Middle Border, preparing it for serial publication.

  34. Having been accepted by Lorimer, this story was about to be printed under this latter title as a serial in the Post.

  35. The actual making of my serial into book form began soon after New Years, for I find records of my contract with Harper and Bros.

  36. On Tuesday Sullivan, who had been called to the West, wired me from Chicago that A Son of the Middle Border would make an admirable serial and that his assistants would take the matter up with me.

  37. These responses which indicated a wider and more lasting effect than I had hoped to produce, led me to plan for the publication of the book close on the heels of the concluding installment of the serial but in this I was disappointed.

  38. It made a creditable serial and a fairly successful book, but it will probably not count as largely in my record as "Martha's Fireplace," a short story which I wrote at about the same time.

  39. Mr. Chatto gave me a lump sum down for serial rights and copyright, and ran 'Philistia' through the pages of The Gentleman's.

  40. Our price for the serial use will be 250l.

  41. I might have taken them, indeed, as a good omen; for though I have since written more novels than I can count, I have never failed to secure serial publication for every one of them.

  42. I had already had from the magazine for serial use of a few of the stories.

  43. This gentleman's novels are suitable enough for serial publication,' once wrote a critic of them, intending to be very particularly disagreeable, but it aroused no emotion in my breast warmer than gratitude.

  44. Requisition from the department requesting the goods, filed numerically according to the departmental serial number; that is, all requisitions from Dept.

  45. The serial numbers are intended to aid in the identification of any memorandum that may have become somewhat illegible.

  46. Each department should also be identified by a letter which will be printed on the requisition blank in connection with a serial number.

  47. I have just finished the second part of the four-part serial entitled "Brigands of the Moon.

  48. I am glad that you are starting another serial in the May issue of Astounding Stories.

  49. It is an unwarranted assumption that all the fragments of Israelite legislation which have been preserved lie in one serial development" (Moore, Ency.

  50. It is a mistake to ask questions in serial order, so that each child knows just when he is to be called upon.

  51. It never was meant as a connected, organized textbook, to be studied in the same serial and continuous order as other books.

  52. Beyond question, the material we teach our children in religion should be organized and published as real books and not as paper-covered or unbound serial pamphlets.

  53. Without forcing the theory too far, it may be admitted that the idea of Once a Week owes more to these serial novels than to any previous enterprise.

  54. With these the Cornhill departed from its ordinary custom, and gave two full-page illustrations to each section of the serial month by month.

  55. Nevertheless, the less frequent illustrations to its serial fiction are well up to the level of those practically independent of the text.

  56. From the time Once a Week started, to the present to-day, the bulk of illustrations of any merit have been issued in serial publications.

  57. By way of working off the long serial by Trollope, Ralph the Heir, independent supplements as thick as an ordinary number, but entirely filled with chapters of the story in question, were issued in April and October 1870.

  58. To the serial story, therefore, we may fairly devote our chief attention, because it is clearly regarded as the chief attraction of these very singular publications.

  59. The great success of his novel was not obtained in its original serial form, but in its republished form, when it appealed from the Unknown to the Known Public.

  60. In both these cases I refer to one and the same fiction--to the Kenilworth of Sir Walter Scott, which is reprinted as a new serial experiment in a penny journal.

  61. He looked at the serial number, then the serial number of the next bill.

  62. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "serial" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    alternate; annual; article; ballet; beating; bomb; book; broadcast; charade; circling; classic; clause; column; commercial; connected; consecutive; consistent; continuous; cyclic; cyclical; daily; daybook; dialogue; diary; drama; duologue; editorial; epochal; even; extravaganza; failure; flop; folio; fortnightly; happening; hit; installment; intermittent; joined; journal; juvenile; lineal; linear; magazine; masque; measured; melodrama; metronomic; miracle; monologue; monthly; morality; mystery; newscast; notebook; novel; opera; opus; orderly; ordinal; organ; oscillatory; pageant; pantomime; paperback; paragraph; part; passage; pastoral; periodic; periodical; phrase; pictorial; piece; play; production; progressive; publication; pulsing; reciprocal; recurrent; review; rhythmic; rhythmical; rotary; seasonal; section; sequential; serial; show; sketch; sketchbook; skit; soap; spectacle; steady; storybook; succeeding; success; successive; sustainer; tableau; tight; title; tome; undulant; uninterrupted; vaudeville; vehicle; verse; volume; weekly; work; writing