The autopsy showed little save chronic myocarditis with brown atrophy, calcification of part of thyroid, non-united fracture of neck of left femur, moderate coronary arteriosclerosis.
It is interesting to note that the autopsy showed that death in her case was due to strangulation and not to the bullets.
The case was clinically unusual in that the picture of a pseudoleukemia was presented, with demonstration at autopsy of great hyperplasia of retroperitoneal lymph nodes and grossly visible islands of lymphoid hyperplasia in liver and spleen.
Perry, have contents of the autopsy report conducted at Bethesda Naval Hospital been made available to you?
The physicians, surgeons who examined the President at the autopsy specifically, Commander James J.
Assuming that was a point of entry of a missile, which parenthetically was the opinion of the three autopsy surgeons, and assuming still further that the missile which struck the President at that spot was a 6.
And are the findings in the autopsy report consistent with your observations and conclusions concerning the source and nature of the President's wounds?
Based on the information in the autopsy report about a 6- by 15-mm.
In order to move the President's body to Bethesda where the autopsy was to be performed, a death certificate had to be filled out in conformance with Texas State law to allow the body to be transported.
And have you noted in the autopsy report the reference to the presence of a wound on the upper right posterior thorax just above the upper border of the scapula, being 7 by 4 mm.
All were found dead, but it must be remembered that the autopsy was performed thirteen hours after the death of the patient.
A few days later Dr Romano made an autopsy of two other cats.
The case greatly resembled that of Hohmann, at the autopsy being found to be double sexed.
Valmont contracted marriage as a man and was not discovered to have been a female until the autopsy revealed her to be a woman.
The law is explicit as to circumcision; the cases presenting, if males, should be circumcised, but how to determine the sex where an autopsy alone will decide the question is not defined.
At the autopsy a calculus as large as an egg was found in the bladder.
A litter of kittens lapped the blood from the lungs of a glandered horse on which an autopsy was being made, and in four days almost their entire faces, including the nasal bones, were eaten away by rapid ulceration.
The autopsy showed the existence of a number of old glanderous nodules in the lungs which must have existed previous to purchase, more than a year before.
I need not refer to the case lately read before this Society, in which a physician went, soon after performing an autopsy of a case of puerperal fever, to a woman in labor, who was seized with the same disease and perished.
Similar precautions should be taken after the autopsy or surgical treatment of cases of erysipelas, if the physician is obliged to unite such offices with his obstetrical duties, which is in the highest degree inexpedient.
One of these same gentlemen attended another woman in the same clothes two days after the autopsy referred to.
Warrington stated, that a few days after assisting at an autopsy of puerperal peritonitis, in which he laded out the contents of the abdominal cavity with his hands, he was called upon to deliver three women in rapid succession.
It should also be stated, that during these seventeen days he was in attendance on all the cases of erysipelas in the house where the autopsy had been performed.
Several cases of erysipelas occurred in the house where the autopsy mentioned above took place, soon after the examination.
In June, 1823, he assisted some of his pupils at the autopsy of a case of puerperal fever.
Beginning in August, 1834, the Era and the Autopsy were run daily in London between the City, Moorgate and Paddington.
After the Enterprise, the Autopsycame from the Hancock shops, in September, 1833.
And it points to the work of an amateur," went on Scofield; "a professional criminal would know that the autopsy would disclose the earlier crime.
The doctors cannot be sure until the autopsy is completed of the exact hour of death, and, too, the lady next door may have made an error in time.
Why did you refuse the embalmed heart sent you by the physician who performed the autopsyon the dead boy in the tower?
When the autopsy was completed, a surgeon extracted the boy's heart and sent it to you, the Dauphin's sister, Therese.
At the autopsy the source of the hemorrhage was found in an ulcer of the pyloric region of the stomach.
The autopsy showed, in addition to a recent peritonitis, evidences of an old peritonitis.
It will sometimes happen that the autopsy reveals permeability of the bowel where total obstruction prevailed during the latter days of life.
The first objection is, that scars in the stomach, particularly if they are small, are liable to be overlooked or not to be noted in the record of the autopsyunless special attention is directed to their search.
At the autopsy three gummatous growths of the surface of the brain were found, and the vessels of the base were found to have undergone the special changes described by Heubner.
At the autopsy were found adhesions over the whole peritoneal surface and streaks of thickened pus between the coils of intestine.
In fact, Bricheteau, who reported a case from the Hopital Neckar, was able on autopsy to discover a rupture in a small artery of the intestines.
At the autopsy was found a cylindrical epithelioma of the stomach which had not given rise to characteristic symptoms.
Bachot had asked for the autopsy of his patient's brother.
Nobody suspected a crime, so no autopsy was held; the tomb was closed, and not the slightest suspicion had approached her.
The autopsy showed a state of things not precisely to be called peculiar to poisoning cases the intestines, which the fatal poison had not had time to burn as in the case of the d'Aubrays, were marked with reddish spots like flea-bites.
At the autopsy Zappert found the bone-marrow studded with non-granulated mononuclear cells, and the eosinophil cells were much more scanty than is usually the case in leukæmic bone-marrow.
The autopsy shewed isolated yellowish white foci of growth in the bone-marrow, reaching the size of a sixpenny piece.
The autopsy gave no indication of the cause of death.
In two cases the autopsy fully confirmed this diagnosis made during life.
Were your opinions at that time consistent with the findings of the autopsy report?
But based on the additional factors provided in the autopsy report, do you have an opinion at this time as to the number of bullets there were?
The wounds as described from the autopsy report and coupled with the wounds I have observed it would appear there were two missiles that struck the President.
Have you read and analyzed the autopsy performed by the authorities at Bethesda?
Were your views at that time consistent with the findings in the autopsy report, or did they vary in any way from the findings in that report?
They discussed the autopsy findings as I recall it, with Dr.
Have you had an opportunity to examine the autopsy report?
There is no basic conflict between what you have testified to or what you have said previously, and the autopsy report?
As I recall, the autopsy report is exactly as I remember it.
And are the facts set forth in the autopsy report consistent with your observations and views or are they inconsistent in any way with your findings and opinions?
And also based on the autopsy report from Bethesda---- Dr.
Have you examined the autopsy report made by the officials in Bethesda?
At autopsy the stomach and upper part of the small intestines showed hemorrhagic ecchymoses, with dilation of the dural vessels of the brain and cord, with a clot over a portion of the spinal cord.
The animal died during the night, and the autopsy was made the following morning.
The autopsy the following morning showed the heart filled with clots; lungs normal save for hypostatic congestion.
I ordered an autopsy but--Yes, I'm going to do that autopsy myself.
The heart continues to beat as much as three minutes after the animal has succumbed, and recentautopsy gives almost constant proof of asphyxia.
Report that Sir James Standsfield was strangled and not drowned, with account of autopsy (1687).
In examining at an autopsy the depth of a wound in reference to the instrument which caused it, it should be borne in mind that the wound may be deeper than the weapon owing to a depression of the surface by the handle of the weapon.
Such anautopsy does not, however, upon the trial of an accused render other competent evidence, as to the condition and appearance of the dead body at the time of the autopsy, inadmissible.
Also the thorax when opened at autopsy enlarges or expands a little, so that the measured depth of a wound may be greater than the weapon which caused it.
An autopsy upon a body before the soft parts have been entirely destroyed, or upon an embalmed body, should be conducted in much the same manner as ordinary autopsies.
At the autopsy disease of the kidneys was found, and death was referred to this and the inflammation of the brain due to the blows.
On autopsy these will be ascertained, while one or more portions or all of a bullet may be found imbedded in or attached to some bone.
The body should be placed on a high table, and the facility with which the autopsy is made will often depend on having the table high enough to render stooping unnecessary.
On autopsy only slight erosions and no intracranial or extracranial lesions were found.
The autopsy may be followed by an inquest held, not by the examiner, but by a justice of the district, police, or municipal court for the district or city in which the body lies, or a trial justice.
In some cases of sudden death nothing has been found post mortem, even when the autopsy has been made by skilled observers, and the brain and cord have been submitted to microscopical examination.
Never make an autopsy in criminal cases without a written order from the coroner or Procurator Fiscal.
In case of death, compensation has been awarded even when at the autopsy the patient has been found to have suffered from acute tuberculosis of the lungs.
But Cerizet would not allow that extreme measure; he remarked that after the autopsy of a straw mattress such detritus would remain upon the floor as must infallibly give rise to suspicion.
Just who performed the autopsy cannot be ascertained as the work was covered in the very comprehensive bill of $50.
West testified to having performed an autopsy on Beard and described the course of the bullet upon entering the body.
Curtis, and autopsy thereon," this bill being made out in the name of the superintendent of the graveyard and was allowed and paid by Snohomish County.
They were the physicians present when the autopsywas performed.
Mrs. Veal's ghost, from De Foe's autopsy of the apparition, evidently held no less a grade in the scale of shadowy society than that of Master Mason.
Trace has made His autopsy and comes and makes report To the coroner and the jury in these words:-- DR.
It did not take long to gather such meager information as there was about the autopsy that had followed the strange death of Sydney's predecessor.
As for the autopsy that was performed on Marchant, it did, indeed, show that he was suffering from hardening of the arteries, due to his manner of living, as Karatoff had asserted.