Undoubtedly ethics and morality cannot change; they are one: but obligations vary in the different states of life.
Just as the sun lights up a scene diversely and produces differences which we admire, so morality conforms social duty to rank, to position.
He is not a nobleman; but he is one of those plain men with fixed principles and sound morality who satisfy parents.
Now at this point it seems to us that we hear timorous people and those of narrow views rising up against our idea of hygiene in the name of morality and sentiment.
You will have in your house an exact estimate of the morality of your wife, just as the quotations of the Bourse give you a just estimate of the degree of confidence possessed by the government.
But no one has yet undertaken either in the name of marital honor or in the interest of marriageable people, or for the advantage of morality and the progress of human institutions, to investigate the number of honest wives.
Here are to be found a glowing romance of business, of magnificent conceptions, of astonishing forms of contracts, of statutes and entails, and finally a marvellous judicial discussion where morality and immorality are at variance.
I will take my stand on the ground of the sin against morality which most concerns me.
Am I guilty in the real meaning of morality and freedom?
He also elaborately contends that there was a good deal of morality among Homer's Greeks, far more than is generally supposed.
I desire,' continued Lord Cranbourne, 'to protest in the most earnest language I am capable of against the political morality on which the measures of this year have been passed.
Oh, whatever insane or impostor monks may say to the contrary, human and divine morality will always condemn theft, whatever the disguises or hypocritical pretexts may be under which it is committed.
She has preserved cherished recollections of the evangelical moralitythat you preached to them.
Your Evangelical moralityshould and will be the code of all humankind.
But I notice you grant absolution for all that human morality and the Fathers of the Church condemn.
I shall practice the evangelical morality of Jesus our Savior; I shall return good for evil!
These few words sum up the eternal morality that your mother and myself have preached and held up to you since your infancy as the example to be followed.
The writings of Sterne, particularly, form the best course of morality that ever was written.
Stiles, and with much fairness in a pamphlet by Charles Francis Adams on "Some Phases of Sexual Morality and Church Discipline in Colonial New England.
Its existence has been a standing taunt for years against New England, and its prevalence has been held up as a proof of a low state of morality in early New England society.
An eminent dignitary of the Church of England was once discoursing with the author on the morality of Shakspere.
Wherefore to-day our morality is an ash-heap, which some weep over, others kick up.
Upon what theories of private morality are the young now fed?
The foundations of morality have been established by our gradual emergence from that state of savagery, into which we were again for a few years submerged by war.
Whatever certainty is to be acquired in morality and the science of life; just the same degree of certainty have we in what relates to them in works of imitation.
The whole scenery was exactly disposed to captivate those good souls, whose credulous morality is so invaluable a treasure to crafty politicians.
People not very well grounded in the principles of public morality find a set of maxims in office ready made for them, which they assume as naturally and inevitably, as any of the insignia or instruments of the situation.
Moreover, he wanted principle, which is the natural foundation of public virtue; and he had no higher an idea of morality than its conveniency.
If your system of morality at all resembles your manner of regarding history," said Lucien, "I should dearly like to know the motive of your present act of charity, for such it seems to be.
And later, he wrote of the Missouri Compromise, as a "question having just enough of the semblance of morality to throw dust into the eyes of the people.
Their disregard to the laws of decency and morality was such as could not be tolerated in any class of civilised society.
In this way they learned in a very short time the laws of Christian morality and the mysteries of the Faith.
More than one of them, haunted perhaps by the remembrance of his pictures and his morality games, which were no less ingenious for gaining their attention, came and asked for baptism.
Conventional morality is a drab morality, in which the only fatal thing is to be conspicuous.
It identifies morality with what was sometime rational, possibly in some prior experience of one's own, but more probably in the experience of some one else who is now blindly set up as a final authority.
It has been supposed that morality would be quite superfluous were it not for the inherent weakness, bordering on depravity, of human nature.
Why did morality set up rules so foreign to human nature?
A false psychology of an isolated self and a subjective moralityshuts out from morals the things important to it, acts and habits in their objective consequences.
This self-contradiction however only points to a higher fixed reality with which a true and superior morality is alone concerned.
Morality resides not in perception of fact, but in the use made of its perception.
Moreover this tendency is a chief reason why the social forces effective in shaping actualmorality work blindly and unsatisfactorily.
They deny that consequences have anything at all to do with themorality of acts.
The travelers were told stories of the lack of common morality and decency in the region, but they made no note of them.
Science grows, but moralityis stationary, and art is vulgarized.
I do not mean to say that public and private morality have vanished with the hearth.
It laid no foundation of morality, but in place of morality saw cultivated a superstitious, emotional, hysterical religion.
She talked freely about the want of decency and morality in the young colored folks of the present day.
But the higher religion of Israel inclined to morality more than to art, and forbade image worship altogether.
One of the first acts of her reign was a proclamation against vice, and Lord Chesterfield regretted the strict morality of her court.
See how much the family with itsmorality demand from us!
Indigestion is charged by the good God with preachingmorality to stomachs.
Have you a government which comprehends the identity of morality and politics?
Indeed, it is just the stern morality of Socialism which causes ambitious and greedy men to hate Socialism and resist it.
Socialists demand a higher morality than any now to be found.
You talked so much morality of a kind, you made philosophy so readily, that I came to be deceived.
This consideration made him realize the weakness of the case he proposed to set before a man whose views of law and morality were coloured by his social rank.
Only in its morality does the essence of a religion realise, reveal itself: morality alone is the criterion, whether a religious dogma is felt as a truth or is a mere chimera.
As the highest object of faith is that which most contradicts reason, the Eucharist, so necessarily the highest virtue of the morality which is true and obedient to faith is that which most contradicts Nature.
The doctrine that morality can do nothing without means of grace has a valid meaning if, in place of imaginary, supernatural means of grace, we substitute natural means.
The morality corresponding to the super-terrestrial life is simply separation from the world, the negation of this life; and the practical attestation of this spiritual separation is the monastic life.
God, procure salvation; the negation of the flesh in Protestantism is not distinguished from that limitation of the flesh which natural reason and morality enjoin on man.
Above morality hovers God, as a being distinct from man, a being to whom the best is due, while the remnants only fall to the share of man.
Catholic morality is Christian, mystical; Protestant morality was, in its very beginning, rationalistic.
As faith vanquishes Nature outside of man, so the morality of faith vanquishes Nature within man.
As therefore inwardly moralityis subordinate to faith, so it must also be outwardly, practically subordinate, nay, sacrificed, to faith.
Catholic moralitywas the Mater dolorosa; Protestant morality a comely, fruitful matron.
If morality has no foundation in itself, there is no inherent necessity for morality; morality is then surrendered to the groundless arbitrariness of religion.