I sat myself by her side; and as I contemplated her pale face and witnessed her grief, I fell into a train of melancholy retrospection on my numerous acts of vice and folly.
The business of life is to go forwards: he who sees evil in prospect meets it in his way; but he who catches it byretrospection turns back to find it.
In so doing, the opportunity afforded for special reference to members of his company will be improved; and perhaps our retrospection may arouse in other breasts a remembrance of past delight.
There is no retrospection without its tinge of sadness.
This fit of retrospection had been provoked by two letters which had come that morning.
They are occasions for retrospection and reminiscence.
Reckless of his destiny, here the manacled felon wore, with his gyves, the semblance of the most perfect indifference; and the seriousness of useful retrospection was lost in the levity of frivolous amusement.
Some retrospection ensued, which gradually led to the subject ever present to my thoughts.
It has been a painful, and a humiliating recital--the retrospection has been marked with anguish.
I sat myself by her side; and as I contemplated her pale face, and witnessed her grief, I fell into a train of melancholy retrospection on my numerous acts of vice and folly.
The reality was once enjoyed by the narrator, and there was a delight in the retrospection "sweet and mournful to the soul.
Bereft of all external enjoyments, and destitute of great mental resources, it was retrospection and futurity that gilded the dark evening of her days, and shed their light on the dreary realities of life.
This occurrence terminated my infantine serenity; from that moment I ceased to enjoy a pure unadulterated happiness, and on a retrospection of the pleasure of my childhood, I yet feel they ended here.
There will be noretrospection this evening, if you please," her voice rather metallic.
A good rider always smiles at the sight of a poor one, when a little retrospection should make him rather pitying.
There are men set about the ways of life who seem made only to fulfil the office of thorns; it is difficult for retrospection to observe that they have done anything but hurt and hinder the feet of higher men.
It requires a certain strength of imagination to realise the assured fact that he was once a "greatest living poet;" retrospection collapses in the effort, and credulity loses heart to believe.
But the good Asa showed that he was an "image" of Mary; and, in her Retrospection and Introspection, she has gratefully embalmed his memory in a text from the Psalms.
This arch-angelic romance, dimly and very distantly founded on fact, bears the esoteric title of Retrospection and Introspection.
Mrs. Eddy well remarks in her Retrospection and Introspection, that "Divine Science demands mighty wrestlings with mortal beliefs, as we sail into the eternal haven over the unfathomable sea of possibilities.
Mrs. Eddy's statement in her book, Retrospection and Introspection, p.
For this amazing snivel see Retrospection and Introspection, p.
Eddy's celestial and terrestrial biography, as derived from the supramundane novel, Retrospection and Introspection, and some other sources.
Such is the opening legend told to the marines of the Church Scientist, in that juicy book, Retrospection and Introspection.
From the Arabian Nights tales of Retrospection and Introspection, we learn that, before setting up her new church, the revelator "wandered through the dim mazes of Materia Medica.
Garth's retrospection was bringing him visions of things to come.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "retrospection" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.