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Example sentences for "daybook"

Lexicographically close words:
dawning; dawnings; dawns; daws; day; daybreak; daycent; daydream; daydreaming; daydreams
  1. He then counterfeited his master's handwriting, and completed the entry in the daybook which he had begun, making it appear that not only the casket, but all the money in the coffer, had been credited to Guzman.

  2. Guzman asserted that if the banker's books were examined the sum he mentioned would be found noted in them, and on the daybook being produced this was proved to be the case.

  3. In the meantime Morris had repaired to the bookkeeper's desk and was looking over the daybook with an unseeing eye.

  4. She's got her cashbook and daybook posted and she also got it a substitute.

  5. O'Neill's funeral establishment where Corny Kelleher totted figures in the daybook while he chewed a blade of hay.

  6. Corny Kelleher closed his long daybook and glanced with his drooping eye at a pine coffinlid sentried in a corner.

  7. The incidents of the Hudson's Bay men's journey to the Valley and the log of events during the post's building stand in bold orthography upon the daybook of the Fort.

  8. This is the record of my daybook in duplicate.

  9. This generally led to a pause of a quarter of an hour or so, during which Holm would sit watching her over his glasses while she entered up from daybook to ledger with a certain careless ease.

  10. She managed the old daybook with surprising ease; Holm glanced at her from time to time as she worked.

  11. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "daybook" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    album; annals; annual; blotter; books; calendar; catalog; chronicle; chronology; daily; daybook; diary; diptych; docket; fortnightly; inventory; journal; ledger; log; magazine; monthly; notebook; organ; pad; periodical; pictorial; pocketbook; record; register; registry; review; scrapbook; serial; table; tablet; timetable; triptych; weekly