A Biographical Sketchof the Life of the Late Capt.
A briefsketch of the foreign affairs of Charles may make the situation clear.
There remains to sketch its course on the European continent.
Concerning the origin and development of each one of these major forms, a brief sketch must be given.
Any history of Egyptian affairs at the time of the events referred to in the present chapter would be incomplete without a sketch of Ismail Pasha himself.
Here follows a rough sketch of two figures, one intended for Sir Evelyn Baring, and the other for Mr. Egerton, his deputy in Cairo.
The sketch furnishes an Illustration of the compulsion which caused the purchase of New Orleans.
Here is another sketch of a soldier's friend who labored in some of our largest hospitals.
A history or sketch of science, or a logical effort, may help the reader some way up the ladder of learning; but they do not link themselves with his affections.
He then expatiates particularly on Hood's sketch of "Very Deaf indeed!
Uncle Corny, when he came to dinner, and my darling was gone with her sketch half done, and I had only dared to hover near her.
Then if I may be indulged in my crotchets, I would bring my daughter, who draws correctly, to make a careful sketch and colour it.
By the description and sketch in the manuscript, this seems a variety of L.
It was felt to be due the Regiment, that a sketch of this kind be prepared.
In this sketch of the military career of the 9th Ill.
I propose to add to this history of the Regiment, a Biographical Sketch of the present Field and Staff Officers.
With the death of Dom Luis de Athaide this rapid sketch of the successors of Albuquerque must end: he was the last great Portuguese ruler in the East, and none of the Viceroys who succeeded him deserve separate notice.
The following chapters are intended to give a short sketch of the leading features of the history of the Portuguese in India, up to the time when Portugal lost its independence and was united with Spain.
Elizabeth had moved most of the statues, transferred the Sargent sketch to the drawing-room, and put all the small archæological litter out of sight.
Sir Henry looked at the speaker, who had been violently flushed a minute earlier, and was now as pale as himself, and then at the sketch of Desmond, just behind the Squire.
Elizabeth looking up caught the fire light on the sketch of Desmond.
He did not publish the preliminary sketch of it for twenty-five years.
Henry Strachey in {9} his sketch of Raphael calls attention to the fact that none of the great contemporary Italian humanists were in Rome at this time.
Charity Pirkheimer, afterwards the Abbess of the Convent of the Poor Clares in Nuremberg, deserves mention in this regard as much as her {526} brother, but the sketch of her career properly finds a place among the Women of the Renaissance.
Even this brief sketch will suffice to show how greatly music developed during Columbus' Century.
In the same sketch Osler adds: "Fracastorius draws a remarkable parallel between the processes of contagion and the fermentation of wine.
When early in the sixteenth century he published a preliminary sketch of his theory, one of his ecclesiastical friends remarked to him that he was giving his generation a new universe.
As if these were not enough to show an artistic temperament, while still scarcely more than a boy he began to design and sketch and even mould objects that he was interested in.
The sketch of it here presented gives an excellent idea of how simple and yet properly ornate for monumental purposes the Spanish architects were making their buildings at this time.
Let us give a further sketch of the duties of the best man.
This can be done by sewing the leaves on a piece of drugget on which some artist has drawn a clever sketch with chalk and charcoal.
The most superficial sketch of the life and character of John Wesley would be imperfect if it did not touch upon this subject; for, after all, it is as the founder, and organiser, and ruler of these societies that John Wesley is best known.
Here the sketch of this famous controversy, which was certainly a marked feature of the eighteenth century, may fitly close.
Church abuses' must still form a painfully conspicuous feature in any sketch of the ecclesiastical history of the period.
But this sketch would be very imperfect if it failed to notice the eminent laymen who helped the cause.
A special charm lingers around the memory of Bishop Ken, but his name can scarcely be made prominent in any sketch which deals only with the eighteenth century.
Footnote 734: For this reason, among others, not much has been said in this sketch about Wesley's opinions, because they were different at different stages of his life.
The most general sketch of its characteristics would be imperfect without some reference to the influence which his life and teaching exercised upon it.
It is now time to close this sketch of the method in which this great writer--one of the few really great divines who belong to the eighteenth century--handled the mysterious subject of the Trinity.
The central picture of the Nativity, after Correggio's 'Notte' at Modena, was exceedingly fine as a sketch in colours.
Bishop Berkeley's name could not be passed over even in such a sketch as this without a sense of incompleteness.
SUN: I have read with great interest your sketch project for the international development of China as embodied in your letter of February first to me.
Each part of the different programs in this International Scheme, is but a rough sketch or a general policy produced from a layman's thought with very limited materials at his disposal.
Neither in a sketch like the present shall we have space to give more than we have done--a general idea of the city.
It is full of everything of the best, and you can scarcely open it at random without striking upon some sketch or dialogue to enchain the attention.
The best sketch is the story of 'Old Sugar,' which is illustrated by an exceedingly fine drawing by Darley.
The spot where I meant to sketch lies off to the right, in the middle of the wood, and I see now that the afternoon light will not be as favorable as I thought.
Now you see what comes of being too wise about anything," said he, regarding his sketchwith a sigh.
I merely want to sketch in the outlines of the figures," the artist responded.
In Guercino's first sketch of his Angel and Child, the angel points to heaven with his left hand, while he enfolds the child's hands with his right.
The sketch of Mandeville's opinion given above will afford a key to the drift of Mr. Browning's poem.
It may be best to offer some slight sketchof Hohenlohe's life.
Before entering into a somewhat lengthy description of Arabian literature, it is necessary to give a short and rapid sketch of Arabian history, beginning from the time of Muhammad, as his Koran was the foundation of the literary edifice.
But Ibn Al-Mukaffa rendered such services to Arabian literature, that a short sketch of his life will presently be given.
Certainly Ralph Mohun thought so, as he listened to a sketch of the proceedings with a grim satisfaction edifying to witness.
I'll try to sketch Guy Livingstone as he appeared to me then, at our first meeting.
I bought the different species of fish brought to market, in order to sketch eight of them, and compare them with those of the Nile lower down: most are the same as in Nyassa.
Write Sir Bartle Frere and Agnes: send large packet of astronomical observations and sketch map to Sir Thomas Maclear by a native, Suleiman.
Livingstone gives an animated sketchof a soko hunt.
Adolphe Sibilet, supremely unlucky, as we have shown by the foregoing sketch of him, was one of those men who cannot reach the heart of a woman except by way of the altar and the mayor's office.
This slight sketch will give an idea of the square of Soulanges, adorned in the centre with a charming fountain brought from Italy in 1520 by the Marechal de Soulanges, which was not unworthy of a great capital.
The sketch from the illuminated manuscript of the Romance of the Comte d'Artois, of the fifteenth century, which forms our cut No.
It was Le Roy who drew up the first sketch of the "Satyre Menippee," each of the others executed his part in the composition, and Pithou finally revised it.