In this foreign narrative I may not consume a page; and a volume would scarcely suffice to recapitulate the battles and sieges of his twelve expeditions.
I should not recapitulate the disasters of the Alexandrian library, the involuntary flame that was kindled by Caesar in his own defence, [119] or the mischievous bigotry of the Christians, who studied to destroy the monuments of idolatry.
The ostensible object of these gatherings was to recapitulate the sermons of the week; but the step from discussion to criticism was short, and it soon began to be said that she cast reproach "upon the ministers, .
To follow Moses further in the course which optimism enforced upon him would be tedious, as it would be to recapitulate the story which has already been told.
Let us recapitulate the strange metamorphoses which I have sketched.
Let us now recapitulate the more prominent facts of this essay.
It is unnecessary to recapitulate the manner in which the successive stages of Greek art are mirrored in the pottery, from the first efforts of the Athenian potter down to the eclecticism of the Arretine ware.
It may be convenient to recapitulate briefly the main headings under which the subjects are grouped.
It may, however, be worth while to recapitulate here the actual representations of actors or of scenes taking place on a stage, together with some account of the numerous burlesques of mythical subjects.
When Bill had disappeared, the Earl sat down, and, bending his eyes on the ground, he began to recapitulate in his mind the extraordinary events and the eclaircissement he had heard that evening, whilst he waited for his guide.
We need not recapitulate the abduction of Ellen Ravensworth, the relief, his rescue from prison, subsequent disgraceful life, and attempted outrage on his old flame.
The irrational element in myth, to which we have already given some consideration, is then discussed by Lang, and as our manner of dealing with it is founded upon his, it is unnecessary to recapitulate his arguments.
Mrs. Errington, and began to recapitulate all the occasions on which the wine supplied to her from the "Blue Bell" inn had been pronounced excellent by the first connoisseurs.
I have no space to recapitulate the sublime historic memories which invest these solemn heights with an interest of their own.
To enable the reader to comprehend these widely different aspects, and to describe the peculiar characteristics of each region of this immense continent, it will be necessary for us to recapitulate its most important geographical features.
He shook his head and mournfully began to recapitulate the day he had just spent.
Instead of sorrow, such children are found invariably delighted with the recollection of their tricks; and never fail to recapitulate them to their companions afterwards, with triumph and satisfaction.
The details therein will serve to recapitulate the history of the final downpour on Montreal during the days preceding its fall, with the new era commencing, and accordingly we present it to our readers.
Let us briefly recapitulate the matter contained in the chapters of this book: (1).
Bearing this in mind we may now proceed to recapitulate our conclusions as to what that view was.
It is not my intention to retrace the path I have already pursued, and a very few lines will suffice to recapitulate what I have previously explained.
I recapitulate the substance of this chapter in a few words: The existence of democracies is threatened by two dangers, viz.
Thus, to recapitulate in a few words what I have been showing: If a public officer in New England commits a crime in the exercise of his functions, the ordinary courts of justice are always called upon to pass sentence upon him.
As both these men's lives are now before us, let us briefly recapitulate them, observing as we do so the points in which they differ from one another.
I shall now attempt to recapitulate some of the sights and incidents of travel which recently befell me, whilst escorting to Lorette an Old World tourist, of very high literary estate.
The inducements and reasons, which urged Congress into this measure, are known to your Excellency, and it would be no less unnecessary than improper to recapitulate the consequences, which must ensue from the success or failure of it.
Gerard observed, that it would depend on our going on the north or south side of the island, and insensibly leaving the subject of the wager, proceeded minutely to recapitulate his reasons for the one, and his objections to the other.
To recapitulate and make all clear we will suppose that the reader desires during the following day to be in a calm, self-possessed or peaceful state of mind.
Let us rather briefly recapitulate with Morcelli the principal ceremonies of the day: Station at S.
We may here recapitulatethe principal ceremonies of the day, as Morcelli has done in his Calendar.
In various parts of my journals I have alluded to other disturbing causes, which being all more or leas familiar to meteorologists, I need not recapitulate here.
I will not here recapitulate those acts, so fully stated in preceding pages, and established by evidence of documents and testimony which cannot be successfully denied.